Over the years I’ve been involved in this field of study I have kept many quotes and much source information and certainly, (aside from current events) an contributory factor behind writing this now is that much information is being removed from the internet. I have spent a great deal of time trying to track old references and papers; some I have found whilst others I have had to add (mostly with original source info) although some of the links are now dead, hence why I want to get these posts stored on the blockchain.
Before we start I want to add; whether you're spiritual, religious, agnostic or an atheist, the interconnected nature of the web I'm going to discuss comprises of some serious individuals, as such it doesn’t really matter what you, I or anyone else believes. These are the people with tangible and verifiable real world power, and they very much practice what they preach! To add further clarification; I am also relaying an intent and not defining our future, the power to change our current direction is still very much in the palm of our hands. Welcome to the Bloodlines Of The Serpent God’s Chapter 3!
What I want to highlight, is that each aspect of the move towards a one world religion is (to a large degree) officially connected to the United Nations and the UN affiliated Lucis Trust. Equally, this spiritual one world momentum is funded by the same globalists that are nudging us towards a one world government. One world government, one world religion and through technological apotheosis a micro-chipped internet connected population. As we proceed through the three parts, I will also highlight how they are using a "climate emergency" to bring in their control system and create the foundations of a one world religion that will increasingly demand our scarifice to the earth. As I have ad nauseam highlighted; I am in no way saying everyone involved in these movements has a malintent, I am saying that they're being unwittingly drawn into a nefarious singular intent. Of course, at the outer ripples of such an agenda you need to make the concept palatable and thus to acheive this ideal you need genuine people who believe themselves to be a force of positive change.
We can think of this chapter as a three stage process; first I will discuss the esoteric and Luciferian context that sits behind the United Nations and affiliated one world religion movements. Then in part 3.A we will discuss how this narrative/control model is being officially expressed through (corporate sponsored) fake environmental/social change NGO’s, COG’s and think tanks, who are using the context of a "climate emergency" to restructure our society. Then in part C we will discuss how the compromised NGO’s are in turn feeding the social change operatives and the fake "grassroots" movements that are there to (unknown to the vast majority of members) manufacture the consent of the populace, and elicit legislation that is intended to slowly nudge us towards a total control system and a corporate takeover of nature.
By the end of part c I will have hopefully elucidated my research to the degree that it will become apparent that each seemingly unconnected aspect of our media fueled (mainstream & grassroots) environmental movements are connected to the same ancient control structure. Once I have finished I will have at least attempted to display that (like a pieces of a puzzle) each part is both relatable with and connected to the macro bigger picture. This post is not intended as a debate on the validity or indeed invalidity of global warming, whichever side of the fence that you sit these issues are going to affect us all.
So let’s dive in at the deep end, let’s take a look at how the structure of secret societies, political and corporate institutions are beginning to look increasingly akin to the Babylonian control model I discussed in part one. Firstly, I want to relay a rudimentary explanation of how the hidden power structure operates. From the most simplistic perspective, and in many ways, it is a modern incarnation of the ancient council system that sat atop the aforementioned mystery schools we touched upon earlier in this series. They are recreating the Babylonian control model and using it to create a worldwide Babylon, which they term the “fourth world”.
There is no singular entity/named group (i.e the Illuminati) that are attempting to claim dominion over this world, for they have their fingers in every pie. Although intricately connected, It isn’t just the Zionists, it isn’t just the Catholic church or the Jesuits, it isn’t just the freemasons or an untold array of secret societies, governmental control structures, banking institutions, NGO’S, COG’s, think tanks and non profits, it is both none of them and yet it is also all of them. Whilst this system is comprised of a myriad of parts, it is also greater than the sum of its parts.
There are a plethora of secret societies (a reinterpretation of the ancient mystery schools) that in certain areas, and through select individuals are loosely philosophically connected to the aforementioned council. For the most part (aside from certain interchangeable individuals) the various collectives are often unknowingly compartmentalised aspects of the greater whole. The majority of individuals within these collectives will be unaware of the “great plan”, but they will have certain commonalities and narratives that will help it move forward. This template of unstructured control repeats itself through many of the organisations/movements I will discuss in parts B & C and as we move through the three parts, the construct of this control mechanism will become increasingly apparent.
From my own research, I very much believe that the serpent council is utilising and hiding behind principles of the dark occult. Within the dark occult, to name something is to have the potential ability to control it, as such the council remains nameless and the names of its bloodline architects are historically transient and as such hidden. Many of the (not so) secret societies are named/known because they’re controlled by a higher power. Equally, the nearer you travel towards the core of the power structure the more hidden, aware and insidious the societies become.
Let’s take a very brief and basic look at how this template relates to freemasonry. Let’s say, 95% of freemasons will be unaware of the “great plan” or indeed of an agenda that sits behind the Masonic doctrines. Although they will be aware of associated official and unofficial lodges that are (often tenuously) connected to the main body of masonry, the vast majority will remain unaware of the teachings that transcend and indeed sidestep a 33rd degree that is itself only accessible through the Scottish right of freemasonry. My own research points towards 100 degrees of initiation; from some perspectives, the 33rd could be considered not as the epitome of esoteric or Masonic wisdom but as a potential initiation point.
Within the upper echelons of masonry there are a relative handful of individuals that are aware of the bigger picture (again the same format is repeated throughout NGO’s and political movements) and although they remain invisible they are there as the eyes of the agenda. If a certain individual (through character traits/social standing/real world power) is identified they will be monitored and their details passed to relevant societies, if validated/approved at some point they will be approached and asked to continue their induction. There are a profusion of official and indeed (through certain individuals) tenuously connected unofficial societies that overlap the core of masonry.
People can be filtered into known lodges such as the Ordo-Tempil-Orientis and Rosicrucian’s and equally dark Luciferian orders that exist beyond the sphere of public awareness. Only by progressing through (again oft very tenuously) connected orders does the broader narrative begin to be revealed. This is why if you speak to the vast majority of Masons and accuse them of being embroiled in a plot to claim dominion over the world, they will look at you as if you’re certifiably insane.
Why do I believe I know how this template works? A: life has put me into contact with some interesting people B) I'm very well read C: I have studied patterns of the exact same template playing out in many aspects of business, government and NGO's etc (revolving doors), equally I have highlighted on many occasions (including throughout these posts) how certain individuals can connect many obscure strands. If it's not broke, why fix it?
Luciferianism (under many names/guises & from the Babylonian to the modern age) is from a simplistic perspective the glue that binds the globalist agenda. Again, within the compartmentalised nature of this system there will be dark Luciferians and there will be people that identify with Luciferianism but believe themselves to be a force for enlightenment. Equally, we will have individuals and collectives that are practising aspects of Luciferian ideology without the knowledge that they’re doing so.
I liken it to the ripples caused by dropping a pebble into the center of a mill pond, a pool of illusion. The closer you travel to the source of the ripple, the darker and more insidious the belief system becomes. As the ripples begin to broaden, they’re still born of the same intent but the agenda becomes more official and palatable. It is at these broadened ripples that we find the United Nations and associated organisations such as the Lucis Trust, who begin to express this aspect of the agenda/control mechanism as regeneration, “sustainable development” and environmentalism, i.e the UN agenda 2030 I will discuss in the next part of this chapter.
Through environmental apocalypse fuelled fear, propaganda, societal nudging and the science of behavioural economics; once they have captured the minds of the youth and galvanised a corporate sponsored envronmental movement, they can begin to fulfill their desire for a fake (scientfically manipulated) revolution and a false awakening whose intent is to give birth to a one world religion. Our current manipulated, indoctrinated and environmentally fuelled youth rebellions and the elite delusion of a one world (Luciferian seeded) Gaia religion, are intended to become gradually and insidiously fused as a singular entity. Slowly but surely, the public will be socially engineered to express the loss of freedom, self-determinism and individualty as both a virtue and a sign of our dedication to to the earth.
Throughout this three part post I will highlight that seemingly unconnected NGO’s , GOG’s, think tanks, environmental charities and grassroot movements are all connected to the same agenda and are being utilsed to create a powerful collective voice. Again (I want to make this very clear) the vast majority of the individuals within these institutions will be unaware that they are connected to the same agenda, but within each institution there will be certain (potentially tenuous) commonalities that help drive the plan forward. To facilitate this seismic societal re-engineering programme; at the outer ripples (the ground level) we find social change operatives and the aforementioned (oft fake) grassroots environmental movements, they are being used to manufacture the consent of the general population. Through a labyrinth of interconnected individuals, funding and common ground, each aspect remains loosely connected to the whole, it is a work of evil genius.
Light Within?
