Thank you for joining me, I hope everyone is well. So this series is where I like to kick back, set aside research, open my mind and explore infinite possibility and hypothetical philosophy. I usually start by thinking of a singular concept and then gradually build in complexity and depth. These abstractions are fusions of ancient wisdom, original ideas, fringe science and some poetic licence. Consider this post to be literary psychedelia for those numbed by the nonsensical nature of newspeak.
As anyone that follows my blog will be aware of, I'm a huge music fan. I'm lucky enough to have some friends in the music industry, so I often get invited to see bands and festivals. Throughout the summer I've been watching and indeed feeling the energy of the crowd. I've been thinking about how their dance, their energy and happiness could be indicative of something deeper.
Certainly, As a species, we're instinctively drawn towards rhythmic sound patterns. We only need to look at children (and indeed babies) to see that their love of music and dance is not learned but is derived from a subconscious memory, a memory that potentially speaks to the vibratory essence of who we are. It is said that music is a universal language that connects all humanity, and whilst I believe that is very much true I also believe it both speaks to and connects us to the resonating nature of our collective reality.
”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.
So if the word is god and word is vibration, then are we each an aspect of a cosmological, interdimensional evolution of word? Within a fractal interpretation of reality, what do our words tell us about the nature of our reality? If the universe is a puzzle, does it require the evolution of word to unlock it? Will your words unlock the interlocking, trans-dimensional fractal rubik’s cube we term consciousness? Certainly, the evolution of word has given humanity a voice.
When viewing ourselves as singular pieces within a divine fractal puzzle, the very nature of our consciousness hints at the validity of a divine spark. Indeed without the all-encompassing macro consciousness of the great spirit, would we be conscious. Are we conscious because we are born of consciousness?
The Evolution Of Word
So let’s first take a look at the evolution of word with some observations I made in a previous post. So we can think of a vibrational soundwave, reverberating and echoing throughout the cosmos, a waveform of life that rose from a singularity of sound. We could equate the word of the great-spirit to a resonating, convoluting, complexifying sound frequency. A harmonic of mathematical equations that's become so compressed, it inverts the fabric of the ether and releases a shockwave of life that both creates and permeates every dimension of the multi-verse.
From this foundation, vibratory atomic structure feeds molecular complexity and cellular self-organisation. Cellular organisation evolves to create tissue, organs, and a brain mass that becomes a tuning fork which draws consciousness from an infinite sea of awareness, the conduit of the soul.
The human neocortex, the cutting edge of universal mass and a gift from the syntactical universe of reverberations. Our minds and souls are at one within a body comprising of 37 trillion self-organising/replicating cells. The holy trinity of life held within a palpitation of synchronicity and a primordial sound resonance that connects all creation. Out of intelligence rise’s speech and our every word mimics the chorus of creation, indeed our every word is itself a mathematical conundrum of inter-dimensional sound fractals that echo through the halls of eternity.
From singing stars to the harmonic outbursts of pulsars, the primordial resonance of formation to the fractal heartbeat of mammalian life, the sentience that’s held within the construct of the human neocortex and on through the genius of Mozart’s orchestrations, we dance to the symphony of creation. The waxing and waning, rising and falling heartbeat of life that becomes an evolving, twisting, turning, contorting, inverting, complexifying, perplexifying harmonic of fractal divinity.
Our voices a vibratory evolution that connects us to and enables us to interact with the interconnected puzzle of resonance. We could think of our words as a numerical, geometric theorum that enables us to manipulate our perceptual reality. Indeed, within a fractal reality, we are mimicking the nature of our own creation. Once consciousness births the word, then words are free to follow their own journey. Our every vocalisation, composition, and resonance of thought evolving to become an energetic mathematical equation, an equation that both draws from and feeds the dualistic, energetic oscillation we call life.
Within every club, concert, and festival we dance to celebrate the subconscious memory of our own creation. Our music is the sacrament that we offer to the word, within a fractal reality our music is the word, the music is us! We are the music, our every composition praising and connecting us to the dawn chorus of primordial vibration, molecular gesticulation, cellular complexification and consciousness manifestation.
