The internet has unleashed boundless opportunities for those seeking knowledge. Never before has so much information been available to the common man.
Whereas there had been tremendous amounts of knowledge sanctioned within the borders of formalized institutions, secret societies, mystery schools, and other disparate groups specializing in the discovery and teaching of segmented bodies of information, the internet has allowed the sharing of knowledge to a degree never before possible.
Personally, this is an opportunity I have taken advantage of.
Whether driven by simple curiosity, or some sort of "higher calling," I've spent many years digging in the corners of the net, devouring all kinds of lesser-known wisdom and metaphysical keys to the universe.
Throughout my searches, I've found some good stuff. And it was about 4.5 years ago the search seemed to have almost ended, having found a particular source/teacher whom provided access to what I (didn't even know I) was looking for. (No point sharing that here, as public access is closed at the moment).
Since, I haven't come across anything that even came close.
Until about a month ago, when a friend from that circle recommended Sevan Bomar.

I'd shared a couple of his videos on The Future Of Money and Metaphysics Of Cryptocurrency, though even those were just the beginning of my intro to the guy. What was found when going deeper... did not disappoint.
Now, for a straight-up disclosure: I am not recommending everyone watch this.
This won't be everyone's cup of tea.
If you're not already interested in metaphysics, the esoteric, the occult, philosophy, etc, you probably won't enjoy this. And if you don't have a solid grasp of the English language, this might be very difficult to digest.
And, as I'd said in the earlier post, his teaching style isn't exactly straightforward and the most elegant.
There are times he can seem scattered.
It takes a while to really get into some of the subjects.
It's not easy to follow along with all the time.
It might even be easy to get lost and confused, if you can't quite yet see the bigger picture and connect the dots while he's zooming back-and-forth.
Despite the less-than-perfect delivery, the content he gets into is some of the highest vibe/degree I'm come across anywhere.
From enlightened insight into frequency, diet, evolutionary dynamics, extraterrestrials, ancient alchemy, and a vast range of interweaving topics that have probably only been available in select secret societies and scattered text buried in ancient relics... this stuff is dope.
While his main program is the paid "InnerVersity course" available through his Secret Energy platform, there are plenty of free videos on his Innerstanding YouTube channel... including a 9-part series called "The Keymaster."
As warned, these videos won't be for everyone.
And given it's something like 15+ hours of content, it will take a hefty investment of time and energy to commit to, should you feel inclined to do so.
Most of these, I've had to rewatch to absorb the full amount of content. It gets very heavy, deep, and requires full-focus to really get this stuff.
Though is it a worthwhile investment?
That depends on you and your preferences.
If you're not at all into subjects like these, you probably won't miss out on anything by carrying on.
If you do have interest in subjects like metaphysics, the esoteric, secret society knowledge (not the conspiracy theory crap, but the actual goods taught within the mystery schools), then these may very well be worth trying out at least one or two of the videos to see if this is a teacher you vibe with.
So without further ado, here is The Keymaster series by Sevan Bomar...
For more excellent content from Sevan Bomar, feel free to check out his Innerstanding YouTube channel, where there's a ton of free videos.
And there's also a bunch of goodies available on the Secret Energy site for those willing to shell out a bit of cash for some of his other courses and products.
Again: this is NOT for everyone.
But if for whatever reason, you resonate and feel interested to pursue this rabbit hole... happy travels! ;-)
As a seeker, @rok-sivante, I'm always looking for pin points of Light, here and there, and notice there is an emergence of spiritual teachers, life coaches, etc... I tend to respond more to masters from time-honored traditions, Dao, Sufism, etc.. But, I also recognize that truth is, somehow, always renewing itself and finding ways to be retold in our modern world.
Thank you, for the introduction to Sevan Bomar. Perhaps, I can interest you in a short essay I've written on a related subject: Seeking the Light Through Literature
This is an introductory piece to a special issue of World Literature Today magazine, on "Belief in an Age of Intolerance" that I was fortunate to be invited to guest edit. In turn, I invited on board poets, thinkers, and artists that I admire who, in their way, are also light workers.
I do hope something here calls out to you, fellow pilgrim _/|_
Very interesting. When I'm back home ill going to listen and see if i will vibe with that guy.
Heads up: He can be a bit scattered and tough to get into at first, but once you get past the hump, holy fuuuuuuck....
I have an interest in all the subjects u mentioned above 😃😃😃
This would be a must watch for me.
I am bookmarking your post and will watch all the videos one by one.
I can get an idea from your words that I have found something amazing.
Thank you for sharing this. I will surely leave my feedback about it to u after I watch all of these 🤩
I agree, Incredible, so much knowledge that get in the post it
incredible information is very good, thanks
Already start to watching, first 2 video was good hopefully next videos will also good. Thanks for this important videos sharing
talking about it must be admitted extraordinary benefits, but not a few who also use the Internet to do evil and harm others
Please my vote my new Post my ID@mohabat
Not a chance in hell you’ll EVER win my support with this approach.
There IS a high chance you’ll continue to get yourself flagged if I catch you continuing spamming such begging like this, however...
The #1 Thing To Do If You Want Upvotes (And Exactly What NOT To Earn Follwers And Respect)...
Taking A Stand Against Spam On Steemit: When To Law Down The Law…?
The beggars in this platform are periodically increasing. Is like we introducing them to the platform aren't telling them the good guide line surrounding this beautiful platform @rok-sivante
Hence why I tend to take a pretty hard stance when I encounter it. Seems like it might be working, as I’ve seen less of it since on my personal blog, at least. hope to set an example and pass on the lessons, so as to let the ripple effect carry on...
Yeah if we continue with the way you handling this people begging for upvote, the platform will notice a new shape.
