freemasonry and the downfall of the western world! pt2

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

Freemasons part 2 and the demise of the western world.

I am going to present first information & facts, and secondly my opinion, I will try to remain impartial until my opinion/conclusion.


Richard Coudenhove Kalergi and his master plan, 1922 he founded the “Pan-European”, the idea being to reduce nationalism and reinforce a liberal politically correct world, via mass immigration, of ethnic minorities into western countries, in HIS book -Praktischer Idealismus-, Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with no clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.

Now this will come as no surprise to a lot of people as we are all very much experiencing this, I will enlighten you with his ties to masonry, they started when he joined the Masonic lodge "Humanitas" in Vienna In 1922.


At the time of joining, he was a greatly immersed with studying the writing's of Albert Pike, hence the easy path into freemasonry, Albert Pike if you have never heard of him was the man that forecast (#or planned) the first two world wars, and also stated the third world war would be fought between Christians and Muslims around about NOW.

At your leisure meet Mr Pike here

The massive influx into Europe at the moment is helped, aided and abetted via NGO'S, a lot of these NGO'S none governmental organisations are funded, and were opened by one George Soros, these organisations have been caught handing out maps, and mobile phones to unsuspecting young males as far and wide as Africa, they promise great riches, free money, housing and a lifestyle to die for, not literally.

These maps were found in temporary housing shelters in among other places Greece, source =

George Soros denies being a mason, he can not though deny ties to every known high ranking mason there is, and he seems willing and able, to not only follow the Khalergi plan, more fully implement it.

Only a week or so before Xmas, Soros handed over $18 billion to these NGO'S, so that in the event the #vile creature dies, his plan is funded for eternity.


My opinion and conclusion.

A lot of hatred is aimed at these migrants from unwilling natives to feed and house them, and rightly so, to a degree,
the political and ruling classes invited these people based on lies, as only the few that arrive with wives and families are housed, in a real house, the rest, the single males, are dumped into camps, and given bad food, horrendous living conditions, and not much hope for the future. These were/are to be for the elite, the next generation of subservient low paid workers, for corporations, they are also supposed to be the people that will not integrate, not vote, and put up no opposition to the ruling class, you do not have to use the age old practice of divide and conquer, if the new influx have no interest in being part of the community anyway, and prefer to hang "with their own kind"

You can not blame anyone for seeking a better life, no matter what their religion or ethnicity, these people were simply lied to, any anger felt on either side of the fence, be it the migrant or be it the native, should be aimed squarely at those that have instituted this crime against humanity, the elite and political ruling class.

In December alone I heard 10 riots or more were commited by migrants in Sweden alone, because these migrants were sold a fake dream, a lie, and now they are angry, you can find videos of these riots on youtube more easily than via the lamestream media-presstitutes.


If only we could all come together as one, and in that I include everyone, migrants, the lbgt community and any other label people choose to wear, IF ONLY we could all for one moment, come together as one massive force of epic proportions, we could scupper these plans forever, and live in peace, with no borders, and no so called elite, and while we were at it make our own money, & take the fiat scam, central banking power away.
I am open to thoughts, constructive criticism and debate.
(Part 3 the next time I have some bandwidth.)

Love and peace, steem on and stay awesome!


#my bad I was trying to not put my opinion in till the end.

all giphs courtesy of

Part 1 below.


Like all collectives there are good and bad people and elements within them. As a Mason in good standing and very active at the state and local levels, I can tell you this; Freemasonry at its core is a scholarly work, members are encouraged to study several fields and master as many as possible. The only thing secret is our words, grips, and tokens of the Lodge. We do not reveal these things to non-members as it is an oath made to our Brothers and your word is your bond. A man who brakes his word is no longer worthy of trust among the Brothers. That said all our 'secrets' are readily available for all to find and have been since the 1800's. Freemasonry only seeks to help good men become better men in their lives, families, and communities. Soro's is not an active member of any accepted Lodge that I can locate, he is on no registry.

I agree to some extent, though as someone put it last night, and allow me to use his words here "The analogy I often use is a bank! i.e only those running said bank are aware of the bigger picture. Within the lower degrees of Masonry the vast majority are unaware of what is happening further up the line. As such there are many people within the lower degrees that believe they are a force for good and this kind of creates a duality within the Masons. Indeed there are further societies under the Mason umbrella.

Equally, the dark power structure within the Mason's also use these lower ranks to pick out certain personality types (ruthless even psychopathic) whom are then advanced through the power structure at a faster pace.

It was interesting when Bush & Kerry were running for President, they were both members of skull & bones .. and also related! Great work @deliberator .. looking forward to the next part!"

and I also agree with what he said.

Except that is not how it works. I am a 32 degree Mason in the Scottish Rite. People who claim there are higher degrees do not understand the makeup of the Lodge. There are only 3 degrees, all additional degrees are side work, studies into different areas. Blue Lodges at the foundation, Scottish Rite is the college, York Rite is the Church, and Shrine (and others) are the social club.
As a Past Master I assure you we don't seek out unstable individuals to even join let alone run a portion of the Lodge. Most Lodges operate on a seniority rule for ascension you must pass through each seat in the Lodge this can take years to become Worshipful Master.
Skull & Bones is not the same as Freemasonry, S&B was founded by the owner of the British East Indian Company to build an opium smuggling ring.