As I pull apart the puzzle of resonance; removing each component and examining it with my mind’s eye, I observe that each aspect slots perfectly into place and that each word is but one component within an interconnected story .. the book of creation. From the perspective of the mystery school, sound/vibration is one aspect of cosmic magnetism. Seven energies that form the singular entity of a bipolar (repulsion & attraction) cosmic Electricity and manifest themselves as magnetism, heat, sound, inertia, cohesion and light. Within the realms of modern science, it is also acknowledged that an electrical charge in motion causes a magnetic field and equally the same observations arise in reverse.
To the ancient seekers of knowledge, Electricity was believed to be the (sensory) invisible lifeblood of the universe. This force is also known as cosmic Electricity (spelt with a capital E to distinguish from its terrestrial counterpart). Among certain fields, it is believed that Electricity is a tangible and perhaps intelligent force, an energy imbued with the universal dualities and the firing synapses of a universal mind. The link between spirit and matter and a bridge between the resonance of "thought" and the laws of nature.
If we live within a harmonic fractal reality, then what do the majesty of our oceans tell us about the nature of our interdimensional unreality? What do they whisper about the undulating waveform of the infinite sea and the resonating nature of our consciousness bubble? Do the oceans speak to the intangibility of our collective perceptual verisimilitudity and our connection the vibratory scintilla of a syntactical universe of word?
When pondering an infinite sea of awareness that resides within a fractal reality of self similarity, it's perhaps interesting to note that the dawn chorus of the earth heralds a remarkable similarity to the majesty of whale song.
If we look at the waxing and waning tides of our oceans, are they indicative of other metaphysical processes that are taking place throughout the cosmos? Indeed with the rise and fall of each wave (form) crest, we can observe bubbles that momentarily become a separate entity from the voluminosity of the high seas. We could view the oceanic bubble as representative of aspects of consciousness, briefly frozen in time until the bubble bursts and we once again become one with the infinite sea. Equally, how about the stars? how could they connect to these fractal bubbles? Indeed, on a vibrational level, how do the stars interact, resonate and manipulate the tapestry of life?
When we look at the image above we can see a bubble suspended within a jar of liquid. When vibration is introduced to the liquid and passes through the bubble, something amazing begins to happen. As the vibrational resonance (soundwave) begins to impact upon the bubble it starts to expand, upon reaching its maximum it then collapses and inverts into itself. The inversion causes the water molecules to violently slam together and thus create an incredible burst of heat and light; the temperature surface of the bubble burning at 10,000s of degrees.
Bubbles can be found within molecules, cells, stars, oceans, planets and galaxies, and all are dancing to the song of vibration, bubbles within bubbles within bubbles. Over vast timescales (but outside our perception of time); like a human heartbeat, the universe expands and contracts. As vibration resonates throughout the fractal reality, the ripples of reverberation drive qauntum murmuration. As the harmonic continues to evolve (both feeding and being fed by the prime scintilla of resonance) and become ever more complex, increasingly nuanced spectrums of vibration begin morphing into energetic modulations and alternate vibratory realities. A Russian doll of intergalactic, interconnected and inter-dimensional harmonics that originate from a singular resonance of sound.
Alternating frequencies giving rise to the infinite multiplicity and possibility of micro, macrocosmicality and the space-time continuum. As these soundscapes become ever more entangled; centrifugal and centripetal forces are born and thus enter their own evolutionary process, creating the geometric construct of the physical reality that we inhabit. We live within (and mimic) an interconnected song of creation, held within an evolving fractal feedback loop that connects our reality manifestation to a singular conception, the word. Our words are the starting point.
The Song Of Planets
As each bubble/star absorbs the divine harmonic it also begins to emit its own song. If everything in the universe is a soundwave that is attuned to differing spectrums of the same frequency, then (as evidenced in the video above) the sound/song of each star would also seem to be as individualistic as the human vocal range. When listening to music we can observe and indeed feel, the powerful emotional and psychological effects it has upon us.
Is it really too far beyond the realms of comprehension and hypothesis to suggest that as the earth moves through its precessional year and alters its alignments to our neighbouring planetary bodies, we experience changes within their pitch, vibration, song, resonance and electromagnetism? As with music (but to a far greater degree), these changes directly impact psychology and cognitive ability, and (like an analogy of the tide) this directly correlates to the rise and fall of human civilisation.
As our society begins to dance to the song of the planets, the outer layer of that mimicry manifests itself in the music that we create. From the delicate beauty of the Renaissance to the anarchy of punk rock and the happiness and unity of rave; as we surf the fractal soundwave of creation, our music becomes the symphony of the planets. A musical note, within a word, within a sentence, within a paragraph, within a book of creation that’s stored within the mind of its writer.
