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RE: freemasonry and the downfall of the western world! pt2

in #esoteric7 years ago

I agree to some extent, though as someone put it last night, and allow me to use his words here "The analogy I often use is a bank! i.e only those running said bank are aware of the bigger picture. Within the lower degrees of Masonry the vast majority are unaware of what is happening further up the line. As such there are many people within the lower degrees that believe they are a force for good and this kind of creates a duality within the Masons. Indeed there are further societies under the Mason umbrella.

Equally, the dark power structure within the Mason's also use these lower ranks to pick out certain personality types (ruthless even psychopathic) whom are then advanced through the power structure at a faster pace.

It was interesting when Bush & Kerry were running for President, they were both members of skull & bones .. and also related! Great work @deliberator .. looking forward to the next part!"

and I also agree with what he said.


Except that is not how it works. I am a 32 degree Mason in the Scottish Rite. People who claim there are higher degrees do not understand the makeup of the Lodge. There are only 3 degrees, all additional degrees are side work, studies into different areas. Blue Lodges at the foundation, Scottish Rite is the college, York Rite is the Church, and Shrine (and others) are the social club.
As a Past Master I assure you we don't seek out unstable individuals to even join let alone run a portion of the Lodge. Most Lodges operate on a seniority rule for ascension you must pass through each seat in the Lodge this can take years to become Worshipful Master.
Skull & Bones is not the same as Freemasonry, S&B was founded by the owner of the British East Indian Company to build an opium smuggling ring.

Masonry apart, what are your thoughts on George soros, his ngo's and the Khalergi plan? as that is most of my presentation/article. p.s. you seem to have run out of money to upvote your own comments.

Soro's as we know was a traitor to his own people, he help the Nazi's round and snitched on Jewish neighbors. We also know that he has collapsed entire economies to take control of the financials. I believe Soro's is a Rothchild agent and he is only there to direct their will. The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is simple another push at a unified Europe where countries do not get a say in economic planning and immigration. This is no different than the U.N's Migration Pact, which wants to dictate screening and relocation of refugees to participating countries.
NGO's especially the CFR and Trilateral Commission need to be monitored much more closely and their members should be bared for political advisory positions.

Agreed in some part, you could should you wish to, take a look at my blog regarding looking after your vote power, and not voting on comments, in the long run, it will help you to make some money on here, from simply saving the votes to use on higher payout posts, you see when you get below 90% vote power the vote is worthless, you may already know this, though should you like to take a look, I also have blogs with videos in with some great advice for new people.

I appreciate the tip! I have no clue how this upvote steempower works lol.

if you have a spare 57 mins, there is a great video here, that explains a lot

80% vote power, when you hit 80% you wait 24hours to recoup power, 2.4 hours per vote. That gives you 10 votes of power to spread through the day.

From your explanation this sounds a bit like Rotary?

It is in a sense, aside from Masonry is a fraternal organization with co-ed and sorority counter parts; The Eastern Star, Daughters of Job, ect. I spend most of my time in Lodge planning events like the CHIP program or Pancake suppers for families in need in the area. Charity being one of the most important Pillars of Masonic beliefs. Charity is a benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity (brotherly love) and to be lenient in judgment of others, at its core.

Sounds absolutely harmless :)

It as in the charitable, educational, fraternal side is. There are snakes in every garden though. Lots enter the Brotherhood to seek benefits and exploit the network. They are easy for us to see.