On the Nature of Time...

in #esoteric7 years ago

We in our modern society tend to think of time as a straight line, always progressing forward. This leads us to believe that we are the most advanced society the world has ever known. But is this so? Ancient civilizations such as Egypt seem to have been at their most advanced from the beginning and experienced a slow degradation over time while megalithic constructions the world over display amazing feats of construction and alignment that architects and engineers would think impossible to recreate today. To add to this, it seems the older they are the more advanced their construction techniques were. Sites such as Gobleki Tepe and Baalbek show many stages of construction over vast amounts of time with the most advanced being the oldest and a clear degradation of building techniques over time. Myths such as Atlantis and Lemuria speak of a Golden Age when god-like beings roamed the Earth before meeting a catastrophic end.

We look at our technological wonders such as cars, aircraft and computers and think we are the most advanced society to have ever lived. Yet at the same time we are polluting our land, water and air and our forests are disappearing at alarming rates. Cancer, autism and sociopathy are at epidemic proportions when they were virtually unheard of in so-called "simpler" times. The materialist reductionism people think is science today has led to an unsustainable consumerist culture that is completely based on constant expansion while the world has never seemed smaller.

Yet, just when it seems things can't get any worse, the most recent discoveries in science seem to indicate that the matter we thought was king is but an illusion created by that great mystery called consciousness that we seem to have forgotten the true nature of. Once again people seem to be slowly but surely taking a fresh look at the ancient wisdom we once regarded as the superstitious reasoning of ignorant savages. When looked at in the light of our most cutting edge discoveries it seems that we are just now beginning to start even contemplating the ideas that ruled the minds of our most ancient ancestors.

What do these ancestors have to say about this thing that we call time? From the Celts to the Egyptians to the Mayans to the Vedas of ancient India, ancient cultures believed that time is not the never ending straight arrow that our society thinks it is but a series of cycles within cycles, wheels within wheels. The 24 hour cycle of the day and the night gives way to the monthly cycle of the moon. Each planet has it's cycle through the heavens and even the fixed stars, the heavens themselves, have their own cycle through the sky. This cycle takes over 26000 years to complete and yet the ancients had charted and measured this apparently through the whole cycle at least once. Still, our modern scholars tell us that civilization began just a few thousand years ago.

These cycles have effects and not just in the material plane. Policemen and emergency workers are well aware that there is a much larger number of arrests and emergency calls during the full moon each month and during the darkest parts of the year. These cycles have a profound effect on consciousness. Even our known and accepted history shows that civilizations rise and fall in regular cycles. The Hermetic principle of rhythm states that everything happens in cycles of rising and falling and this is some of the most ancient wisdom known to man. When looked at from the Kabbalistic view that we are all pure consciousness descending into matter before returning to the source that is pure consciousness this all starts making sense.

A close look will show that not only did we come as deep into materialism as is possible before recently beginning the long journey back out but this was predicted by everything from the Mayan calendar to the Persian/Babylonian/Greek astrological system to the Egyptians to the Vedic Indian's yuga cycle. It is darkest just before the dawn and all of these traditions predicted that we would be dawning on a new era of thinking right about now.

It is important to note that at this time there will still be more people stumbling around in the dark of materialism than those that have started to see the light that is just peaking over the horizon. However, this does not mean that we need limit ourselves. The darkest of nights only make the stars shine brighter and at this point the light is plain to see so long as you are looking in the right direction. Til next time, Happy steeming!


Guess mankind has just developd the outside world in a fast pace through the centuries. The development of ourselves and on how we must be is probably still in a early phase. The instincts we have are no different from thousands of years ago. Maybe mankind should devote more time to research what else is out there between the dimensions and what the eye can not see.

Agreed... you'll never understand anything "outside" yourself until you understand yourself. So the path to understanding is "inside". I put those in quotations because I understand that those are only relative concepts that have no basis in "reality" (don't really believe in that ultimately either).

Im not a science nerd but you explained in such a way even I understood it.Keep it up!

They say you don't really understand it til you can explain it to someone who knows nothing about it so I consider that the ultimate compliment.

Right about now indeed and i hope !
as above so below
the water and the earth will join again in an infinit dance

Thank you for that beautiful text .