Lets first listen to the uniformity of a pulsar. The sound of the pulsar could (I feel) be broken down into a mathematical formula, as could aspects of our language.
I believe there are many hidden wisdoms (equations) in ancient chants and prayer. Numerological constants can be found encoded within repeating linguistic patterns and ancient song, mysteries hidden within human language, form and expression. But that's a post for another day.
Fractal Reality
So finally, in a previous post I drew a comparison between my own heartbeat, and the macro hearbeat of creation. I observed how doctors could zoom into the micro resonance of a heart and compare it to the macro original beat. This enables doctors to observe if the micro beat contains the fractal architecture signatures that are indicative of a healthy heart.
Using self-similarity, scientists have found that by sampling a singular leaf they can estimate the carbon intake of an entire tree. If we evolve this process we can use fractal geometry to observe the intake of the entire forest. Our each tiny cell contains the biological functions of our entire body. We could also think of our bodies as singular cells within a macro cellular humanity, and humanity as cells within the prime macro cell of creation.
Equally, the electromagnetic pulse of our own heartbeart directly correlates to the fractal geometric nature of our own reality. It is said that our very emotions express a vibratory resonance, if that is the case did emotions exist as a frequency band before we evolved to express them? Are our emotions a micro expression of a macro consciousness? Indeed are emotions human centric or are we expressing an evolution of a vibratory constant? The difference being that we have the freedom to express them in the order that we see fit.
If our bodies are a vibratory instrument that has become out of tune with the resonance of life, then perhaps we should learn to dance again? You are the conductor in the music of life (your life) and your thoughts, your love, hopes and dreams play throughout the cosmos like a delicate symphony of silence. Our music has the power to convey every spectrum of human emotion, but equally do our very emotions arise from the music? I will leave you to ponder that thought.
Thank you for reading, until next time I will leave you to consider who has the perceptualflaws.
If you feel that my work is worthy, I would be humbled to receive an upvote and or resteem.
Written by perceptualflaws
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Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth
My daughter could consciously bang a surface creating a repetitive sound or rhythm before she could your articles by the way and thank you for such great insight in all things
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Yes, children don't learn to like music .. they are born to dance to the vibration of life and in that understanding comes the potential that they are remembering something far more profound than many stop to ponder. I'm really glad you enjoy my articles .. I've been a little busy the last few weeks, but lots of new posts/ideas coming up.
wow there is so much amazing food for thought within this article, so much insight and passion. I love how you relate to music and the many ways in which it moves us and serves us so well in life, how it has helped to create our existence Your words are like music itself, like an oral symphony is speaking to me.
The last piece yes let us all learn to dance again xxx Thank you for this post and for this
If our bodies are a vibratory instrument that has become out of tune with the resonance of life, then perhaps we should learn to dance again? You are the conductor in the music of life, your life, your thoughts, your love, hopes and dreams play throughout the cosmos like a delicate symphony of silence. Our music has the power to convey every spectrum of human emotion, but equally do our very emotions arise from the music? I will leave you to ponder that thought.
Hey @trucklife-family hope you're well and have had a good weekend. Really pleased you enjoyed my post .. I wanted people to swept away by the profound nature of the word .. how all the notes that have ever been played were already there, waiting for us to play them :) Indeed there is something far more profound about the nature of music than many of us have the time to stop and ponder .. so I'm really glad my post resonated with you.
Thank you for the kind words and support my friend, I really appreciate it.
Another amazing post PF... You never disappoint and add so much value to this blockchain with your philosophical wisdom! That video with the planetary sounds was super fascinating. I have to say though, I think Uranus makes different sounds compared to Myanus:-D
Hey @palikari123 hope you're well and have enjoyed a good weekend .. I've been visiting some friends so it's been a nice on here :) Thanks for the kind words and support .. really glad enjoyed enjoyed my journey through the nature of music .. and I'll have to agree, Myanus is completely unique lol
An amazing post and beautifully written with great gifs and illustrations!!!
Within every club, concert, and festival we dance to celebrate the subconscious memory of our own creation. Our music is the sacrament that we offer to the word, within a fractal reality our music is the word, the music is us!
Yes!!! Was so immersed in this I almost wanted to get out of bed, throw some tunes on and dance!!
