According to recent research results, ginger as a supplement or a natural ingredient used for food and drink is known to have many benefits to overcome various health problems, such as chronic diseases and obesity. Even so, health experts still can not recommend a specific dose for prevention purposes, but they say that eating spicy ginger is a smart choice to maintain a healthy body, and even to burn fat many times.
Eating Ginger and Research Results to Burn Body Fat
In a recent review published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, researchers examined the results of 60 studies on cell cultures, animal and human labs. According to the author of China Agricultural University, overall, the results of this study have built a consensus that ginger and its main ingredients have beneficial effects against obesity, cardiovascular disease and related disorders.
The authors focus on studies with different aspects of the metabolic syndrome, a combination of 3 or more risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The metabolic syndrome is the development of health problems that have reached pandemic proportions, which today affect a quarter of the world's human population.
Source: Well-beingsecrets
There are many interesting points on potential strategies for overcoming and preventing metabolic syndrome, including non-pharmaceutical options. And ginger, it is one of the most consumed spices in the world, and has had histrory usage as an herbal remedy to cope with various kinds of mild health problems. This happens because of the existence of various phytochemicals and antioxidants contained in them.
The fact is that there seems to be some mechanism behind this superfood power of ginger. The paper describes how spices play an important role in burning fat, digesting carbohydrates, and insulin secretion. Ginger also has the ability to inhibit oxidative stress (a form of cellular senescence), has anti-inflammatory properties, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, reduces atherosclerosis, and piles of harmful fats in the arteries.
The evidence for this benefit is stronger in the test tube and star research than in humans. When fed to mice, for example, ginger provision has been shown to significantly reduce weight and systemic inflammation, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, and protect the body against the harmful effects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Only a few human clinical trials have been studied have an effect on the condition, which is likely due to the challenges posed by complex chemical composition and lack of funds. Researchers also include 10 tests in their review. However, the results of this study suggest that eating ginger can increase calorie burning and reduce hunger, which is associated with weight loss in overweight adults.
This method is also associated with positive changes to cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, inflammatory proteins, and liver health. Studies in humans have also seen that ginger can be made in various formulas, including capsules, tablets, and powders dissolved for beverages. Marrie-Pierre St-Onge, of Columbia University, said science still lacks clear guidance on formulations and how best to get the clinical benefits of ginger.
This field still exists at a time of further exploration in terms of assessing the impact of various spices on human health. However, research on this subject is really very promising, especially in vitro and animal studies. According to St-Onge, nowadays people should know that ginger is rich
I have experienced the benefits of ginger. I like to add it for flavor, but the health benefits are fantastic! Thank you for sharing this information. Makes me hungry!