West Ham United vs Leicester City
Final score of the match
2 - 0
A clean sheet for West Ham United against Leicester City.
Both teams had 13 shots each but 2 on target for Leicester City and 3 on target for West Ham United.
*Leicester City had majority of the ball possession as they had 55% ball possession during the match compared to 45% of the ball possession by
West Ham United .*
- Fortunately no red cards were seen during the match.
- Goal Scorers of the Match played between West Ham United and Leicester City.
1 . Joao Mario 34 minute .
2 . Mark Noble 64 minute .
It is a very good victory for West ham United. This victory will uplift the fans and players of West Ham United.
In this match Leicester city had advantage on ball possession . Even then they fail to score a single goal against West ham United .
Leicester City would be very disappointed by the outcome of this match as they were the losing side against West Ham United.
It seems there are no west ham fan on steemit , only i am the commentor here .
congrats west ham !