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RE: Promoting erotic fiction: Hiring erotic fiction writers at 5SBD/post.

in #erotica7 years ago (edited)

so you are paying 5 sbd to a ghost writer so you can repost their work and get paid off of it?
What happened aggroed? You use to make original content that people actually wanted to read, this directon you have gone the last 5-6 months is depressing. Did you really lose who you were for some spare change?
why not just resteem people making erotica that you think is deserving? you have to get a cut from it to help "the community"?
you swore you wouldn't change because you became a node/whitness but I haven't seen the old aggroed we all loved in a long time.

IDK I still got love but wtf yo?
What would old agrroed say to new aggroed? I could be wrong but I think old aggroed would be pissed.

you went from satiricly your and meme news to this?????!?!?!?!

wtf yo?


I still run those. I just don't have as much time. I run a 5,000 person Discord group. And while I am at times an asshat it isn't always productive. I've also gone from thinking this is just a shitty blockchain to realizing it's an incredibly powerful tool to spread values that I hold dear: Peace, Abundance, and Liberty.

You'll notice that the folks writing here are usually make 20 cents or so a post, and not getting much recognitiion. I'm giving them 5 SBD. The posts I make on this thing are typically 60 cents. So, I'm not making money off this. I'm giving away the money that I make to minnows, but they get to practice writing, form a relationship with me, and write about some sexy shit.

The old Aggroed may not understand it, but that's ok. I think I out grew him anyway.

I miss him, old aggroed was one of the people I looked up to on this site.

wouldn't a resteem and upvote do the same? I got to belive your upvote at this point is worth a buck or more.

Im drunbk as usual so you can just ignore me but you already know that.

Why the fuck you run a 5k person discord chat? I kinbda wanna call bs on that cause I have seen icq chats with 200+ people and its almost impossible to talk to others. is it an audio chat too? I mean that's kool if that's what you are into but I don't understand wanting to use discord unless gaming and I cant even understand 5k people on it at once.

I think the block chain is a powerful tool I just don't see it getting used for "Peace, Abundance, and Liberty" my perspective on it all has been more that the tool is used for censorsip of ideas the people in power don't like, scarcity to anyone that isn't in the mob of pre opened mining or nodes and the prohibition of ideas on the free market or complete oppsite of liberty whatever that would be calld.

with that said im up in it too, if I didn't have the support I have my shit wouldn't get pay outs either. but in all honesty what I miss is the views and comments. I know you have to miss the 180 views and 98 comments on a post, sure you might have only been making 9 cents back in the day but but the money has always been an after thought for me.

Hope im not being to much of an ass, im really stoked our doing well and getting paid. I just miss the old aggored.