When EOS managed to recover the funds of those 5 wallets from the hackers, it really did something potentially game-changing in terms of bringing blockchain to mass adoption: implementing a system to recover lost funds.
As far as I'm aware(correct me if I'm wrong) this has never been done in blockchain history before. Up until now blockchain has always been, if you get hacked and your funds are stolen, too bad so sad, nothing you can do about it. Same goes for if you lose your password. If we are serious about mass-adoption we need to step out of our crypto-community bubble and think about what the average layman would need to feel safe adopting it. Who in their right mind wants to put any significant amount of money in a wallet where all your funds can be hacked and stolen anytime and can't be recovered, where if you forget your password your entire account is gone and inaccessible.
Forget the fear of investors losing money due to whale manipulation. Even if BTC goes to $1 million, the fear that it could all be gone in an instant due to a hack or mistake is enough to scare off 90% of the masses.
This was truly a historical breakthrough in blockchain technology that we should be celebrating and everyone should be talking about. And the only reason we're not is because of all those stupid FUDsters.
Eos blockchain bhut aacha h
Yes, its a great blockchain
Eos blockchain bhut aacha h
Or ab menage kar lega hacking ko
Haan bilkul sahi, its very good blockchain.