Hey thanks for lending your support and leaving such a great comment, I really appreciate it. The nano particles are literally microscopic so I don't think it would be that, although the morgellans disease is interesting to look into but don't worry I don't think you have anything like that!
I think it's like you said your body has compensated for your hearing. There is actually a rare condition where people can actually view vibrations and see the vibrations that music etc gives off! I tend to pick up on vibrations and I can usually feel peoples personality/energy as I speak to them. It does come in handy sometimes but equally to pick up on negative energy can be draining. It sounds as though you are really in tune with your body and that could be considered a gift, indeed mind, body and soul as one is an ideal sought throughout the world ;) thanks again for the great comment @nabes
No problemo @perceptualflaws Im glad i got to read your amazing post!
I looked it up I dont have Morgellans disease, its hard for me to explain in words, id have to draw you an image of what happens to me, especially when I close my eyes it gets pretty intense.
Ive hurd of people seeing the vibrations, and thats cool that you are in tune as well. I think everyone is actually intuned with "the source, god, deities" whatever you wanna call it, they just have been so brainwashed and subdued by modern conditions they think its freaky when these events happen to them.
as I think you wrote, "everything is in balance, and when balance is distrupted everything becomes chaotic" or somethign like that