Many practice aspects of Luciferianism and are unaware of it. Many do not have a dark intent but consider themselves to be a force for enlightenment or light bringers. Many equate Luciferianism with the kingdom within that I discussed in part 2 and relate it to the worship of self, I shall give you an example. Phosphorus is an essential component of DNA & RNA and within this aspect of Luciferianism they believe Lucifer to be an allegory of phosphorus. Indeed, without this component spiritual energy/consciousness could not manifest in the physical realm. Our DNA contains phosphorus and this lights the flame of consciousness.
Sticking with phosphorus; I’m very interested in the history and construct of modern words for they often tell a story in of themselves. Within Egyptian myth; Horus/the force for good reconciled with Set/the force of disorder and darkness, so here we have a potential allegory of one entity containing both dualities. Indeed, within the Islamic faith the anti-Christ or Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl, "the false messiah, liar, the deceiver" was "blind in one eye". So as we can see below, hidden in the word Lucifer we find Horus, the all seeing eye and within the story of Horus we have the concept of duality.
That said, early depictions of the story are very different and portray Set as the "hero god". Indeed, during the early Dynastic Period, Peribsen (the sixth king of the Second Dynasty) chose Set as his patron God. From the new kingdom onwards, Horus becomes the hero of the story. Are we witnessing a similar narrative change? Certainly, the all seeing eye of Horus has been woven into pop culture, secret societies, Freemasons and equally (as shown above) the Catholic church.
Lucifer = Latin for the ancient Greek phosphorus Phos = Light Horus = Egyptian sun god, synonymous with the all seeing eye Horus = The one on high/ meaning above Light above/Light Bringer = Lucifer
Horus is also associated with Harpocrates (the god of silence) who’s initiates express the knowledge of the secret by placing their fingers upon their lips. This is an image that is popular within the cult of celebrity worship and again pop culture.
The descent of these solar Angels was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice, as is suggested in the name “Lucifer” which means light-bearer.source
Whatever your thoughts, by looking at the literature of the Lucis Trus, tthe esoteric aspects of the United Nations (and it's affiliated organisations), it is a clear that (as shown above) they worship Lucifer as a spiritual entity. They believe they’re preparing the earth for the return of a “world teacher” a “cosmic Christ” that within Christianity is termed as the anti-Christ, they await the transformation of humanity (apotheosis), and that they’re aligned to the one world system of governance and a one world religion.
Through high ranking Catholic members of secret societies we can observe the hierarchy of Catholicism beginning to move towards the concept of "interfaith", which is itself a stepping stone towards a world religion. Certainly, the momentum appears to be heading in that direction. And again through it's Holy Sea the Catholic Church is both connected to and holds NGO status within the United Nations, and permanent observer status within the same UN economic and social council as the Lucis Trust.
In religion too, even though the focus is on more timeless truths, there will always be different ways of interpreting these truths and leaders must wrestle with the question of which interpretations are most appropriate for the evolving consciousness of their congregation. The efforts of Pope Francis to reform the Roman Catholic Church can be viewed in this light. Taken from the Lucis Trust newsletter.
2016:The meeting of Pope Francis & Russia’s Patriarch Krill. In over 1000 years this is the first meeting between a Pope and Russian Patriarch.
2016:Pope Francis meets the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar mosque. Again a historical first meeting between these religious figureheads.
2015-2018:Indeed in a series of world firsts Pope Francis has met leaders across the entire spectrum of religion and politics. Individuals that the Pope has met have included the Grand Mufti’s and political leaders of Istanbul & Egypt.
2018:In another world first the annual Bilderberg meeting is attended by a Vatican member of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
Again, I very much believe that the majority of Catholics are good people, equally as I highlighted in chapter one I also believe that at its inner core it is a reinterpretation of the Babylonian mystery religion.
The Inner Ripple
At the core (the inner ripple of the control structure) the intent is revealed as an insidious inversion of the natural order. The names/terminology may be transient (it has been known by many names) but at its most simplistic it is a modern incarnation of the unstructered governance that sat atop the Babylonian priest class. As highlighted in part one, these roots are both prevalent and displayed within the Catholic Church. The below image is of Moloch
Moloch is the Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, and one of the attributes of Lucifer is the winged bull. Moloch is also synonymous with the god Baal (bull of the sun). The above sun symbology is used throughout the Catholic church and the below mosaic is found within the walls of the Vatican, and it can also be viewed on this video.
Nowhere is the intent of their inversion more simplified than within the picture below. It is also not a statement on the twin serpents or the Kundalini energy I dscussed in part 2, I use it to highlight that we are following an inverted state of being.
If you want to understand the state of being we should be manifesting, then please understand it to be the antithesis of our current world order and subconscious messages of power, greed and narcisism.
Breaking Eggs
Although the vast majority of the outer ripple will not recognise the nefarious intent of the inner core, they’re still expressions of it. Once again, it is the glue that binds and guides the direction the world is moving in. Even outside of the inner ripples, many practioners of Luciferianism have a very idealistic perception that relates to societal structure. They seek scientific legitimacy within the concept of social Darwinism, and history tells us "survival of the fittest" can evolve into the concept of eugenics. They have an endgame that requires breaking a few eggs to achieve it (the phoenix/ordo-ab-chao), unfortunately those individuals and belief systems that fail to adhere to the doctrines of the new age of enlightenment, are the eggs!
The system (which is the official aspect of the inner core) is designed to reward the worst attributes of man, to nudge us towards our fall from grace. It is designed to make us all complicit in our fall for it is our money that is funding the wars and the atrocities, our purchases that fund child labour and methods of battery farming. It is designed to bring us to this moment of crisis in order that the phoenix can rise from said crisis. The people that created this system and the throwaway culture are many things but they’re not stupid, they created this transient business model to accumulate power/wealth/control/resources and now they have them they can use fear and guilt attachment to usher in a new era of techno feudalism. They want it all; privatisation, commoditisation, monetisation and dominion of the natural order, all land, sea, rivers and resources, and by part C I will have displayed how they intend to achieve this ideal.
Becoming Our Own God’s
Within my hypothetical philosophical musings I have written extensively about the universe and indeed the nature of reality being akin to an evolving fractal. Within this hypothesis I’ve pondered that we are each an aspect of and intimately connected to a greater whole, and that within a fractal the part (us) contains the totality of this whole. The concept of a fractal reality connects to aspects of ancient esoteric teaching; that within us resides God’s kingdom and that as we are each an aspect of God, this inner kingdom connects us to the macro cosmos of creation. The difference being, that whether you believe that god’s kingdom resides within us (that we are each an individual expression of the whole) or indeed you are an atheist; the Luciferian (now scientific) promise of Apotheosis is (I believe) at its dark core/intent a lie, it is a lie that will be sold to us through technology and it is a lie whose intent is to enslave us as the transhuman. The rush to become gods (to transcend/transform) is the path to enslavement and that is the great lie.
Although much of the occultic knowledge that’s within the public sphere of awareness is lower level, it is also often relayed without a depth of understanding/nuance and associated character development. Within the old world (and indeed modern remote tribal communities), such knowledge was only bestowed upon those that had attained the appropriate levels of balance and humility, yet now we have magick and spell books being marketed towards children? Or you can pay £199.99, go on a course and become a shaman!? In terms of shamanism (true shamanism), some people were born to walk that path and others will get lost along the way. Such knowledge without wisdom is a dangerous combination, and it should never be used to attain power or self-gratification.
In this era of self and celebrity worship, narcissism and greed, we can see the path being laid before us, for these mind states are the societal ripples of the dark Luciferian agenda. They have taken all of the old knowledge relating to psychology and physiology (both known and unknown) and inverted it as a tool to nudge us towards an inverted state of being, to retain the upper hand throughout their cultivated crisis.
* Henry Clausen (Supreme Grand Commander 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason) * Robert McNamara (Former US Secretary of State & president of the UN world bank) * Alexis Johnson (Former US Undersecretary of State) * John D. Rockefeller * The Rockefeller Foundation * The Marshall Field family
Previous trustees include Henry Kissinger, John D. Rockefeller and Robert Mcnamara. As the spiritual foundation of the United Nations they’re spreading an interconnected web of influence across every sphere of society and political ideology.
"Through the philanthropic and humanitarian work of such people as George Soros, Bill Gates, Kofi Annan and Bono, to name just a few, people are beginning to recognize the needs of the world's destitute people and acting to do something about them. There is talk by Soros and another thinker, James Tobin, about the creation of some type of tax upon financial transactions that would be used to support domestic programs in the developing world. Humanity surely has the ability to institute these and similar changes; it just needs the will to do so." http://www.lucistrust.org/meetings/fullmoon/talks/02gemtalkny.shtm
Organisations sponsored by the Lucis Trust include:
*The United Nations Association
*Greenpeace International
*Greenpeace USA
*Amnesty International
*The World Wildlife Fund UK (WWF)
If you believe NGO's like Greenpeace & WWF to be virtuous, I would suggest researching their history and greenwashed corporate connections. In the video above we can find WWF founder Prince Philip equating human population with the plague. Equally, as I highlighted in this post, the Prince fails to acknowledge both his own and broader Royal persecution/desecration of the animal kingdom and associated environment.
