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RE: Reponse to Vitalik's Written Remarks

in #eos8 years ago

They have to do it this way. Otherwise they control the protocol and get stung with securities law.

The token registration is a vote. Your vote is your stake and the voting is to create a network using the software.

I'm sure they'd agree it would be easier for everyone if it was a direct sale etc. but this is the only way to insulate themselves (and as a result, you) from the government who will no doubt want to harm this platform.

Look at China, demanding exchanges refund ICO's. Block.One have managed to avoid this risk by:

  1. Giving away the protocol to the public
  2. Not starting the block chain themselves (it's started via the token registration / vote)

Genius in design


Oh I didn't know that! Here's almost a dollar for your comment! that's cool to know how the vote is like DPOS, so it's like, whoever how more of a vote, they csn potentioally make money curating? l;ol will there be curation on EOS? or so its liuke Delegated proof of stake but with Ethereum, man it's so cool that delegated proof of stake is working so well on steemit, have you heard of how Ark is delegated proof of stakje? no idea what Ark is yet, havnt read anywhere about how it orks or what it does why i would wanna use it BUT they said they got Arks DPOS keys onto a ledger nano and now the ledger nano accepts Ark for when u cast your votes ! so it makes me believe we might be able top have other DPOS coins like steem on the Ledger nano, think we could ever have hardware wallet support for steemit key storage? because yeah having the posting key and the master key theres like 4 of the steemit keys so that might complicate things, but having to plugin the ledger every time u wanted to send money on steemit would be really cool!

WIOAH I just noticed something, did your comment really get 8,863 Views??/ wtf??

i think maybe this is a glitch and its showing the views of the post in total? thats crazy maybe your comment got that many views cuz the post got that many views??
Im glad it did it explained a LOT and thats a very in demand question being asked about why the extra step and its because of the way EOS is built and I didnt know that! delegated proof of take is new technology that requires extra steps !liek when a jet Engine is first used by the airforce in new planes in the late 1940s the jet engines had lots of extra parts yhat needed extra maintenance! new tech has extra steps! i see that now