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RE: Part One: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods & The Rise Of The Black Nobility

in #esoteric7 years ago

A tad late to be commenting on this but DAMN was this a good read. It gave me a whole new perspective as to the story of the Annunaki. I found the gold-mining-race bit quite bizarre, but your interpretation helps me get my thoughts in order.

I'm a skeptic, both of the established "truths" and the alternatives presented by ones such as yourself. I do not know to what length you've hit the nail on the head, but you've opened my mind to lots of things I hadn't considered. And the weight of the evidence is... well, astounding. The dragon and serpent imagery is everywhere. Just look at the Pope's Audience Hall! What the hell? I must say, something fishy is going on there, as well as everywhere else in the Vatican.

I do not know the nature of the chains that bind us, but I feel them there, digging into my skin. I've felt them for years and each day I see them more clearly. I hope that we can someday break free.


Hey @steemedchitty Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post, I know it's a long one. Equally sorry for the delay in replying but I wasn't around at the weekend so I've been catching up on messages plus I had to run my usual monday night music club :)

The post was actually fairly difficult to write and that was firstly because of the vast timescales and equally becuase I was trying to make it accessible to people that may not have heard this information before. I'm not a fan of talking shops that leave the new reader scratching their heads and lost in a sea of words and so I'm really glad that it enabled you to put things into some kind of perspective and equally formulate your thoughts.

In relation to being a skeptic that's a healthy basis to approach anything from. Don't trust what I or anyone else has to say on such matters, that said I feel your intuition has led you to an awareness that in reality the world is nothing like we think it is. There is something very strange and nefarious happening around us, it's like a web that draws tighter with each passing day. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it ... I don't profess to have all the answers, but I do know we should be asking a hell of a lot more questions. I will be writing part 2 as soon as I'm ready .. I've just been a bit too busy to give it the attention it deserves and I'm not prepared to rush it, but watch this space :) Thanks again my friend.

I think you did a mighty fine job making it understandable. I'd heard a lot of these things before, but the way you brought them together makes it feel like a timeline, it allows to see the development better. I'm with you, it's impossible to continue taking things for granted and ignoring the clear machinations of what you call the Black Nobility.

Socrates believed the best way to find answers was through asking questions. It may sound basic, but it's very true. We've been spoonfed information from the time we were born, both as individuals and as a society. It's high time we became conscious of what we put into our minds.

I'll be looking forward to the second installment. I'm making my way through Part 1.A though. A lot of things I didn't know in that one, that's for sure.

Keep up the fight! And, of course, steem on!