Not suitable/safe for work or NSFW is an Internet slang or shorthand tag used in e-mail, videos, and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forums, blogs, or community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which contain nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, violence/gore or other disturbing subject matter, which the viewer may not wish to be seen accessing in a public or formal environment including a workplace or school.
I never heard of this termin before I came to Steemit. I am not against it but it's good that we can label such a posts with this #nsfw tag if there is some nudity or other content which may bother you or people who may accidentally look what you are reading or watching.
Here some few new images I've done today in Adobe Photoshop for @eSteemapp. They will be used inside the application in the nearest releases hopefully.
Not Safe for Work
Searching for the content
This one supposed to be for "No image" illustration but will suit for searching as well. If you want to offer your ideas I am always open to smart metaphors, please suggest in the comments.
Sticker Pack
I've added these characters to my current eSteem Ocean sticker pack as well. It is awailable in Telegram for free now.
Yeah, Internet and NSFW. Had some problems with it at work. Now I cautiously click on unknown links. xD Art looks fantastic. Though I must admit, it took me couple of seconds to spot and understand that there is a baby whale.
I was thinking about it! Glad you've confirmed that thought... Maybe I shall choose another point of view for this idea or different color. I will take a look, thank you!
hahaha funny cartoons how i wish i can make those funny cartoons in my own.. I like eating seafoods but I can't eat the whales.. :) the funny cartoons facial expressions are nice... I am a baby whale hahaha joke..
Nice post bro
Yes 😂
Awesome work, once again.
Thank you very much! :)
Wow ..its was awesome ..i will use it ..Thank you.
Thank you! Are you using Telegram as well? Is it popular in your country?
Awesome and cute design!
I love posts about design and illustration, so you have a new follower!
Thank you! :)
That's great and the first of the first line in the last image is funny and I can relate to it. What does it stand for?
First line in the last image? What do you mean?
In the last image for the article, the first icon is that of a cute fish belly up and x eyed. :))
Oh I got it! You might be talking about this one. This supposed to be a dead fish emotion. If someone is asking how are you and you feel bad or sick for example. Or maybe someone says something awful that is killing you :)
please explain more fully about NSFW @dunsky
What do you want to know more about it? :)
How anyone in 2018 has not heard the term NSFW is beyond me, but great that you wrote this post :) Has anyone figured out how to permanently change the display setting to 'always show' without it resetting all the time?
Haha :) Yes, it is shame for me not to know but this is how it is. Maybe this is because I am working at home for last 10 years and I do not usually watch anything like that and popular social medias are blocking such a content without any rules for tagging...
Looks like it is a bug in Steemit! My settings are resetting for the new login as well! Recently I've started to work on new computer and I am unable to save settings at all. On my other devices with old logins everything is fine but here is not... I've tried few different browsers as well. I am choosing Night Mode and English as Steemit language but after refreshing the page it is coming back to default with my native Russian (translation is too long and it's not really handy to use).
Awesome (Y).
Cool character design... love it!
Love the illustrations, simple yet very creative.
Thank you very much!
AHAHAHA i really like the no Safe for Work !!!
Great work @dunsky
you inspire me !! i will get back to my pencils and papers :)
Haha, thank you! Nice to hear that! Drawing is one of the most interesting thing for me so glad you will get back to it!
You would think using NSFW would be bad for a steemit posts in terms of exposure I've found that is not the case. There's an artist I follow who I enjoy very much, who draws big, massive, naked tits. He/She always uses the NSFW tag and the posts still do very well and get a lot of likes.
No, I don't think so. I didn't tell that. But your notice is very interesting. I haven't put NSFW tag on my post because I don't want it to be screened.
Hi! Glad you're back! Hope to see your new awesome photos soon!
Cute art! NSFW has it's own place and should not be shunned. In due time we'll see lots of it here, in all forms, both soft and hard, and it's not something to push away but to embrace in a positive, contextual, and intelligent manner.
Fortune shine upon you.
Thank you! I have same thoughts about it.
LOL!!!! 😹 Hilarious!
Ahaha :) Thanks!
I just downloaded esteem. Thank you for mentioning it, I didn't know there was an app.
You're welcome!
I love this idea, all those stickers are great!
Just like @moviebuff it took me a while too, to spot the baby. At first I thought the whale was eating popcorn 😅
Ahah! I was thinking about pop corn too! Will change it quickly add diversity for sticker pack for sure!
Thanks for sharing! A link to your post was included in the wiki article about NSFW. Thanks and good luck again!
Wow! Thank you so much :) It's really nice to feel I've made some contribution into this community.
nsfw is p0rn
You are right but not only that. There are different types of nudity which is not prn but also nsfw. There are some aggressive images which can be marked as not safe for work too. I’d rather said any content which is not safe for viewing under 18+ age is that. If you are in the office you prefer others not to see that you are browsing such a content, right? This is NSFW.