Olah Raga "YOGA" (Sub: ENG-IND)

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)



Sanskrit yoga comes in the sense of "unity" with "nature or creator". Yoga has nothing to do with any particular religion or belief. The concept of yoga is an ancient collection of ancient spiritual practices that flourished in India. Yoga is divided slightly with Buaty Yoga, Yoga Yoga, Karma Yoga and Ragga Yoga. Yoga is now due to the popularity of yoga on the world scene.

The doctrine of yoga was built by Mecca Pticaji, a famous Indian teacher. The lesson of yoga vocabulary is applied science. Yoga means that the appropriate Yuj is in the individual soul (paramiman / pupusa). Mirista replaces Batakia Yaje Kuttenorodhda (ie, "Katorunnirodha").



Yoga sanskrit datang dalam arti "kesatuan" dengan "alam atau pencipta". Yoga tidak ada hubungannya dengan agama atau keyakinan tertentu. Konsep yoga adalah koleksi kuno praktik spiritual kuno yang berkembang di India. Yoga dibagi sedikit dengan Buaty Yoga, Yoga Yoga, Karma Yoga dan Ragga Yoga. Yoga sekarang karena popularitas yoga di kancah dunia.

Doktrin yoga dibangun oleh Mecca Pticaji, seorang guru India yang terkenal. Pelajaran kosakata yoga adalah ilmu terapan. Yoga berarti bahwa Yuj yang tepat ada dalam jiwa individu (paramiman / pupusa). Mirista menggantikan Batakia Yaje Kuttenorodhda (yaitu, "Katorunnirodha").


Dreams of my life but cant get it but i can appreciate it so appreciating it nice job finest post i ever liking heartly its my dream to do may be in future but your post awesome keep it up