Under the umbrella of UN protection and through the aforementioned labyrinth of interconnected NGO’s, think tanks, non-profits, political charities and ground level social change operatives, the spiritual UN are aggressively pursuing (through the veneer of love and the mantra’s no one left behind) the globalist one world ideology.
Due to its official connection to the united nations the Lucis trust enjoys diplomatic immunity and like other UN affiliates and NGO’s (including the IMF, World bank, IPCC and many many more) is exempt from taxation, customs duty, prohibition and restrictions on imports and exports and is immune from search, requisition and confiscation. The details on UN agency protection can be found within the 1947 UN charter of corporation. The Lucis trust is connected to the council on foreign relations, the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral commission, and again deeply embedded within the narrative of an innumerable profusion of NGO’s. Indeed, through its harmonised one world focused world goodwill programme (which is well worth reading and speaks to the “coming world teacher”) the board has often overlapped with the trilateral commission.
Equally, we can see many globalist institutions including The Rockefeller Foundation, WWF, CFR and Lucis Trust all linked through the funding arm of the Windsor bank. When I first started researching this subject; Windsor bank had an online presence that listed all these connections, alas it has since been deleted but through google cache a site called conspiracy archive have the original Windsor bank page held here, including all connected/funded organisations.
Through its World Goodwill programme the Lucis Trust is "aggressively involved in promoting a globalist ideology". Indeed through its Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities it mirrored the UN's own Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Signatories to world goodwill include:
Helmut Schmidt
Malcom Fraser
Shimon Perez
Robert McNamara
Paul Volker
Jimmy Carter
Pierre Trudeau
We also find the terminology mirrored by through the UN's & UNICEF "goodwill ambassador" programmes.
"an accredited non-governmental organisation with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations” and maintains “informal relations with certain of the Specialised Agencies and with a wide range of national and international non-governmental organisations is an activity of the Lucis Trust".
In order to place a closer focus on the work of the United Nations, and in particular the Sustainable Development Goals, the blog World Goodwill at the UN provides up-to-date reports on important UN meetings and processes. The new Sustainable Development Goals for humanity set a transformative agenda for the fifteen year period 2015 – 2030. Never before has there been such a broad-based dialogue and negotiation between governments, civil society, business and academia to determine achievable goals and targets. Lucis Trust Website
The Lucis trust was formally located at 666 3rd Avenue, united nations plaza and is now found at 866. The trust also manages the UN’s meditation room. The room measures 33 feet long and 18 feet wide, the number 33 is both a Masonic number and equally is relatable to the occult anatomy of man I discussed in part 2, i.e the 33 interlocking vertebrae of the human spine, equally the number 18 is comprised 3x6=18. The room is designed as a pyramid on its side, with a mural in place of the capstone (remember the capstone is missing from the Great Pyramid). The rooms alter is designed as a trapezoid and this shape is often associated with the dark occult and demonic manifestation. A middle order within the church of Satan is known as the order of the trapezoid..
The trapezoid alter is the largest iron ore magnetite ever minded, and it was gifted by the king of Sweden. The alter weighs 6.5 tons which equates to 13,000 pounds and it is said to possess a powerful polarity. The room is highly magnetically charged (remember part 1.a when I discussed how the ancient cultures used magnetism and sound vibration to induce altered states of consciousness, and 1.b where I highlighted that through EMF’s this ancient knowledge has been inverted/weaponised) and the alter rests on a pillar that descends all the way into the earth’s bedrock. It is believed that the pillar transfers earthly energies into the alter, which then combined with certain rhythms/rituals can induce altered states of consciousness.
As with any truly occult or spiritual symbol, this room represents more than meets the eye. It is replete with significant symbols, and the numerology, astrology and sacred geometry that are all a part of this very small room radiate their own silent but powerful spiritual vibrations, invoking the Soul of those who seek to work through this organization for the benefit of humanity and the planet. Taken from the officially UN affiliated Aquarian age community website, more info in a minute.
The mural at the far end of the room comprises of 72 pieces, 27 of which form the shape of pyramids. In keeping with the multi-faith nature of the room and the growing one world religion (which will be varying shades/degrees of Luciferianism) the number 27 is associated with tolerance of belief, cooperation. With Kabbalistic teachings there are 72 angels and within the The Lesser Key Of Solomon: Ars Goetia there are 72 demons (the aforementioned Rosicrution order were very interested in controlling said demons). One degree of the earth’s precessional movement also equates to 72 years. The number 72 can be derived through the arrangement of valves assigned to the four letters of the tetragrammaton or JHVH (the unpronounceable name of god). The number 72 is also displayed with the number of quinaries (set of 5 degrees) within the 360 degrees of the zodiac, 360 divided by 5 = 72.
The UN flag displays the earth divided into 33 sections. The purchase of the land to build the UN headquarters was instructed by Nelson Rockefeller and financed by his father John D. Rockefeller Jr. The secretariat building within the UN headquarters exhibits proportions that are (like the great pyramid) based on phi. Anyone that read chapter 2 will know of my appreciation for the genius and hidden messages within Stanley Kubricks films; from that perspective and in relation to the esoteric UN desired "transformation" of humanity and the similar themed subject matter of 2001 A Space Odyssey, the fact that the UN headquarters bear a dimensional similarity with the 2001 monolith, has not gone unnoticed. Coincidence? Quite possibily, but connection noted.
The UN headquarters are considered international territory, they have their own fire service, security force and postal administration that produces their own stamps. Similarly to the Vatican, the Washington district of Columbia and the city of London I discussed in part one, it is akin to a city within a city. This concept is personified by the Arnaldo Pomodoro sphere within a sphere (city within a city?) sculpture that is displayed within its grounds. So let’s head into the security council building.
I could write an entire post relating to the mural that hangs inside the UN security council, but today I’m just going to make a couple of (relevant) observations. Of course we have center stage the obligatory phoenix who is standing over the ashes of its parent, although in this image it also takes on the likeness of a stork, bringing the children of the new age of transformation (over the coming months/years keep a mental note of how many times you the terms transform/transformation), apotheosis.
At the center of the mural we have the vesica pisces I discussed in part 2. Within the vesica pisces we find the story of original sin. In the background we find a young Adam & Eve & Lucifer (the serpent) can be seen handing Eve the fruit of forbidden knowledge. The image in the foreground are Adam & Eve observed after the passage of time and their first child (Cain) can be observed at the feet of his parents.
The image above is taken from a stone carving born of the Hittite empire and also used within the Roman empire. Notice how the face and wreath symbology uncannily matches that of the United Nations, coincidence?
The Hittites were an ancient group of Indo-Europeans who moved into Asian Minor and formed an empire at Hattusa in Anatolia (modern Turkey) around 1600 BCE.
The Hittite Empire reached great heights during the mid-1300s BCE, when it spread across Asia Minor, into the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia.Source
“And I believe that when you go to the U.N. and take the tour, if you have the opportunity to go into the General Assembly building (it is usually quiet and silent when you are there on the tour), you can know that this is the house, the only house, where the Avatar of Synthesis has a physical presence.”
Channelling At The UN
Firstly, although I'm open to the idea that the vast majority of channellers have a good intent and could indeed be channelling spiritual entities, I believe these entities to be false prophets that are leading us towards the direction of a one world order. They say all the right things and cover all the expected talking points, yet (for me) something doesn't sit right, and I always follow my gut instinct. Whichever way you look at it, the proponents of a spiritual united nations certainly find validity in these channelled messages and indeed the foundations for the Lucis trust belief system, the incarnations and prayers were all channelled.
So lets look into the documented Kryon channelling sessions that were performed for UN officials at the society of enlightenment and (and there is that word again) transformation, once again S.E.A.T have official connections to the United Nations and are a member of the staff recreation council. Under the UN's spiritual Caucus, the UN meditation room is also used for regular channeling sessions. The Kyron channelling sessions I've heard, again discuss unity, a world teacher, and the transformation of humanity .. basically the one world system. If you're looking to create a one world religion/one world government then such a message would be expedient to the cause and equally draw those that are aligned with channelling/esoteric/spirituality etc towards the UN.
I think they're trying to draw lots of tenuously aligned groups into a singular spiritual narrative, the foundations for a one world religion. I don't doubt that many of these individuals have good intent but when you start following the money trail behind the organisations and arrive at the same powerful globalists that are pushing for a one world government, well I think we can see the direction the world is being coaxed towards. Of course, if you want a one world religion, at it's outer ripple (the public face) it's going to have to be seen as something good for humanity and virtuous.
