#EOSHackathon Update - Runner Down!


Sorry to report to our friends and supporters that The AGE Project did not make the Top-10 for YouTube Likes, and so we are out of the #EOSHackathon competition. We did our very best, and with your help ended far from embarrassment. In the fierce competition (by our counts) we were in a 3-way-tie for 11th place out of a field of over 70 competing teams.

Amazing Work! to everyone that competed. We want to take a moment and congratulate those still in the race and wish them the very best of luck in the finals to be announced on May 21st.

To our fans and supporters, a sincere thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for your encouraging support. We aren't sure what the future holds for the project, options look pretty thin, but we'll hang in here as long as we can and keep searching for that break that gets us viable. So, stay tuned for updates & we'll post here when we figure out a next move.

Best in Life to All of You!
Greg & The AGE Team



wow best of luck

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