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-)

Time puts stop to our learning , but makes us aware that we are just a moving piece in the mechanism.

I see your logic but I have to disagree... Time puts a stop to our learning while in our current physical vessels but since we are pure conscious that has taken a physical, human form then it is only the form that dies not the consciousness. It never stops learning.

Yea , I was mostly referring to our physical condition, you are correct.

I think we have crossed a threshold and the long year is drifting us into higher consciousness. I put this believe on everything I have read about mythology, esoteric teachings, alternative archaelogy and many other topcs.

Now begins the hard time to change and transition into something new. At these times a clash between old structures and new ideas is to be expected.

Yes, even my recent experiences in my personal life have shown that the clearing out of the old things can be traumatic but this is necessary to make room for greater things. Everything must fall apart for something new to be built, something greater than would have been possible otherwise.

According to some physicists there is no such thing as time

Yes I just haven't gotten that deep down the rabbit hole in this series of writings yet. Einstein said that "time is an illusion, albeit a persistent one" and that is pretty much the sentiment of most of the esoteric traditions as well. The good ones anyway. But that could be at least a post in and of itself and in this one I was more introducing the idea of cyclical vs linear. Time isn't real but cycles are.

True enough. Things do work in cycles, economies, seasons and life in general.

To really break it down, "God" which would be the one consciousness created a "sound" in almost all traditions to create the world. This would be a wave and then we are all that one thing trying to get a unique angle on it so ignoring the other aspects of itself getting a different angle on it. This is not "true" either but we are limited with human communication, particularly English.

Knowing a science get you more and more into and in some point you don t know anymore what is real and what not :)

I could argue that then you never really did, you just thought you did. I don't really even believe in "real" anymore. However, you experience things a certain way for a reason so whether or not it's real is irrelevant. Best to just go with it and see where it leads. It's all a learning experience and that's what we're here for.

Hmm, this is something which amazes me. Since I am from India, I can tell you that ancient Indians were very advanced in medicine(Ayurveda), yoga, maths and astro related stuff. Modern Indian had been neglecting yoga and ayurveda, but now the whole world is adopting these 2 things. So yes, its strange, that they were right all the time, and we are realizing that now!!

Yes I was going to go more into the vedas and stuff but didn't want to make it too long and heavy. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the most effective disciplines I've come across. I was going to talk about the vedas having basically instructions on vimanas and all but then I would be typing forever.

Ya right Vimanas. I agree to lengthy and heavy stuff. I don't think if any Indian has also researched much on these things.

The cool thing about Hinduism and the Vedas is that it didn't get the whole "be christian or die" treatment the Western traditions did, at least until relatively recently. It still degraded through the Age of Pisces=Kali Yuga but survived in a manner that can at least be somewhat decoded and they did leave the Vedas intact. It's funny because that led to a whole "everything is from India" movement but they say they got the knowledge form the West. Everyone got it from somewhere that is currently underwater would be my guess and there's plenty of deep water archaeology to support that.

time is simply change. infinite parallel realities co-exist, chosen through thought and intentions/desires. every thing is all-ways expressed right now :)

In this instance, I think science is actually closer to the truth in that all realities are possible until one is experienced. Like Schrodinger's cat is both dead and alive until you open the box and find out. Once you've collapsed a wave function you have committed to a particular reality and all its implications.

But even that probably only has to do with continuity....

the illusion of continuity is part and parcel of experiencing linear time within what is actually infinity :)

I'll probably get into that in one of my next few posts... In the end it doesn't really matter if other realities exist other than the one we are aware of in any objective sense because if we can't know it or interact with it then what's the difference? Practical application is important because otherwise you waste your time bogged down with things that don't matter. What really matters is what works.

imagination is the gateway to alternate realities that co-exist already. :)

That's true but autism and schitzophrenia are real dangers too... it's important to stay grounded in the reality you are in no matter if it's the ultimate reality or not. Escapism gets you nowhere. Comes a time you have to accept that this is the reality you are in so you can make it what you want it to be.

we are not IN a reality - reality is in us. correct use of imagination is the only effective way to change reality and so to deny imagination's right function is to deny change and the agility we need. it is certainly true that we need to 'ground' the aetheric light aspects of self into material reality for the full effect to be the lived experience - for many of us that means healing our heart - since our heart is the balance point between both ends of the spectrum of existence.

