Hi Steemian ...
This article is part of a recent passage on "The Origin of the Name of Singkil". To avoid mistakes you can read past posts here: The Origin Of Singkil Names Sesion #1
Then what does Singkel mean? The author calls it "SINGKEL" because the original writing is so, then in 1978 turned into Singkil. If the Singkel State Prosecutor's Office still uses the word Singkel until now, not Singkil.
According to a legend that is still in the tightest story by some people, especially in the area of Simpang Kanan (Cinendang). Once upon a time there was the story of a new man named SOKAN in the village of Gala-gala Cingkam settlement Tanjung Mas (now Mount Meriah district) Aceh Singkil district, Lae Cinendang river basin (DAS) approximately 10 km from City Rimo or 50 km from Singkil City.
The tradition of the Singkil tribe The newly married man must stay together in his in-laws' house for at least a year. Apparently between the in-laws and the Sokan (son-in-law) is less accurate because the Sokan has no job / fixed income. The Sokan is not fed by the father. his father-in-law, then among them put a deep sense of hatred.
Friends of the singles Soek (pekhana children) concerned about the circumstances of his friend, because the friend of the Sokan has a social status that qualified him to offer work and business capital to the Soek is looking for oil "UMBIL" lime tree resin to be camphor.
Capital assisted by a friend of the Sokan is shopping (bekel) to find the lime must be to the forest in the form of Beliung (tool to find lime sap), cooking tools, and basic food ingredients as much as one Kirabet Ambung, namely Sangkal Beliung equipment / needs (look for mothballs). Including also the dry and hard buffalo tongue that is included in the Kirabet's Ambung to last for weeks as a fellow rice / vegetable si Sokan in the forest.
For weeks the Soek searched for and collected umbil / kapur muse, and after collected fully in the kirabetnya ambung, he went back to the village and continue his journey down the river down to the downstream Cinendang upstream / estuary big river Singkil because the Sokan know there is Bandar (port) foreign ships stop by to buy spices including camphor.
The location of the Port / Port which was destroyed by the tectonic earthquake waves in 1861 AD Now the location is called by the fisherman of sigambung tip and some also call it Berok. Well when the Sokan peddle / offer lime should be to foreigners the Sokan just say: SEKKEL? SEKKEL? Because Sokan does not know any language other than Singkil.
Sekkel means want? like? Then the stranger was flabbergasted with the word SEKKEL, because the stranger did not also understand the meaning. But he was interested in the goods sold / offered the Sokan the camphor (umbil) quality. The stranger returned to the sailboat to report to his boss.
The next day the stranger returns to land and searches for the Sokan but who is asked not the Soek but the Sekkel; where is Sekkel? Then there was a trade deal between Sokan (Sekkel) and stranger (VOC). Really beyond the alleged results of the first sale of the umbil other than the money the Sokan also bring goods, food, household goods and others as much as 7 (seven) boats (in Singkil language called "BUNGKI MINE") there is also a call it; "BOAT CATER".
Furthermore, if the VOC stops at Bandar Pelabuhan to transact spices and camphor (umbil) foreigners first find the Sokan with the question where SEKKEL, long ago itupun called SEKKEL, in Portuguese accent CHINQUELLE and other foreigners called SENQUIL so in the map of Petrus Plancius in 1592 AD has been perpetuated under the name "SINGKEL".
The origin of the name SINGKEL as the story of the Sokan as far as the author has not been recorded / written in book form, but the story remains strong remembered, held for generations, as the answer to every question from where the word Singkel selalui answered from the word SEKKEL, when the author was age elementary school has been asked the same answer that comes from the word SEKKEL. The Kings of the Eighth even if they made a contract of agreement or agreement with a third party or with the Dutch they named the kingdoms of Singkel or the Vice-of-Singkel.
Referensi: Books - Warisan Sejarah dan Budaya Singkil Karya Drs. Mu'adz Vohry. MM.
Best Regard,

Berapa bang biaya membuat rumah tradisional asli Singkil?
Kurang tau juga bang. Hee...
Gak tau kalau masalah harga. Ha
Amazing... Good job friend... Kau luar biasa 😎😎
Terimakasih cuy. Anda lebih luar biasa. You are my inspiration.😊
Memang lagi manjahhhh 🤣🤣🤣
Parah... Wkwkwkk...
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