Halo world
Hello Steemian around the world
Hello fellow esteemers wherever you have been
In this post I would like to say hello Steemians. Especially to loyal ESTEEMer wherever you are. Esteemer whom always using the application for blogging on this great platform and you post your best articles on it. Maybe I am one of many steemians around the world whom feels many benefits that I can reach by posting and blog writing by using Esteem . According to me Esteem is very useful because they supported by @esteemapp @good-karma @feruz @demo @bitcoiner and many others, it really motivated and supported to users whom has little steem power and newcomers who complicated to get upvote supporting on the platform.
I knew this application since April 2017 and I start blogging this great application and I got many benefits and useful for me, my blog and absolutely my daily earning.
I have ever wrote on special post by title “Basic setting to arrange good writing on Steemit by using Esteem applications”. Why I call this post is very special? This post reached 1.075 views and 75 upvote by steemians. I believe it can bring good reading material to Steemians. If you want to visit that post, I share you the link, click this link.

Week by week, Esteem upgrading their application that developed by Feruz or always known as @good-karma. For example about upvote method, a couple weeks ago the esteem application is not only giving us an upvote for our post, but the rewarded us in some fair comments (long comments), Esteem appreciate users whom write fair and good comments and it gives us 2 up to 3 upvotes in daily. I think this is a good way to invite user to view and review the other user’s post. That time many spam comments almost in many various account, Then Esteem developer taking good solution for pending giving reward on comments because @good-karma avoid to share some auto upvote on spam comments (as such as good post, nice post, nice, etc). That is best solution for eradication spamming in the applications.

The Biggest Things in Esteem Application
Application of Esteem has many advantages, such as:
You can change the 58 types of languages in the settings to set the languages in the current Esteem app, which is special for me is Esteem has the language of my country and locality, that is Bahasa Indonesia, and my local language is Aceh ( Basa Acheh).
You can also turn notifications on esteem, including notifications available on this application is notification of vote, comment, follow (followers / unfollow), mentions, and Reblog.
You can set the mode in the esteem application by taking on the configurations part, and selecting the on or off button on the night mode script.
You can also choose other configuration in this Esteem application as well as setting the voting percent when you want to share upvote on steemian’s post.
Then the Currency, the currency we can see in our post on esteem application, we can choose Indonesian currency (IDR / rupiah), or currencies in other countries, after I do the currency calculation in this application, I get 30 kinds of currencies, incredible numbers for an amazing app. Again this app becomes amazing one.
In the Esteem application also has a draft that we can use to store unfinished writing; it is also very useful for me and other esteem application users.Esteem also has Bookmarks that can be used to keep friends important news .
You can also transfer and exchange STEEM or SBD (Steem Dollar) on esteem.

Absolutely this great application that I had which bring many advantages that empower all users in Steemit platform. Certainly I still really expect more things in this application such as:
- About activity notifications on Home.
- Vote value on the post generated by each user, so we can find out how much the vote of others given to us.
- Account activity that we can view on the application Esteem.
That's all I still expect to do in an esteem app, so users like me are more likely to benefit from the completeness of this esteem application.
Grateful and million thanks for everything that you have done for this great application. Good job My Witness @good-karma. God blesses you.

Wow nice! Good luck!
Thank you bang @yandot 😁👍
please help vote have me.
You,re so good
Thank you very much @aanselo
Postingan yang sangat bagus
Good luky 😊😊
Terima kasih @siatteuk 😁👍
Bereh that
Terimoeng geunaseh @nisaalifa
Sma2 tgk kandang beh hhhh
Hahaaa, get cut kak @nisaalifa
Bek tuwe neu vote si gege hhh
Get @nisaalifa, bereh nyan 😁👌
Vote lon hy ct
Salam kenal @alanmirza saya baru di steemit dan saya sudah mencoba app esteem, informasi ini sangat berguna bagi saya. Terima kasih
Sama-sama bang @atalontuan
salam kenal kembali 😊👍
Good luky @alanmirza
Thank you @zeul
sahabat bantu saya supaya bisa seperti anda !!
pliiss sobat
Apa yang bisa saya bantu bang @abdullahj
bantu saya supaya bisa sukses seperti anda..??
langkah yang bagaimana supaya banyak divote oleh steemians..masukkan no hp saya kegrup wa anda..supaya saya bisa belajar.
saya tidak punya komunitas....
Rajin berkomentar pada postingan steemian lainnya...
jangan menulis spam, seperti meminta upvote dan follow...
lebih jelasnya anda bisa membaca postingan @abduhawab, yang saya bagikan pada dinding saya...
Mungkin itu saja 😊
Mantap that bg @alanmirza,please chek in my steemit@naziyatulakmala n fallback bg ea
Okay 😊👍
Salam dari Lhokseumawe...Teurimoeng geunaseh @naziyatulakmala
assalamualaikum kiban gure
Wa'alaikumsalam, rakan mantong neu sapa, hana mangat sagai neu hoi gure, hahaaaa
Hhhhh... Lon butuh bantuan droneuh.. Makajih dron kajeut keu guree steemit lon
Hana nyann...
rakan mantong, pu gure2 hana meujan 😀
Han neutem bantu syara neuh teuman heee
putra man yg ta bantu nyan ??