- I have not written in the steemit world for so long today, so today I will write again about Acehnologi's studies on the section "Acehnologi in the struggle of Identity" with subtitles 'History of Persia and Shia in Aceh'.
*Aboebakar, mentioned as a place of Shi'i in North Aceh, there is a grave that 'smelly' persia. The place is not far from the sea and the river. A local archaeologist mentions that, there are no traces of the peureulak royal palace. However, he found some tombstones, and from the results of his analysis the stone is from Persia. Thus, many scholars are now more interested in exploring the existence of the peureulak kerajan rather than explaining how the meaning of history to the tombs that smell 'persia'*
**Furthermore, to talk about Shi'ism in Aceh we can see from several aspects, one of them, the problem of Shia in Aceh is part of the extension of the conflict in the Middle East. They are Shi'ites who are oppressed in their home country. The traders who are referred to as the 'Islamic mission' bearer successfully bring influence to Peureulak residents, Aceh. So that the problem of Shia can already be seen from history since the Peureulak kingdom, as the oldest kingdom in the archipelago.**
*In Indonesia, Shi'ite groups are not officially recognized because many of the issues are misleading. For this reason, in Aceh often talks about the Shi'a because in Aceh has applied Islamic law for those who menginjakan legs in the land of Aceh.*