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RE: Offline

in #essay8 years ago

It has elements of both Stonehenge, as well as the Washington monument, and the leaning tower of Pisa. In this work of art, I can see the canine struggle to express it's species as strong and powerful after years of being dominated and neutered. The lone Hershey Kiss apart from the main creation symbolizes the isolation the artist is feeling by not being a part of the wolf pack community.
To create such a masterpiece through such a lowly medium speaks of your dog's incredible intellect and expressive ability. If this picture was taken right after the piece was created on a cold winter's day, I would definitely say "Steam on".


LOL. wow thanks for the awesome response, it's beautiful xD. It was just another lazy saturday afternoon for us

@lpfaust had something to say

@lpfuast that is hilarious! Written with my nose in the air waiting for Buffy to bring me my slippers. And my pinkie is out as I hold my brandy snifter.