Masonry apart, what are your thoughts on George soros, his ngo's and the Khalergi plan? as that is most of my presentation/article. p.s. you seem to have run out of money to upvote your own comments.

Soro's as we know was a traitor to his own people, he help the Nazi's round and snitched on Jewish neighbors. We also know that he has collapsed entire economies to take control of the financials. I believe Soro's is a Rothchild agent and he is only there to direct their will. The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is simple another push at a unified Europe where countries do not get a say in economic planning and immigration. This is no different than the U.N's Migration Pact, which wants to dictate screening and relocation of refugees to participating countries.
NGO's especially the CFR and Trilateral Commission need to be monitored much more closely and their members should be bared for political advisory positions.

Agreed in some part, you could should you wish to, take a look at my blog regarding looking after your vote power, and not voting on comments, in the long run, it will help you to make some money on here, from simply saving the votes to use on higher payout posts, you see when you get below 90% vote power the vote is worthless, you may already know this, though should you like to take a look, I also have blogs with videos in with some great advice for new people.

I appreciate the tip! I have no clue how this upvote steempower works lol.

80% vote power, when you hit 80% you wait 24hours to recoup power, 2.4 hours per vote. That gives you 10 votes of power to spread through the day.

From your explanation this sounds a bit like Rotary?

It is in a sense, aside from Masonry is a fraternal organization with co-ed and sorority counter parts; The Eastern Star, Daughters of Job, ect. I spend most of my time in Lodge planning events like the CHIP program or Pancake suppers for families in need in the area. Charity being one of the most important Pillars of Masonic beliefs. Charity is a benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity (brotherly love) and to be lenient in judgment of others, at its core.

Sounds absolutely harmless :)

It as in the charitable, educational, fraternal side is. There are snakes in every garden though. Lots enter the Brotherhood to seek benefits and exploit the network. They are easy for us to see.

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He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with no clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.

I feel the main reason up until the point of "easily controlled by the ruling elite" is what would be required to have people be unified, however, you will always have localized tradition or cultural values this is very apparent in the difference between South African Indian and India Natives or Boere and English South Africans, although they are not far removed from in religious views, they can be worlds apart in cultural and traditional values (better word?).

For his idea to actually work you would have to completely remove the taught to believe nonsense people are brought up with this includes religion, tradition and promotion of racial differences / or punishment

Really hope I am using these terms correctly , but I am answering in my opinion so as always completely open to discussion and or corrections

You will fail, but mindset is easier to change than all of the above, so you may have multi cultural, religious, tradition and races (this has it's own characterization depending only on the preceding values mentioned - so a black, indian or white french from a family not beholding to the above values will have no significant difference in characterization other than personality)

Is this personality more subseptible to being ruled? I do not know, but I would wager that it will not be since breaking from tradition and religion in itself is a matter of freewill and questioning, fact of the matter though is that if something works we ignore it , so if the government and masons and everyone just ploughs along their merry way , well out of sight out of mind.

As you mentioned in your first post

“The first step is to create a problem, The second step is to generate opposition to the problem, fear, panic and hysteria, The third step is to offer the solution to the problem created by step one = A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two."

You need to do this to be able to create the required mindset across all types of people then follow through on the last part "being able to control by the elite"
Because they have the resources, and will get more from the fallout in some fancy , stock exachange makes no fucking sense way.
Sounds a bit like steem do not have to use the age old practice of divide and conquer, if the new influx have no interest in being part of the community anyway, and prefer to hang "with their own kind"

As the majority just keep on living, and making more people to suffer under new people , teaching them the same shit, and making them feel special. As much as a person would think there are those with so much global power, it all starts at the root of a society and the most evil most backwards are those who cling too much to culture etc.
This is my main issue with the entirety of humanity.

Looking forward to part 3 and will be re-reading this and viewing sources , as I gain a better understanding of the topic.

I love it, thank you for diving head first in, thank you brother, peace and love, from Poland.

I am afraid the topic is just so broad, seems to be a moving target since I start with freemasonry but this leads into the generalization of the defective structure we as a species have built and empowered over centuries.

There is though a common link, from the founding fathers of the USA, to Khalergi, to most governments, and that is different kinds of masons, predominantly the Scottish 322 branch, all will be revealed, stick with it.

Hey @deliberator great post thank you for sharing .. I think there is certainly both good and bad within the Mason's (as with all organisations) on the light side there are many unsung charitable events and donations. Equally on the flip side there are hidden societies within the Mason umbrella (not officially) that use the power structure to suit their own agenda.

I don't think the Masons as a collective are trying to take over the world, but equally there are (I believe) within the structure dark elements with ties to other secret societies and as such use it to network and pick out personality types and people in positions of power.

I agree, & everyone that goes to bilderberg meeting or davos are not bad people, though I would say a lot of them are control freaks, the same goes for masons, and many institutions, the problem lies more with the order followers for me, without them, there is no power for the 0.01% :-)
And thank you for the compliment.

Yes if every organisation or meeting were filled with evil people then it wouldn't take very long to be found out. With Bilderberg it's the smaller, more select spin off meetings that are where the biggest decisions are made. It's easy to hide a rotten apple in a basket of fresh fruit.