Kryon at the United Nations? YES!
In 1995, 1996, 1998, 2005, 2006 and 2007, Kryon was invited to come to New York and channel for the Society of Enlightenment and Transformation ) S.E.A.T, ... a member of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council.
The six selections below are the full stories and transcribed channellings of these six New York meetings, given in the committee rooms and auditoriums of the United Nations building in New York, not too far away from the General Assembly. These events were attended by United Nations staff, delegates, S.E.A.T. members, and guests (not open to the public, except the one in 2007).Source
Kryon is believed to be an entity that is channelled through author and public speaker Lee Carroll. Other channelled entities within the UN include “the group” whom are channelled by Steve Rother.
He stated: ““I have presented the material from the group five times at the United Nations” and went onto state: “we found in attendance. Delegates, Department and Program heads, Secretaries to Engineers and Scientists from the Atomic Energy Agency. It was quite a diverse crowd”.
The foundations of the spiritual UN include (among others) The Lucis Trust, S.E.A.T, Intuition In Service, United Religions Initiative at the UN (URI-UN, The Aquarian Age Community, the Bahai faith, world goodwill and the arcane school. The majority of the individuals within these spiritual NGO’s will be unaware of the true nature of the “great plan”. They will be aligned with the concept of globalism, a one world religion, the transformation of humanity and believe they are preparing the world for appearance of the “Christed one” "Lord Maitreya. They believe their "world teacher" will arrive during a time of crisis and will rise from within the UN, certainly they possess commonalities that will be expedient to the cause.
The Luciferian agenda requires a palatable entry level for the one world religion and from here they can draw people in, gather more power/influence and create a foundation that can be gradually built upon. I'm not saying the majority of the individuals within these movements have anything other than a good intent and I'm sure they very much believe they're welcoming a virtuous one world spiritual leader, but such commonality can and I fear will be exploited. Indeed, I feel that in their hubris they fail to realise that they are being used and by the time they awaken to this fact it will be too late.
Cooperates and collaborates with the worldwide community that is actively preparing the way for the reappearance of the World Teacher—the Christed (Anointed) One, the true Aquarian.Source
And of course the obligatory mention of the one world system and one world religion:
Recognition of the One Humanity can be created through religious unification and realization of the One Divinity.Source
The Baha’i faith are also officially affiliated with the united nations, actually I will let them tell you in their own words:
Since 1948, the Bahá'i International Community has enjoyed recognition as an international non-governmental organization at the United Nations. Since 1970, it has held consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). It also has working relations with the World Health Organization (WHO), and is associated with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).Source
Again within their writings we can see that they’re intent on merging the world into a singular religion and that they’re preparing for the coming of a “new messenger of God”. Equally, as noted here we can see that the Bahai’s are very much behind identity politics and political correctness, and of course with the coming “world citizen” that will be ruled by the “world leader” any semblance of national identity must be admonished.
“For Baha'is, the term "new world order" has a special and clear-cut meaning. "The signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, in as much as the prevailing Order appeareth to be lamentably defective," He wrote. "Soon will the present-day order be rolled up and a new one spread out in its stead. Baha'is understand that the dramatic changes and transformations we have witnessed over the last century - and which we are continuing to see - have been initiated by the coming of a new Messenger of God and influenced by the breaking light of a new Revelation.”Source
Supporters of the Baha’i faith include, Al Gore (connected through environmental and sustainable development stances), Maurice Strong (who was a devout Baha’i and has served as their N. American leader) and Tony Blair.
I warmly commend all that the Baha’i community does for social cohesion and better inter-faith relations, which makes such a valuable contribution to our society. Your commitment to tackling discrimination and promoting our shared humanity is particularly important. I hope that this work will become increasingly well-known. -Tony Blair (2006)Source
Unstructered Governance
In part b & c we’re going to discuss how this unstructured from of governance elicits it’s control model by manufacturing the consent of the populace. The labyrinth strands of unstructered governance are also connected through the intent and broader knowledge of certain individuals, let’s give a brief example of how one individual connects many strands.
First secretary general for the UN environment programme, key architect of agenda 21,(which was born out of the 1992 RIO summit we shall discuss in part b) the Earth Charter, the Kyoto Protocol and the UN report on Global Governance, secretary general of the UN Rio earth summit, former Baha’i leader, secretary general of the world bank, former director of the Rockefeller foundation (indeed he got his break at 17 whilst working at the UN where treasurer Noah Monod introduced him to David Rockefeller), trustee of the Rockefeller foundation, former Bilderberg member, former council on foreign relations member, former Club of Rome member, former chairman of the earth council, former senior advisor to the world bank, former director of the foundation board of the world economic forum, founded the Manitou institute, committed globalist.
Former director of the Lucis trust founded The Temple of Understanding in New York who again have NGO status within the UN, directly involved with the UN’s UNESCO education programme, some form of mason or secret society member? Highly likely! Father of the IPCC, foundation director of the world economic foundation, member of the Advisory Council for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Center for International Development at Harvard University, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and the World Wildlife Fund. The UN funded commission for global governance worked alongside, Maurice Strong, Jimmy Carter and Robert McNamara. Incidentally McNamara was the world bank president, alongside being a major sponsor of the Lucis Trust and the Temple of understanding, alongside being the former U.S defence minister, a member of the Rockefeller foundation, a member of the Rockefeller controlled council on foreign relations, and the trilateral comission.
I think it’s clear to see that organisations like the Lucis Trust are not only aligned to the globalist one world agenda, they are the outer ripples of its spiritual foundation. The teachings within this foundation are intended to become the palatable public face of the coming one world Luciferian seeded Gaia religion. As the phoenix rises the world will be in such a state of abject chaos and moral decay that people will begin to seek spiritual guidance, equally they will willingly trade freedom for faux security.
Whilst I am a student of Vedic science, philosophy and spirituality; I've certainly considered whether the increased veneration of the Guru could have subconsciously prepared western society for the arrival of a "Lord Maitreya" or "Christed One". I'm also very aware that (although this is a genuine intent) through the lens of the moment these concepts may be difficult to comprehend; but if we add perceived miracles and a false peace/unity that arises from an era of cultivated war, crisis, famine and chaos, then attach all these virtues to a singular person, is the concept of a one world spiritual leader really so crazy? As I've referenced; it's certainly the desired result, one they're actively preparing for. If you're an atheist, ponder the words of Arthur C Clarke who stated "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".
Of course, the one world religion will be decidedly and deliberately simplistic and spiritually vacuous; big on emotive words and terminology, lacking in detail and substance. It will omit much of the deeper meaning and nuance and promote a face value system of contrived, manipulated, knee jerk emotional responses. In the age of the cultivated narcissist it will appeal to the worship of self, our sacrifice to Gaia and the whispered promise of apotheosis.
As always, the true knowledge will be hoarded by the self proclaimed rulers of our fast approaching technocratic feudal society. Over time their chosen initiates will rise to become a reincarnation of the Babylonian priest class. But first the phoenix must rise from the ashes of the old world, from the ashes of its parent! A cursory glance at my previous writings will reveal my disdain for the imbalance that permeates our current political and religious insitutions, things very much need to change. Equally, and as already alluded to I very much believe such imbalance and its associated state of abuse, war, greed and ecological degradation has been deliberately woven into the construct of our society, and people are rightly sick of it! As such the new order will not rise through force, but through a manipulated public demand.
Equally, through the foundations and intended (future) fusion of environmentalism and the Gaia religion, people will come to demand that every facet of their lives be controlled, monitored and micro-managed. But first they will need to take down the political and religious institutions that are associated with the decaying vestiges of our faux transient flirtation with democracy. We can see the momentum of this seismic change beginning to gather pace. I imagine its death knell will come from the unveiling of a conspiracy so vast and sickening that it will draw people out on the streets, demanding justice and change in equal measure. The previously untouchable will be cast aside, their purpose fulfilled, offered as the sacrificial lambs at the altar of the NWO. The one world order is intended to be welcomed as the saviour of humanity. If you were clever and looking to create a one world control system, how would you play your final hand? In the path of manipulated anger and vitriol, or the voice of change, hope and salvation?
We have repeating cycles of time, the passage of each cycle consolidating more power and control, building towards a final cycle who’s intent is to ensnare us all within its web of deceit and malfeasance. The same bloodlines (the ancient priest classes) that used their superior psychological and astronomical knowledge to convince entire civilisations that human sacrifice would appease the gods and allow the sun to return from the darkness of the eclipse; are the same bloodlines that have perceptually weaponised our symbiotic connection to nature and are expressing their control model as a climate emergency. Same bloodlines, same recycled belief system, similar perceptual & psychological manipulations, new methods same methodology.
