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RE: Against ESG

in #esglast year (edited)

This is a way of looking at it without zooming in on the actual players at the extent of the problem. I've called Europe "Yurope" for a while now, meaning the EU countries of the content and its failed European Union project in Brussels. The Sun God has taken over and everyone has to obey its wishes for sacrifices. ESG was the big reason for the massive failure of the Yuropean economy, only the worst players got to play for nearly one and a half decades now. I'm not sure if we can reverse course at this point, certainly, I would not bet on it.


I must be too far removed from the context to understand what you mean. Yurope? Sun God?

The Sun God is the highest entity of the Climate Religion.


They also have a High priestess and Saints.

High Priestess Greta

and the holy glue Saints



Whatever gets you through the night...

Oh we have a lot of them, I constantly try to talk sense into some. Impossible to keep of list of names around. The education system is driving the youth mad.