In this article, we will find out that how the cryptocurrency and global warming are related to each other.
We hear a lot of buzz about bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies nowadays. Have we ever thought that is it really environment-friendly? How many of you have thought that a technology like a cryptocurrency will be hazardous for our environment? Let us find out how.
Bitcoin is made by bitcoin mining. Bitcoin mining is the process of adding new blocks with transaction data to the Bitcoin blockchain. Bitcoin mining is done with the help of huge machines. These heavy machines consume a lot of energy which has an adverse and a direct impact on our environment. These machines liberate a huge amount of heat which in turn adds up to the global warming level. This heat directly impacts the environment making the situation worse for us.
Though efforts are made to reduce the energy consumption of machines it is likely impossible to make the machines ‘zero heat liberator’.
At this stage, we cannot reduce the use of cryptocurrency as it is slowly becoming an integral part of our payment methods. The question now arises that what should be done?
What should be our approach to solve this problem? What should be done to make it a greener currency?
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