As I alluded to in part 2; as we begin to measure the value of life in carbon footprints and move into an energy based economy, please understand that the control of energy and the manufacturing of consent to control that energy, is by its very nature an aspect of the dark occult. We are energy and you can see the seeds of our intended sacrifice being sown all around us. The one world religion even has its own apocalypse. Is it a coincidence that our twelve year countdown to oblivion coincides with the UN’s agenda 2030?
Just as the ancient world willingly sacrificed the lives of themselves and their children to halt the perceived destruction of the world, we too are intended to give sacrifice. Our sacrifice will be our freedom, our expression, self determinism, individuality and indeed our children, certainly our freedom to have children. In an age that will become increasingly lost, God given rights will be willingly replaced by the laws of men. If you feel you need to be religious for those inalienable rights to hold merit, wait until they're taken away.
If you appreciate my voice and perspective and would like to enable me to research and write more, I would really appreciate the support. Any donations can be given to the litecoin address below:
Litecoin: LdzNy4ZdvTXLCV4ZwbGMx56CmGypar9BXW
Thank you for taking the time to read my post part b will be coming next week until then, I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.
Written by perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of giphy.com
Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth
@perceptualflaws, just letting you know I am coming back to read these when I get a chance. I would love to invite new Steemian @shinobi to read them. I think you and he might get along - not AT ALL A least because he too is a hip hop fan but for many other reasons.
Thanks @riverflows the next part should be out in the next week or so .. hope you've been well my friend? Always happy to hear from new steemians and I hope @shinobi is having a good experience with the platform .. I've been listening through some of my old hip-hop recently so I should have a rap-infused selection for next week. Have a great weekend! :D
Love you too @riverflows & I'm now back on discord :D @yangyanje thank you for the support my friend .. I really appreciate it. Hope you're both looking forward to a lovely weekend. :)
A little late in finishing reading this but incredible as ever my friend. Hope it doesn’t take me this long to finish your recent posts! Hope you had a great weekend, on to music Monday!
Hey @cmplxty .. thanks for the support and kind words my friend, I put a lot of work into these three posts so I really appreciate it! I'm currently away (hence no music Monday this week) so just catching up on messages in an internet cafe. Hope you're enjoying a great week .. I'll catch you upon my return! :)
This is huge and my response should be huge. I have to cut it down into pieces. I have done similar research and admire how you can condense into this. It is a massive rabbit hole and extremely interesting once you go down it.
The illustrations within this article are perfect and beautiful. I love the ROA street art bird moving gif, yet the others are works of art as well.
From my first read I will say that YES the internet has lost a lot of information since it's inception. We are now all corralled into wikipedia, britannica, ny post etc. Searching beyond page 2/3 on a search engine and get the same stuff come up in your face. Geocities got deleted a few years ago and it was primitive but at least small voices were easy to find with alternative views, opinions and ideas to think about. I read a lot of books on this subject in the 90s and think still about this all. But it only makes sense in my head, and I can't put it on paper/written essay.
The history is there to compare. You can fascinate over it for years and connect dots but in the end, to me anyway. What does it mean to my life? If I see another side to what is going on, how do I want to live my life? How can I escape a false system and be self-sufficient?
It goes back to Nietzsche for me. There is a master race and a slave race. Slave we are taught, by religion that is good to be wretched and poor because in the after life (heaven) we will be looked after. Is there any proof of this heaven? No. Yet people wishfully live their NOW life for rewards in ANOTHER life. How absurd is that? The master want people to serve them as they have strength and will to power. Sinful this is labelled. Then Nietzsche says we should question what is good - not be a slave morality. Everything we know is corrupt. Yes please question everything but not many do.
So basically all of what you have written above I agree. And when you know what you say above what do you do about it? Can we/I adapt to being positive yet not playing the system and living life free? What is the next step when you agree with what you are explaining? What is freedom?
I can't put it into words.
I don't deny global warming but it is the sun cycle solar minimum/maximum. Global warming is nothing new.
What I think I am trying to say is not think so deep about it all when you know it is not quite right. It is not selfish to do what you think is right for yourself. You cannot convince everyone otherwise as they are too conditioned to even care.
I will be back I know I can articulate it better. My main message is yes there is a dark occult happening. How do you make your life free of it or work so that you are not accepting it? Unless you give in and go along with it That has always been my problem to get my head around since the 90's when I started to snap out of it. When Saddam started to toss Skuds at Israel and I thought I would investigate why do I always hear about Israel and Palestine and why is there a war in the Gulf? It started me on the same investigation. And what I know I try to make my life work when ignorance is never going to be bliss. It's fucking hard.
Hey @izzynoel thanks you for such a great comment .. I really appreciate it! I'm literally just on my way out the door, but I ill be back to answer this either later tonight or tomorrrow. In the meantime, your talk of solar cycles prompted me to share a post I wrote a couple of years back .. it goes really deep into the cyclical nature of the universe, from precessional cycles to warm warm cycles, magnetc cycles and solar cycles that correlate with volcanic cycles etc etc .. like the inner workinga of an expensive clock, each tiny part powers the greater whole .. and vice versa. Anyway, I thought you may be interested .. and I'll be back to answer properly. :) https://steempeak.com/esoteric/@perceptualflaws/ancient-time-cycles-on-the-edge-of-tomorrow
Hey my friend, thank you for the great comment I much appreciate it. Glad you appreciate the artwork from all those amazing artists and gif creators .. I spend a fair while choosing it :). I do very much agree that the only true change we have any control over is how we live our lives, how we ignite the spark within and indeed how we project ourselves to the wider society. I know my writing may come across as if I spend my days worrying and being serious .. but in all honesty outside of this I'm actually the polar opposite and most people that know me (and many friends I've known for fourty plus years) would think of me with a smile on their face and equally I wear one the majority of the time, (I just don't write humour very well) and I live life to the full, and (outside of bloody renovations lol) find time to savour the beauty around me and offer a helping hand to those that need it .. in fact, I'm sure there are people (that haven't read my writing) who would complain that I don't take anything seriously, little do they know lol. That counterbalance to my personality allows me to delve into these subjects (which I have been since childhood) without getting bogged down by them and depressed by them. It's difficult to explain but my perceptualflaws, my life experiences and the people I've met along the way have brought me to this moment in time and my intuition (which I always listen to) is telling me now is the time to share my perspective.
One thing I am pretty good at is picking up on new trends and projecting them into the future, in the moment those ideas can seem a little out there .. but equally, my trends from 20 plus years ago would make interesting reading in this day and age (sadly I never wrote them down). The trends I'm picking up on at this moment relay to me that the tightening control system is now moving into a different gear (they have decided it's now or never) observing current events has prompted me to stop writing my book (which is going to have much beauty within it) and write these three posts. This post was always intended as a foundation .. but by the time I have posted the other two (although I wrote it all as one post) hopefully, people will understand my reasoning behind writing them. I'm not here to relay bad news, I am here to offer a perspective that may help people see through the agenda that I believe is unfolding around us .. at a gathering pace. That said and as I have shared on here I do have many more entirely different subjects thoughts and ideas I want to write about, it's just that sometimes world events kind of dictate what I'm going to write next .. thanks again @izzynoel ::)
I really liked your mention of the 7 Virtues / 7 Sins (with that amazing image):
Nowhere is the intent of their inversion more simplified and more elucidated than within the picture below. I found a similar image several years ago in an old book of esoteric knowledge and I have learned more from this single image than I have from ten books!
as I hadn't really thought about these together; but it makes total sense as it follows the concept of duality in Natural Law, opposites if you will - like the Yin/Yang balance.
A short while back I composed a poem entitled Four Horsemen and Seven Companions which touched upon this very, esoteric, concept. Perhaps you may be one of the few who can grasp what I was trying to convey in it.
I really also like the artwork (which I provided a source link to in my post).
The poem has a lot to do with the past, present - including our current predicament/battle and what I foresee happening as denouement of this chapter in our human existence.
Thanks my friend .. glad you could see the point I was trying to make, I have a huge amount to say on that subject but for now I won't elaborate much further, although I will again state that we have been put into a state of imbalance and inversion .. that is the nature of evil and the nature of the dark occult .. if you cast disbelief aside and look around objectively, you can watch it occuring in realtime. Great poem .. you have a real talent! We will find some way to make contact ;)
Thanks I will check this out forsure as its updated to now. Previous versions I've seen are now out of date compared to this. Looks mental but I can follow it. Thank you @thoughts-in-time
Wow thanks @valuedcustomer much appreciated .. I'm in the middle of typing up part b, and that is the problem .. it's so complex and intricate that you could literally spend the rest of your life researching all the connections and still not connect all the pieces. The next two parts are going to get much more into the ground level nuts and bolts of the control mechanism. Only when all three parts are out will people see the bigger picture I'm trying to illustrate. Thanks again my friend.