Does anybody else feel like time passing by faster lately? Or is this just a sign for living more in the moment?

I definitely do... I attributed it to getting older but then IDK it definitely feels like time is passing faster. If we think that the stories we have of long ago speak of people living far longer it makes since if time is passing faster. Maybe we'll all live to 200 though IDK if I can take more than 1.5 more centuries of this. It is getting better though. Shit still happens but it's not the end of the world anymore.

I am still at a relatively young age (19) so it should not have to do something with older age.
I agree that doomsday is not around the corner anymore but last year in my imagination "the end" could happen any day any time which made me really depressed. Now I still think the world could end but 1. I am not letting that bring me down and 2. there is so much improvement and hope going on which hopefully results in a golden age one day. Wheater we'll life longer or not let's see what time brings. Energy shifts as well as the progress in science can lead there.

yes, do we really want to live forever? By that I mean inhabit our current body which fades and dies. Your soul never dies. If you're old at 80 who wants to live to 1000? There's a greek myth about the guy who wished to live forever but didn't ask for eternal youth so eventually got so old he turned into a cricket.

I am totally with you on that. If I have a look at the older generation father/auntie wise and even some of those my age I certainly would choose everlasting youth in a short life then living forever but never having lived at all. Maybe that's one of the reasons why we die . So we have motivation to get out of bed (almost) every day. No need to do that or accomplish much if you have an eternal life.

Time in itself is nothing. The marking of time is an indication of fragmentation. The only time worth worrying about is now. The future will be up the road and the past behind us, but we are forever in the now, which is ageless.

If you realise you are in the dark , than you search for the light . And you are right i am turning in to monster every fool moon :P Happy steeming :)

We in our modern society tend to think of time as a straight line, always progressing forward. This leads us to believe that we are the most advanced society the world has ever known....

Yes, but I think we try to take everything we can from previous civilizations to go better, and, at least from what we know, we have better technologies and are most advanced.

To add to this, it seems the older they are the more advanced their construction techniques were. Sites such as Gobleki Tepe and Baalbek show many stages of construction over vast amounts of time with the most advanced being the oldest and a clear degradation of building techniques over time.

From this I suppose they begined to lost some of those techniques over time, maybe they were at war, or some king said : "i don't like these".

We look at our technological wonders... and think we are the most advanced society to have ever lived. Yet at the same time we are polluting our land, water and air and our forests are disappearing at alarming rates. Cancer, autism and sociopathy are at epidemic proportions when they were virtually unheard of in so-called "simpler" times.

You talk about a cycle, maybe they did bad things in another way, who knows, we don't have a lot of dara from that era. One of them could be sickness, they could have plages worst than ours.

Yet... the most recent discoveries in science seem to indicate that the matter we thought was king is but an illusion created by that great mystery called consciousness that we seem to have forgotten the true nature of.

Wait, matter is not an illusion, not as it is seen by normal people, and neither by scientists. Maybe now we know that it can become energy, that's another issue.

This cycle takes over 26000 years to complete and yet the ancients had charted and measured this apparently through the whole cycle at least once. Still, our modern scholars tell us that civilization began just a few thousand years ago.

Maybe ancient charted and measured it, but they didn't pass everything completely clear. On the other hand, scholars, generally, are not very open to new ideas, any era.

It is darkest just before the dawn and all of these traditions predicted that we would be dawning on a new era of thinking right about now.

If they have been wrong sometime, i hope this is not one of them.

we should be calling our time the age of light, with electricity, and internet illuminating higher knowledge and spreading it further and faster than ever before (that we know of), seems fitting to me.
well done, excellent introductions to all this knowledge

thanks glad you enjoyed it

Another great post, @jphenderson. Definitely covered this topic quite well. :)

Isn't it interesting that clocks are set as circles? ;)

Indeed... as are almost all ancient calendars, sundials, and even the oldest temple spaces.

nicely written but i didn't find anything about the nature of time...
only about our perception of it - passing and cycles
i hope to read more from you