PIDIE - Six illegal miners in Gampong Cot Kuala, Tangse Sub-district, Pidie, were sentenced to six months in prison by the Sigli District Court. The verdict was read by the Chief Justice Safri SH along with Judge Member Zainal Hasan SH. MH and Samsul Maidi SH, on Tuesday (20/3) in the court room of PN Sigli. "The defendants were found guilty of having conducted a gold mine without obtaining permission from the government, and sentenced to six months imprisonment," Chief Justice Safri SH said as he read the verdict in the court room of PN Sigli, Tuesday (20/3). In addition, the panel of judges also decided that one unit of the beco type of equipment is returned to the owner.
The reading of the verdict was heard directly by Prosecutor General Prosecutor (KejU) Kejari Pidie, Taqdirullah SH and six defendants accompanied by two lawyers Said Safwatullah SH and Asa'ari SH.
AJNN's monitoring in the courtroom, the six defendants together with two lawyers received the verdict after being questioned by the Panel of Judges.
Read: The Panel of Judges PN Sigli Postponed the Illegal Mining Law of the Gold Mines
Furthermore, the Panel of Judges shall give seven days of thinking time to the defendant and the Prosecutor to take legal action if the objection to the verdict is read out.
Meanwhile, Chief Kejari Pidie through Kasi Pidana Umum (Pidum) Yudha SH when confirmed AJNN said it would appeal to the High Court (PN) Banda Aceh. Because the verdict is not in accordance with the prosecutor's demands of 2.6 years in prison. "We will file an appeal, this is not in accordance with our demands, especially as evidence, a unit of heavy equipment is returned to the owner, while our demands are confiscated for the state," he said.
Based on the procedures and provisions of the prosecutor's office, said Judah, if the verdict is less than half the charges, then it must appeal. "So we submit an appeal," he said.
Source: ajnn