I salute you for the amount of work done analyzing this behemoth...but it is so huge and so powerful, it is not worth while even thinking of defeating it in any other way than immunizing ourselves from its powers, applying all our energy to our own benefit. The only way one can diminish the power of the monster is by not feeding it, I believe.
Thank you for the kind words @clicketyclick it's much appreciated and yes I do agree that the only change we have any true control over is being the change that we want to see, living it in our actions and interactions .. although I concede that is sometimes easier said than done. That said, I am in the middle of typing up the next part and part c has already been (roughly) written .. they're going to step away from the esoteric and get much more into the ground level nuts and bolts roll out of this system and will include some key info. With current events, I kind of felt obligated to write them .. but trust once they're finished I'll be enjoying getting back to life's simple pleasures and writing about things that make me smile and my heart sing .. not weep! lol Thanks again
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Thanks @nathanmars .. yes I realise the format is probably too long for #steemit but I'm in the process of getting my website sorted out and due to some of the predictions I make, I wanted these three parts (two more to come) date stamped on the blockchain. I also wanted to get the vast majority of the esoteric stuff out in one post and then use the next two to get into the nuts and bolts. If you enjoyed the light within part 2 is about the occult anatomy of man and I have included it below, thanks again:
There was some synchronicity here. I had heard of Kyron just a day prior to your publishing this article. Then, after I read this, I went back and listened to a couple “channelings.” What I heard didn’t seem bad per se, as it sounded like lots of good advice that came from a good place. I haven’t looked into him much, but I think the key here is to know how to harness good advice and reject the bad without worshiping people or entities. I say this, because faith-based devotion or belief in an organization or human, can easily be harnessed misused or abused. As long as one can incorporate good ways and reject the bad, then they are in no danger of falling prey to creepy cults or the control mechanisms they employ. Do I believe Lee is channeling a spiritual entity? If it exists, I am unable to grasp the realm of the unseen.
Hey @thoughtsintime thanks for the support/resteem and message .. much appreciated. Yes, I certainly wasn't hinting that Lee had a nefarious intent .. just that it's strange that they hold regular channelling sessions at the UN. Although seeing as the vast majority of Lucic trust material is channelled .. I guess it shouldn't come as too much as a surprise. The Kyron channelling sessions I've heard, again discuss unity, a world teacher, transformation of humanity .. basically the one world system. I suppose if you're looking to create a one world religion/one world government then such a message would be expedient to the cause and equally draw those that are aligned with channelling etc towards the UN. I think they're trying to draw lots of tenuously aligned groups into a singular spiritual narrative ala one world religion. I don't doubt that many of these individuals have good intent but when you start following the money trail behind the organisations and arrive at the same powerful globalists that are pushing for a one world government .. well I think we can see the direction the world is being nudged towards. And of course if you want a one world religion at it's outer ripple (the public face) it's going to have to be seen as something good for humanity and virtuous. Thanks again my friend. :D
Ahh I see, that makes sense and it seems probable that something like that will be attempted. That reminds me, I plan on reading this. Page 29 is that pike quote about the third world war, I've been trying to get to the bottom of it. The material was penned by someone in the Canadian navy, who may or may not have a solid basis for some of his sources, I guess I'm just trying to get a feel for his intent.
I like how you are specific when naming conspirators.
Being an anglo many of these traditions(or conspiracies) like the Rosicrucians and Masons are closely linked with freeing our anglo societies from the dictatorship of the priesthood of the Vatican ending 700 years of inquisition and instituting freedom of speech (De facto in the CommonWealth and de jure in the USA) while I can see that they may have just wanted to replace them as a new kind of dictator the Philosopher Kings I have a hard time accepting their goal was enslavement of humanity when the places that they have had the most influence are the most free in the world.
Interested in your interpretation on this incongruency.
secret (masonic style) societies Are there any overlaps? I don't know, but its a thought.Hey @openparadigm thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post. Yes I do agree, even to this day the vast majority of clandestine masonic activity (certainly within the lower degrees orders) is often unsung charity work. Like you say I believe the initial intent was good .. but equally any organisation that is able to garner the power and influence that the Masons have (much like the wider world) will always attract those with their own agenda. I believe there are certain (fallen) members amongst many Masonic orders and they use them to pick out certain (connected/powerful or intelligent/ruthless) individuals .. if they have trait that may be of interest to those fallen they can be filtered into another (official or unofficial) order, that's not to say that they're straight into an order with a malintent .. but again there will be fallen members monitoring them, this process can be continued and then if the person passes the initiation they are filtered nearer to the inner core where wider agenda begins to be revealed. But yes in answer to your question I don't believe it to be a masonic plot to claim dominion over the world. Interestingly, even the Catholics have their own
No problem @j85063 .. thank you for taking the time to read it, I know it was long. :) Parts b/c to come and they will be a complete change of angle/perspective.
Wow, synchronicity as its finest, as I have looked into some of these topics recently as well. There is an acceleration of information and understanding, running in parallel with faster an faster worldly events, pushing us at the encoded Revelation of the manipulated protestant bible. I barely can keep up the pace with my research and I already sit 12 hours or longer in front of my computer, doing nothing else than shattering my world view. I am studying the Occult Science series on YouTube, with 100 episodes and after that the next series about Occult Catholicism awaits me with another 100 episodes.
And I feel that I am still just scratching the surface. I just learned, how the Flat Earth and Ball Earth models are part of the agenda and the revelations are frightening and confusing. It is so hard to stay sane and keep it up. The numbers and Astrotheology have opened up a realm of possibilities, I have never expected when I started this journey. August 10/11 this year scream from every angle of history at me, even my personal Astrology is synced with it, in the most profound way.
My dad has finished his book about Magicians, by the way. I haven't read it yet, so I cannot say if it is good or not. He doesn't buy a word of my Gematria research, so I didn't felt compelled to confront myself with his work yet but I will, eventually. I know, that the research I am doing is revealing and connected to what is going on. I don't know if the Golden Gate Bridge will indeed fall this summer but there is clearly something on a massive scale going on. Maybe it is just an esoteric event and nothing exoteric.
Will your book be available in digital? Do you have an ETA? There is no such thing as post service where I live.
Hey my friend, thanks for stopping by .. hope you're well! Yes, I really agree that we're experiencing a quickening .. if I quieten my mind it feels as though it is building up to something. I feel the world is going to be rocked by a series of events that will shake the foundations of the earth and our social structures .. once this happens people will literally be begging for salvation, seeking a light in the darkness .. alas I also fear the intended lifeboat is itself a trap and that ultimately this is now a cycle of time that is going to play out .. I hope I'm wrong but my intuition (which I always listen to) tells me I'm not. That said, once this passes I feel we will enter the true (not the false start) golden age.
But yes, I can so relate on the information front .. it is dizzying, I've written these three posts (although I wrote them as one) and (especially the third part) its been like trying to write a maze .. the amount of information is unbelievable and trying to plot a course through it is easier said than done .. indeed I could write another ten posts on the same subjects and still only scratch the surface. I'm also working full-time so life can be a real juggling act .. I find losing myself in nature really helps the thought process and enables those breakthroughs in understanding, and certainly mind, body and spirit health is very important.
On the Gemetria front, I think people have difficulty observing the world outside their own perception and belief systems .. but you know, ultimately what we believe doesn't really have real world consequence and what these people believe does, hence its important to try and understand where they're coming from and from that perspective astrotheology is key and can be found within all belief systems .. that is not by mistake! I also feel that you can only really comprehend much of this information when you're ready to do so, so your Dad may yet consider your work. Thanks for his book details I shall make sure I check it out. I am intending a digital copy of my book so I'll let you know when it is ready .. it's going to be pretty deep and I want to get it right, so it's difficult to say when it will be ready, but once I have this last post finished I can refocus my full attention on it. Thanks again my friend and keep up the great work!
Deep and insightful research are evident in your perceptive discussion of the 'powers that be' in control of the transnational spiritual bodies guiding the political agenda of the UN, and by extension, through their financial links, amongst others, to all our national polities.
Thank you for the support @valued-customer .. I put a lot of work/research into getting these 3-4 posts written and presented on the blockchain .. and although I realised the format was probably a little long for the nature of steemit and social media, in absence of my website being finished I decided to write them for those that are interested in deeper levels of investigation research, hence I'm really glad you appreciated them. In this era of digital book burning I also wanted to get them stored whilst the information was still available. As per the image you sent me, its a vast interconnected web of belief, intent, finance, resource, population and perceptual control .. that alas is continuing to grow and expand. Equally, the vast majority of people appear to be looking everywhere but here. Thanks again my friend.
