You make a compelling argument, trust is the only way we can really progress as a species and get past all the drama of the past. Transparacy could potentially create trust but only if that transparacy has been voluntarily agreed upon. When I first came to understand what blockchain was all about (fairly recently) and how some see it as a way to have trustless transactions....that didn't seem like a very positive direction to me.
The reason we fear transparacy though is because it has been forced upon us and very one sided. The masses have been coerced into transpracy through social media, mobile devices, and a variety of other surviellence technology. Meanwhile, for all we know, those in power are less transparent than they have ever been with their control over social media and news.
Another reason to fear transparency is that with the technology we have now, once it's out there, it's out there. If we grow up in a system with values that we disagree with, we are still subject to it's judgement. Values and individuals also change and we can have full access to the information but that doesn't mean we fully graps the context. I'm not the same person I was 15 years ago and so I don't want people making judgements that could affect my life by reading my conversations from back then, for example.
This is not to say I disagre with anything you say. You state it very well by saying that this is similar to facing aggression with peaceful resistance.
I have tried to remain somewhat anonymous on steemit because it allows me to feel safer expressing my true opinions, opinions that could land me in a lot of trouble otherwise, and have in the past. I would like to come out and be transparent, but it's very difficult when the world stll lacks empathy.
Perhaps I am just in denial and the privacy is already gone....
If I do share my identity on here, I will have you to thanks in part @dan