greet the morning // menyapa pagi

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

hi stemit lovers, good morning, compact greetings and close friendships always, hopefully this morning we are given the ease of starting to move to the activity until we arrive back later to gather together again with the family, of course only by hoping the help of God Almighty, and hopefully we never forget in gratitude for what God has given today, because only with gratitude we will get additional favors that we ourselves do not know when it comes and from where

hi stemit lovers, selamat pagi,salam kompak dan jabat erat selalu, semoga pagi ini kita diberi kemudahan dari mulai beranjak menuju aktifitas sampai kita tiba kembali nanti untuk berkumpul bersama - sama lagi dengan keluarga, tentu saja hanya dengan mengharap pertolongan tuhan yang maha kuasa,dan semoga kita tidak pernah lupa dalam bersyukur atas apa yang sudah diberikan tuhan hari ini, karena hanya dengan bersyukur kita akan mendapatkan tambahan nikmat yang kita sendiri tidak tahu kapan datangnya dan darimana



the sighting of these two sparrows is one of the sides of our earthly life, that we should participate lovingly and be grateful for all that is in the vast expanse of the earth that we always pant this

penampakan dua ekor burung pipit ini adalah salah satu sisi dari kehidupan kita dibumi ini, bahwa kita sudah sepantasnya ikut menyayangi sekaligus mensyukuri akan semua yang ada di luasnya hamparan bumi yang selalu kita pijak ini



the other side we can see this morning is the reddish yard with a flower display that is blooming in the morning and provide a motivation for us of course to be more courageous in facing this life with all the challenges and obstacles that exist in it, that a courageous determination is always based on and identical with our soul, may the red color that I show this morning, become a trigger spirit of stemian friend in supporting activities and routines

the other side we can see this morning is the reddish yard with a flower display that is blooming in the morning and provide a motivation for us of course to be more courageous in facing this life with all the challenges and obstacles that exist in it, that a courageous determination is always based on and identical with our soul, may the red color that I show this morning, become a trigger spirit of stemian friend in supporting activities and routines



hmm ,, to keep the body and mind always in a fit state, fresh fruit is also indispensable and we need, to support the inspiration and motivation in carrying out all our activities, consuming fresh fruit is also one demand that we must always fulfill, digestion, motivate in every thought and of course, this also can be healthy certainly

hmm,, untuk menjaga badan dan pikiran selalu dalam keadaan fit, buah - buah segar juga sangat diperlukan dan kita butuhkan, untuk menunjang inspirasi dan motivasi dalam menjalankan semua aktifitas kita, mengkonsumsi buah segar adalah juga satu tuntutan yang harus selalu kita penuhi, demi melancarkan pencernaan, memotivasi dalam setiap berpikir dan tentu, ini juga bisa menyehatkan pastinya


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