@perceptualflaws, just letting you know I am coming back to read these when I get a chance. I would love to invite new Steemian @shinobi to read them. I think you and he might get along - not AT ALL A least because he too is a hip hop fan but for many other reasons.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks @riverflows the next part should be out in the next week or so .. hope you've been well my friend? Always happy to hear from new steemians and I hope @shinobi is having a good experience with the platform .. I've been listening through some of my old hip-hop recently so I should have a rap-infused selection for next week. Have a great weekend! :D
@yangyanje ... sorry!!! Confusing Discord and Steem names. Will DM you soon xxxx💚💚💚💚
Posted using Partiko Android
Yesterday I was completely immersed in reading this profile and I can strongly relate. @riverflows spot on 😉. @perceptualflaws you made a new fan!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Love you both. People like you rock my world. Xxx
Posted using Partiko Android
Love you too @riverflows & I'm now back on discord :D @yangyanje thank you for the support my friend .. I really appreciate it. Hope you're both looking forward to a lovely weekend. :)
A little late in finishing reading this but incredible as ever my friend. Hope it doesn’t take me this long to finish your recent posts! Hope you had a great weekend, on to music Monday!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hey @cmplxty .. thanks for the support and kind words my friend, I put a lot of work into these three posts so I really appreciate it! I'm currently away (hence no music Monday this week) so just catching up on messages in an internet cafe. Hope you're enjoying a great week .. I'll catch you upon my return! :)
This is huge and my response should be huge. I have to cut it down into pieces. I have done similar research and admire how you can condense into this. It is a massive rabbit hole and extremely interesting once you go down it.
The illustrations within this article are perfect and beautiful. I love the ROA street art bird moving gif, yet the others are works of art as well.
From my first read I will say that YES the internet has lost a lot of information since it's inception. We are now all corralled into wikipedia, britannica, ny post etc. Searching beyond page 2/3 on a search engine and get the same stuff come up in your face. Geocities got deleted a few years ago and it was primitive but at least small voices were easy to find with alternative views, opinions and ideas to think about. I read a lot of books on this subject in the 90s and think still about this all. But it only makes sense in my head, and I can't put it on paper/written essay.
The history is there to compare. You can fascinate over it for years and connect dots but in the end, to me anyway. What does it mean to my life? If I see another side to what is going on, how do I want to live my life? How can I escape a false system and be self-sufficient?
It goes back to Nietzsche for me. There is a master race and a slave race. Slave we are taught, by religion that is good to be wretched and poor because in the after life (heaven) we will be looked after. Is there any proof of this heaven? No. Yet people wishfully live their NOW life for rewards in ANOTHER life. How absurd is that? The master want people to serve them as they have strength and will to power. Sinful this is labelled. Then Nietzsche says we should question what is good - not be a slave morality. Everything we know is corrupt. Yes please question everything but not many do.
So basically all of what you have written above I agree. And when you know what you say above what do you do about it? Can we/I adapt to being positive yet not playing the system and living life free? What is the next step when you agree with what you are explaining? What is freedom?
I can't put it into words.
I don't deny global warming but it is the sun cycle solar minimum/maximum. Global warming is nothing new.
What I think I am trying to say is not think so deep about it all when you know it is not quite right. It is not selfish to do what you think is right for yourself. You cannot convince everyone otherwise as they are too conditioned to even care.
I will be back I know I can articulate it better. My main message is yes there is a dark occult happening. How do you make your life free of it or work so that you are not accepting it? Unless you give in and go along with it That has always been my problem to get my head around since the 90's when I started to snap out of it. When Saddam started to toss Skuds at Israel and I thought I would investigate why do I always hear about Israel and Palestine and why is there a war in the Gulf? It started me on the same investigation. And what I know I try to make my life work when ignorance is never going to be bliss. It's fucking hard.
Hey @izzynoel thanks you for such a great comment .. I really appreciate it! I'm literally just on my way out the door, but I ill be back to answer this either later tonight or tomorrrow. In the meantime, your talk of solar cycles prompted me to share a post I wrote a couple of years back .. it goes really deep into the cyclical nature of the universe, from precessional cycles to warm warm cycles, magnetc cycles and solar cycles that correlate with volcanic cycles etc etc .. like the inner workinga of an expensive clock, each tiny part powers the greater whole .. and vice versa. Anyway, I thought you may be interested .. and I'll be back to answer properly. :) https://steempeak.com/esoteric/@perceptualflaws/ancient-time-cycles-on-the-edge-of-tomorrow
Hey my friend, thank you for the great comment I much appreciate it. Glad you appreciate the artwork from all those amazing artists and gif creators .. I spend a fair while choosing it :). I do very much agree that the only true change we have any control over is how we live our lives, how we ignite the spark within and indeed how we project ourselves to the wider society. I know my writing may come across as if I spend my days worrying and being serious .. but in all honesty outside of this I'm actually the polar opposite and most people that know me (and many friends I've known for fourty plus years) would think of me with a smile on their face and equally I wear one the majority of the time, (I just don't write humour very well) and I live life to the full, and (outside of bloody renovations lol) find time to savour the beauty around me and offer a helping hand to those that need it .. in fact, I'm sure there are people (that haven't read my writing) who would complain that I don't take anything seriously, little do they know lol. That counterbalance to my personality allows me to delve into these subjects (which I have been since childhood) without getting bogged down by them and depressed by them. It's difficult to explain but my perceptualflaws, my life experiences and the people I've met along the way have brought me to this moment in time and my intuition (which I always listen to) is telling me now is the time to share my perspective.
One thing I am pretty good at is picking up on new trends and projecting them into the future, in the moment those ideas can seem a little out there .. but equally, my trends from 20 plus years ago would make interesting reading in this day and age (sadly I never wrote them down). The trends I'm picking up on at this moment relay to me that the tightening control system is now moving into a different gear (they have decided it's now or never) observing current events has prompted me to stop writing my book (which is going to have much beauty within it) and write these three posts. This post was always intended as a foundation .. but by the time I have posted the other two (although I wrote it all as one post) hopefully, people will understand my reasoning behind writing them. I'm not here to relay bad news, I am here to offer a perspective that may help people see through the agenda that I believe is unfolding around us .. at a gathering pace. That said and as I have shared on here I do have many more entirely different subjects thoughts and ideas I want to write about, it's just that sometimes world events kind of dictate what I'm going to write next .. thanks again @izzynoel ::)
Oh, and to continue a bit on my previous comment.
I really liked your mention of the 7 Virtues / 7 Sins (with that amazing image):
as I hadn't really thought about these together; but it makes total sense as it follows the concept of duality in Natural Law, opposites if you will - like the Yin/Yang balance.
A short while back I composed a poem entitled Four Horsemen and Seven Companions which touched upon this very, esoteric, concept. Perhaps you may be one of the few who can grasp what I was trying to convey in it.
I really also like the artwork (which I provided a source link to in my post).
The poem has a lot to do with the past, present - including our current predicament/battle and what I foresee happening as denouement of this chapter in our human existence.
Peace my friend.
Thanks my friend .. glad you could see the point I was trying to make, I have a huge amount to say on that subject but for now I won't elaborate much further, although I will again state that we have been put into a state of imbalance and inversion .. that is the nature of evil and the nature of the dark occult .. if you cast disbelief aside and look around objectively, you can watch it occuring in realtime. Great poem .. you have a real talent! We will find some way to make contact ;)
I been reading at this post for a couple days now, and last night ran across this, which I thought you might be interested in.
A downloadable .pdf which can be viewed in a greater resolution.
Thanks I will check this out forsure as its updated to now. Previous versions I've seen are now out of date compared to this. Looks mental but I can follow it. Thank you @thoughts-in-time
Thank you @thoughts-in-time :)
Wow thanks @valuedcustomer much appreciated .. I'm in the middle of typing up part b, and that is the problem .. it's so complex and intricate that you could literally spend the rest of your life researching all the connections and still not connect all the pieces. The next two parts are going to get much more into the ground level nuts and bolts of the control mechanism. Only when all three parts are out will people see the bigger picture I'm trying to illustrate. Thanks again my friend.
I salute you for the amount of work done analyzing this behemoth...but it is so huge and so powerful, it is not worth while even thinking of defeating it in any other way than immunizing ourselves from its powers, applying all our energy to our own benefit. The only way one can diminish the power of the monster is by not feeding it, I believe.