Thank you so much for the kind words @riverflows I really appreciate the words of support.
Yes!!! Was so immersed in this I almost wanted to get out of bed, throw some tunes on and dance!!
Haha it's really funny you should say that, because after that statement my original draft had the words "And you know what? I'm in the mood for dancing" So I'm really pleased it elicited the same response in you :) Thanks again my friend.
It had been a while since I read such an interesting and complete post in steemit, @perceptualflaws. I think this theory is great! I think that if the planet has a movement, that movement has its rhythm, each rhythm has a compass and from there a sound. And the earth is all of us. The first thing we hear from the human being are the beats of his heart, a beat that will change with the years and with experience. Just like when the mother tries to put the child to sleep and puts it close to her chest to hear the beats, but also sings a lullaby. There will always be music as a part of that sensory and primeval world. Everything has rhythm: the breeze, the sunrise, the sea, the rivers, the rain, a well-known musicality. They are Latin American and my musical world has the same colors of my immediate landscape, but also the sounds before the belly! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the kind words and support @nancybriti I really appreciate it. And yes I like your analogy here .. indeed by simply sitting by the sea-shore and observing its rhythm and the waxing and waning of its tides, we can learn so much about the world, the universe and perhaps the nature of our existence.
The first thing we hear from the human being are the beats of his heart, a beat that will change with the years and with experience. Just like when the mother tries to put the child to sleep and puts it close to her chest to hear the beats, but also sings a lullaby.
Yes, i couldn't agree more .. indeed the child cries until they hear the beat of their mother's heart .. or the soothing words that she whispers. A subconsciousness memory of resonance that's awakened with a heartbeat, or a beautiful piece of music.
Indeed everything has rhythm and as a species we are rhythm that has forgotten how to dance to the music of life .. time we put on our dancing shoes :) Thanks again my friend
Me encanta tu post, creo que es primera o segunda vez que te leo, y me fascina tu manera de escribir, tu perspectiva de las cosas, las ilustraciones están muy bien... me encanta el tema, soy músico y me apasiona ver como la palabra y el sonido entran a nuestra mente y funcionan con nuestro cerebro.
I love your post, I think it's the first or second time I've read you, and I'm fascinated by your way of writing, your perspective on things, the illustrations are very good... I love the subject, I'm a musician and I'm passionate about seeing how the word and sound enter our mind and work with our brain.
Thank you for the support and kind words @kantos I really appreciate it. Equally, I'm very happy that my post has resonated (if you pardon the pun) with you.
I'm a musician and I'm passionate about seeing how the word and sound enter our mind and work with our brain
As time moves on I will carrying out much more work in this field so it's great to have you along for the ride, thanks again my friend :)
Hey dude, hope you're well .. thanks for stopping by
I've been thinking lately about how this age of information has been weaponised .. "a cacophony of madness".. yes I couldn't agree more .. a barrage of information, an information war .. now where have I heard that before? lol
Or it's all just blind deaf and dumb meaninglessness! lol
That certainly seems to be the direction society is being pushed in .. equally the fact that the subconscious drip of mainstream media/propaganda is pushing us in that direction, perhaps hints that there is something deeper that they want our eyes averted from. ;)
Thank you for stopping by @thoughts-in-time .. I wanted to write a bit of a love letter to the nature of music and how it connects to the nature of our reality .. so I'm really glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks again my friend
It would be cool to compile all of your posts with this type of substance and print them in a collection of “essays” if you will. Would be a good read.
Thanks for stopping by @hrissm .. I was thinking of making a website and I can put loads of stuff on there .. but yeah a collection of essays (and expansions) with nice artwork would look really nice :) Thanks again my friend
My daughter could consciously bang a surface creating a repetitive sound or rhythm before she could your articles by the way and thank you for such great insight in all things
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Yes, children don't learn to like music .. they are born to dance to the vibration of life and in that understanding comes the potential that they are remembering something far more profound than many stop to ponder. I'm really glad you enjoy my articles .. I've been a little busy the last few weeks, but lots of new posts/ideas coming up.
wow there is so much amazing food for thought within this article, so much insight and passion. I love how you relate to music and the many ways in which it moves us and serves us so well in life, how it has helped to create our existence Your words are like music itself, like an oral symphony is speaking to me.
