Image of Deep-sea dragonfish by
The first of the deepest fish images in the deepest ocean is the Deep-sea dragonfish, or translated into Indonesian means deep sea dragon fish.
Deep-sea dragonfish, before inhabiting the sea with a depth of 2 km originally lived in the upper sea, it's because the egg egg Deep-sea dragonfish is at sea level.
The Deep-sea dragonfish captures its prey with light that it can remove from the barbell (an organ to feel its attachment to the lower jaw) with a method known as bioluminescence.
Yang ketiga dari gambar ikan di lautan dalam yang paling menakutkan dan jarang sekali terlihat oleh mansia adalah Blobfish atau Ikan Bob.
Blobfish ini menghuni perairan dalam lepas pantai daratan Australia dan Tasmania / Selandia Baru yang kedalamanya 1200 meter.
Megamouth Shark or a big mouthed shark also includes a frightening deep-sea fish. This shark is one of the rare species of sharks...