Thank you for the kind words @clicketyclick it's much appreciated and yes I do agree that the only change we have any true control over is being the change that we want to see, living it in our actions and interactions .. although I concede that is sometimes easier said than done. That said, I am in the middle of typing up the next part and part c has already been (roughly) written .. they're going to step away from the esoteric and get much more into the ground level nuts and bolts roll out of this system and will include some key info. With current events, I kind of felt obligated to write them .. but trust once they're finished I'll be enjoying getting back to life's simple pleasures and writing about things that make me smile and my heart sing .. not weep! lol Thanks again
Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
Thanks #informationwar & #thoughtsintime
Probably the longest post within STEEM
Enjoyed reading some of the key points specially
Thanks @nathanmars .. yes I realise the format is probably too long for #steemit but I'm in the process of getting my website sorted out and due to some of the predictions I make, I wanted these three parts (two more to come) date stamped on the blockchain. I also wanted to get the vast majority of the esoteric stuff out in one post and then use the next two to get into the nuts and bolts. If you enjoyed the light within part 2 is about the occult anatomy of man and I have included it below, thanks again:
Good luck with getting your website
Thank you @nathanmars :)
There was some synchronicity here. I had heard of Kyron just a day prior to your publishing this article. Then, after I read this, I went back and listened to a couple “channelings.” What I heard didn’t seem bad per se, as it sounded like lots of good advice that came from a good place. I haven’t looked into him much, but I think the key here is to know how to harness good advice and reject the bad without worshiping people or entities. I say this, because faith-based devotion or belief in an organization or human, can easily be harnessed misused or abused. As long as one can incorporate good ways and reject the bad, then they are in no danger of falling prey to creepy cults or the control mechanisms they employ. Do I believe Lee is channeling a spiritual entity? If it exists, I am unable to grasp the realm of the unseen.
Hey @thoughtsintime thanks for the support/resteem and message .. much appreciated. Yes, I certainly wasn't hinting that Lee had a nefarious intent .. just that it's strange that they hold regular channelling sessions at the UN. Although seeing as the vast majority of Lucic trust material is channelled .. I guess it shouldn't come as too much as a surprise. The Kyron channelling sessions I've heard, again discuss unity, a world teacher, transformation of humanity .. basically the one world system. I suppose if you're looking to create a one world religion/one world government then such a message would be expedient to the cause and equally draw those that are aligned with channelling etc towards the UN. I think they're trying to draw lots of tenuously aligned groups into a singular spiritual narrative ala one world religion. I don't doubt that many of these individuals have good intent but when you start following the money trail behind the organisations and arrive at the same powerful globalists that are pushing for a one world government .. well I think we can see the direction the world is being nudged towards. And of course if you want a one world religion at it's outer ripple (the public face) it's going to have to be seen as something good for humanity and virtuous. Thanks again my friend. :D
Ahh I see, that makes sense and it seems probable that something like that will be attempted. That reminds me, I plan on reading this. Page 29 is that pike quote about the third world war, I've been trying to get to the bottom of it. The material was penned by someone in the Canadian navy, who may or may not have a solid basis for some of his sources, I guess I'm just trying to get a feel for his intent.
I like how you are specific when naming conspirators.
Being an anglo many of these traditions(or conspiracies) like the Rosicrucians and Masons are closely linked with freeing our anglo societies from the dictatorship of the priesthood of the Vatican ending 700 years of inquisition and instituting freedom of speech (De facto in the CommonWealth and de jure in the USA) while I can see that they may have just wanted to replace them as a new kind of dictator the Philosopher Kings I have a hard time accepting their goal was enslavement of humanity when the places that they have had the most influence are the most free in the world.
Interested in your interpretation on this incongruency.
secret (masonic style) societies Are there any overlaps? I don't know, but its a thought.Hey @openparadigm thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post. Yes I do agree, even to this day the vast majority of clandestine masonic activity (certainly within the lower degrees orders) is often unsung charity work. Like you say I believe the initial intent was good .. but equally any organisation that is able to garner the power and influence that the Masons have (much like the wider world) will always attract those with their own agenda. I believe there are certain (fallen) members amongst many Masonic orders and they use them to pick out certain (connected/powerful or intelligent/ruthless) individuals .. if they have trait that may be of interest to those fallen they can be filtered into another (official or unofficial) order, that's not to say that they're straight into an order with a malintent .. but again there will be fallen members monitoring them, this process can be continued and then if the person passes the initiation they are filtered nearer to the inner core where wider agenda begins to be revealed. But yes in answer to your question I don't believe it to be a masonic plot to claim dominion over the world. Interestingly, even the Catholics have their own
The Vatican has a proven history of openly seeking world domination no need to search for a hidden conspiracy there.
Whops I already went there :D https://steemit.com/esoteric/@perceptualflaws/part-one-bloodlines-of-the-serpent-gods-and-the-rise-of-the-black-nobility
Thanks very much for your time in research etc in putting this information out for us.
Posted using Partiko Android
No problem @j85063 .. thank you for taking the time to read it, I know it was long. :) Parts b/c to come and they will be a complete change of angle/perspective.
Fantastic I am looking forward to the next parts to come.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks :)
Wow, synchronicity as its finest, as I have looked into some of these topics recently as well. There is an acceleration of information and understanding, running in parallel with faster an faster worldly events, pushing us at the encoded Revelation of the manipulated protestant bible. I barely can keep up the pace with my research and I already sit 12 hours or longer in front of my computer, doing nothing else than shattering my world view. I am studying the Occult Science series on YouTube, with 100 episodes and after that the next series about Occult Catholicism awaits me with another 100 episodes.
And I feel that I am still just scratching the surface. I just learned, how the Flat Earth and Ball Earth models are part of the agenda and the revelations are frightening and confusing. It is so hard to stay sane and keep it up. The numbers and Astrotheology have opened up a realm of possibilities, I have never expected when I started this journey. August 10/11 this year scream from every angle of history at me, even my personal Astrology is synced with it, in the most profound way.
My dad has finished his book about Magicians, by the way. I haven't read it yet, so I cannot say if it is good or not. He doesn't buy a word of my Gematria research, so I didn't felt compelled to confront myself with his work yet but I will, eventually. I know, that the research I am doing is revealing and connected to what is going on. I don't know if the Golden Gate Bridge will indeed fall this summer but there is clearly something on a massive scale going on. Maybe it is just an esoteric event and nothing exoteric.
Will your book be available in digital? Do you have an ETA? There is no such thing as post service where I live.
Hey my friend, thanks for stopping by .. hope you're well! Yes, I really agree that we're experiencing a quickening .. if I quieten my mind it feels as though it is building up to something. I feel the world is going to be rocked by a series of events that will shake the foundations of the earth and our social structures .. once this happens people will literally be begging for salvation, seeking a light in the darkness .. alas I also fear the intended lifeboat is itself a trap and that ultimately this is now a cycle of time that is going to play out .. I hope I'm wrong but my intuition (which I always listen to) tells me I'm not. That said, once this passes I feel we will enter the true (not the false start) golden age.
But yes, I can so relate on the information front .. it is dizzying, I've written these three posts (although I wrote them as one) and (especially the third part) its been like trying to write a maze .. the amount of information is unbelievable and trying to plot a course through it is easier said than done .. indeed I could write another ten posts on the same subjects and still only scratch the surface. I'm also working full-time so life can be a real juggling act .. I find losing myself in nature really helps the thought process and enables those breakthroughs in understanding, and certainly mind, body and spirit health is very important.
On the Gemetria front, I think people have difficulty observing the world outside their own perception and belief systems .. but you know, ultimately what we believe doesn't really have real world consequence and what these people believe does, hence its important to try and understand where they're coming from and from that perspective astrotheology is key and can be found within all belief systems .. that is not by mistake! I also feel that you can only really comprehend much of this information when you're ready to do so, so your Dad may yet consider your work. Thanks for his book details I shall make sure I check it out. I am intending a digital copy of my book so I'll let you know when it is ready .. it's going to be pretty deep and I want to get it right, so it's difficult to say when it will be ready, but once I have this last post finished I can refocus my full attention on it. Thanks again my friend and keep up the great work!
Deep and insightful research are evident in your perceptive discussion of the 'powers that be' in control of the transnational spiritual bodies guiding the political agenda of the UN, and by extension, through their financial links, amongst others, to all our national polities.
Thank you for the support @valued-customer .. I put a lot of work/research into getting these 3-4 posts written and presented on the blockchain .. and although I realised the format was probably a little long for the nature of steemit and social media, in absence of my website being finished I decided to write them for those that are interested in deeper levels of investigation research, hence I'm really glad you appreciated them. In this era of digital book burning I also wanted to get them stored whilst the information was still available. As per the image you sent me, its a vast interconnected web of belief, intent, finance, resource, population and perceptual control .. that alas is continuing to grow and expand. Equally, the vast majority of people appear to be looking everywhere but here. Thanks again my friend.