The last piece yes let us all learn to dance again xxx Thank you for this post and for this
So much agree with this xxxx
Hey @trucklife-family hope you're well and have had a good weekend. Really pleased you enjoyed my post .. I wanted people to swept away by the profound nature of the word .. how all the notes that have ever been played were already there, waiting for us to play them :) Indeed there is something far more profound about the nature of music than many of us have the time to stop and ponder .. so I'm really glad my post resonated with you.
Thank you for the kind words and support my friend, I really appreciate it.
Another amazing post PF... You never disappoint and add so much value to this blockchain with your philosophical wisdom! That video with the planetary sounds was super fascinating. I have to say though, I think Uranus makes different sounds compared to Myanus:-D
Posted using Partiko Android
Hey @palikari123 hope you're well and have enjoyed a good weekend .. I've been visiting some friends so it's been a nice on here :) Thanks for the kind words and support .. really glad enjoyed enjoyed my journey through the nature of music .. and I'll have to agree, Myanus is completely unique lol
An amazing post and beautifully written with great gifs and illustrations!!!
Yes!!! Was so immersed in this I almost wanted to get out of bed, throw some tunes on and dance!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you so much for the kind words @riverflows I really appreciate the words of support.
Haha it's really funny you should say that, because after that statement my original draft had the words "And you know what? I'm in the mood for dancing" So I'm really pleased it elicited the same response in you :) Thanks again my friend.
It had been a while since I read such an interesting and complete post in steemit, @perceptualflaws. I think this theory is great! I think that if the planet has a movement, that movement has its rhythm, each rhythm has a compass and from there a sound. And the earth is all of us. The first thing we hear from the human being are the beats of his heart, a beat that will change with the years and with experience. Just like when the mother tries to put the child to sleep and puts it close to her chest to hear the beats, but also sings a lullaby. There will always be music as a part of that sensory and primeval world. Everything has rhythm: the breeze, the sunrise, the sea, the rivers, the rain, a well-known musicality. They are Latin American and my musical world has the same colors of my immediate landscape, but also the sounds before the belly! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the kind words and support @nancybriti I really appreciate it. And yes I like your analogy here .. indeed by simply sitting by the sea-shore and observing its rhythm and the waxing and waning of its tides, we can learn so much about the world, the universe and perhaps the nature of our existence.
Yes, i couldn't agree more .. indeed the child cries until they hear the beat of their mother's heart .. or the soothing words that she whispers. A subconsciousness memory of resonance that's awakened with a heartbeat, or a beautiful piece of music.
Indeed everything has rhythm and as a species we are rhythm that has forgotten how to dance to the music of life .. time we put on our dancing shoes :) Thanks again my friend
Thank you for the support and kind words @kantos I really appreciate it. Equally, I'm very happy that my post has resonated (if you pardon the pun) with you.
As time moves on I will carrying out much more work in this field so it's great to have you along for the ride, thanks again my friend :)
I will be here following you, to make those sounds resonate louder in the minds of many people... friend @perceptualflaws
Wonderful post @pf! And also a fine example of post-secular spirituality:)
But, as a maker of noise, I know firsthand about howling feedback and we live in an age best summed up by my phrase 'a cacophony of madness'...
Or it's all just blind deaf and dumb meaninglessness! lol
Hey dude, hope you're well .. thanks for stopping by
I've been thinking lately about how this age of information has been weaponised .. "a cacophony of madness".. yes I couldn't agree more .. a barrage of information, an information war .. now where have I heard that before? lol
That certainly seems to be the direction society is being pushed in .. equally the fact that the subconscious drip of mainstream media/propaganda is pushing us in that direction, perhaps hints that there is something deeper that they want our eyes averted from. ;)
Literary psychedelia indeed,
beautifully written, and well
received! Amazing article! : -)
Thank you for stopping by @thoughts-in-time .. I wanted to write a bit of a love letter to the nature of music and how it connects to the nature of our reality .. so I'm really glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks again my friend
Great information. Very interesting concept.
Thank you @inmotionsuccess I'm glad you enjoyed the post
wow very good information xx

Thank you for the support and kind words @aprilpeerless .. I'm glad you enjoyed my post :)
It would be cool to compile all of your posts with this type of substance and print them in a collection of “essays” if you will. Would be a good read.
Thanks for stopping by @hrissm .. I was thinking of making a website and I can put loads of stuff on there .. but yeah a collection of essays (and expansions) with nice artwork would look really nice :) Thanks again my friend