Happy new week @rok-sivante
May your new week be great and may All you heart desire be achieved without stress. May You have reasons to continue to smile
May you family always see a reason to say thank God i had @rok-sivante as my dad and husband
Success for you boss
hey Mr @mohabat, don't begg for voting here. begging is curse here. "Steemit Beggars" making this beautiful platform a garbage, so beware in future you should be flaged.
I'm interested with metaphysics, I've got this interest when I watched the movie, "The Secret"...I'll try to watch one of his videos and see if it entice me to dig more of his teachings. Thanks for sharing @rok-sivante, sir...
your post my verry important @rok-sivante thanks for sharing post
a very good post about the knowledge I am very interested in reading it @rok-sivante
Thanks so much for sharing. Watching right away. @rok-sivante
a good post .. I really appreciate every good post you. thanks for sharing
Hopefully this post is useful for many people especially people who have interest in subjects such as metaphysics, secret society knowledge and esoteric as you have mentioned above. Keep working @rok-sivante, always success for u and best regards...
here the videos of Seven Bombar are nice addition. but i am sorry to say that i have no interest in metaphysics because it is not my subject. any way I appreciated your efforts and my Support with you.hiii friend, @rok-sivante, always love to visit your quality content. There is no doubt that @steemit is a platforam just like a bunch of flowers. Here we can search, learn, teach and share informations of every field. you can get about every thing which you desire.
This is my favorite branch of philosphy
there are certain things that are only explanatory, only after taking a metaphysical look
Hello @rok-sivante. I enjoyed your post, I dont have time this morning to watch the videos but I thought I'd share something with you.
Maybe you know of David Wilcock, he has a weekly series on called "wisdom Teachings", it is something I look forward to each week. Unfortunatley it is a subscription website site. I have gifts so that I can share a video with you. The video is about Geometry in Solar System, somthin I think you may enjoy.
Infact, my curiosty was sparked by this gentleman about 10 years ago, and is one of the main reasons I decided to study Physics. I was so interested in the esoteric I knew I needed to understand reality more.
We have one life and must understand our personal alchemical process.
I hope you get to watch the video, I'm sure you will enjoy it. If you did let me know, i have another few gifts left this month. Maybe I could share another.
Have a good day @rok-sivante
Was watching one of the Keymaker vids last night and he mentioned Wilcox...
Have heard of Gaia more than once, though never got on yet. Perhaps shall take a look sooner or later...
Yeah honestly Rok, I look froward to new episodes every week of different shows. I think it's well worth watching and subscribing. So much stuff to watch you'd never run out of shows to watch, its the netflix for "spiritual" people.
The link is a gift so you have i think 72 hours to watch the link.
From one "truth seeker" to another I think you'd really like it. L
oh cool. thanks for the clarification, as I didn't get the "gift" bit.
shall definitely check it out in that case. thank you. 🙏
Hmmm. That was rather interesting. Now I’m curious about what else they have on Gaia, damnit. Lol.
Was hoping to avoid it altogether, as there’s already so much other content backed up to watch and listen to already. May have to give it a shot sooner or later, though, as yeah, pretty cool stuff... :-)
I'm glad you watched the video. I told you there was loads on there to watch, I never get bored of it.
My favourite shows are "Wisdom Teachings" by David Wilcock, and "Cosmic Disclosure", where David Interviews insiders of the Secret Space Program.
I took it with a pinch of salt first of all, but after seeing over 100 episodes, I came to the conclusion that it is very very unlikley the Insiders are lying, it's hard to maintain a lie over 100 episodes especially with D.W interviewing.
His latest insider to come forward is a man called Emery Smith, who apparently worked in a surgeon role in military where he was given extra terrestrial tissue to handle, and also met a number of different Alien species.
I know it can sound a bit mad at first exposure, but after considering all the information I am now on the agreeing side of the fence.
Maybe you saw, the first month subscription costs $0.99, I think after a month of such material you may become hooked haha.
Have a good day Rok :-)
your sale skills are overpowering my resistance. feels like only a matter of time before I'll cave in and give it a shot... lol. :-)
Haha that made me chuckle man.
It kind of was a bit of a sales pitch huh.... Maybe I should promote them for commission.
But in all seriousness, that platform in some way changed my life, it propelled me into curiosity and gave me reasons to keep pursuing my academic studies through tough times. The least I owe them is to expose them to more people, especially genuinely interested people.
Plus I assume you're quite influential so it can't be a bad thing if you like and share your views with others.
Now buy that damn subscription hahaha.
Im curious if you use discord or another place to chat. Maybe we could have interesting conversations...... Just a thought.
Have a good day Rok :D
Very interesting to me! I have been absorbing as much of this kind of knowledge as I am able to, as well. I haven't yet checked out this particular body of work, but will add it to my repertoire.
I have been about to go through some of my Michael Tsarion stuff. I have a ton of his stuff from over the years (mostly stuff prior to cryptocurrency emerging), but along a similar thread.
Thanks for giving me an idea to post about soon, as well as the excellent recommend.
Will take my time out to watch the video. This is not something you digress in a second. I got watch it till i got the message to the apex @rok-sivante. The truth is we owe the internet alot and i am ready to give it my attention. Alot of opportunities roaming in the internet and am glad am gradually following up
@rok-sivante have you checked on the link i sent you regarding the guy who was collecting money just to lecture some newbie on steemit. Funny enough he is not even earning.
Yeah, I responded on that comment...
Internet has created a ocean of opportunities for each and every individuals and its on us how we actually grab this opportunity and stand tall in this world ....
Good post and meaningful, sometimes people have not been able to understand, thank you very much for his motivation.