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RE: Part One: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods & The Rise Of The Black Nobility

in #esoteric7 years ago

I think you did a mighty fine job making it understandable. I'd heard a lot of these things before, but the way you brought them together makes it feel like a timeline, it allows to see the development better. I'm with you, it's impossible to continue taking things for granted and ignoring the clear machinations of what you call the Black Nobility.

Socrates believed the best way to find answers was through asking questions. It may sound basic, but it's very true. We've been spoonfed information from the time we were born, both as individuals and as a society. It's high time we became conscious of what we put into our minds.

I'll be looking forward to the second installment. I'm making my way through Part 1.A though. A lot of things I didn't know in that one, that's for sure.

Keep up the fight! And, of course, steem on!