8 years ago in #eos by rok-sivante (77)
- Past Payouts $183.44
- - Author $161.75
- - Curators $21.68
282 votes
- rok-sivante: $22.64
- officialfuzzy: $21.91
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- dan: $12.57
- adol: $11.50
- fabien: $10.34
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- dana-edwards: $6.36
- nanzo-scoop: $5.16
- tomkirkham: $4.37
- omarb: $2.72
- hedge-x: $2.59
- surfyogi: $2.14
- themonetaryfew: $1.74
- oflyhigh: $1.70
- lawrenceho84: $1.66
- deanliu: $1.55
- somebody: $1.52
- and 262 more
There is no time to follow all this new projects, thank you picking most promising of them and serving with easy to read explanations.
your welcome, though this is still just a tiny fraction of what's out there...
so which project your following closely?
Thank you for introducing me to Tauchain, Ant Shares and others. And while your understanding of EOS and Tezos may be more nebulous than my own I definitely share your excitement. It's very clear that Ethereum isn't the highest stage in blockchain evolution - we are not even crawling out of the oceans yet, just going multi-cellular so far.
I heard Vitalik speak about Ethereum at the time when it and Maidsafe were vying to be the next big things in blockchain tech. Neither had even working test nets at the time and heaps of scorn and FUD were been directed at both.
I was skeptical but interested - Vitalik was clearly one hella smart dude not even 20 at the time.
I somehow got busy at work and looking for a new job and forgot to get in on the Ethereum ICO (more fool me) but did okay with Maidsafe who are still working slowly towards something bigger. I rather think similar stories will happen with many of the BCs we are seeing launching now.
Maybe only 1 in 10 will succeed (like VC-backed software startups and restaurants) but at least we are moving forward, invigorating the gene-pool and seeing what works vs. last time around when we had hundreds of Bitcoin clones with a different name. Yeah, I once held 9,000,000 MOON coins - it would be worth a whopping $500 now - but it has no more reason to exist now than it did then.
Yours post is amazing. I an still reading your article and this is something that nobody knows till date
Thank You for sharing@rok-sivante
curious - which part "nobody knows 'til date?"
I'm not too sure this is anything necessarily new - perhaps I've just curated some perspectives on these three projects and translated it slightly differently.
glad you found value in it - that was obviously the point in writing & releasing it. just curious for more detailed feedback as to what in particular you found was particularly new or different, so can try offering more of that in future posts...
Thank You for sharing.
I'm really bullish on Antshares/Antcoins. China is a massive market
I'd agree, will be interesting to see what'll happen when it's on more exchanges.
Totally agree with you there, it's China's ethereum
*NEO ;)
Good high effort post... It would be interesting to revisit this post 2 years from now...
Thanks so much for that article. I'm a dentist and know a lot About a few subjects. Programming is not one of them. Nonetheless I am fascinated with all things blockchain, AI , robots, 3D rendering etc. I need the dumbed down version though.
Glad it was of some service... :-)
Great information! I'm reading and learning what I can on these. Thanks for sharing!!
Very Interesting and informative article. EOS, i feel is the near future. Tauchain( reading about it for the first time), as you describe it, may be the far future of blockchain.
IF it can be pulled off as conceptualized and I understand it as Dana summed it up as, it'll definitely be one major piece of the puzzle - though EOS, Tezos, Ethereum, and others will each have their place as well...
Currently I am having an eye on EOS to invest in. Will do R&D about Tauchain
Underated post!
thank you, great post
EOS was great to follow, huge ICO but then on buy day they didn't allow US its to purchase? Bullshit lol
could always bypass with a VPN...
and based on my understanding, it might work out to a better buy later on in the sale...
True, asked the same question but not sure on the legality, maybe im bring over cautious
EOS is so interesting. Don't miss out (!)
I use Private Internet Access VPN, and EU based SMS web pages (google it), and mailinator.com for email ;-)
Yogi! you come through when I need a trusted source for that last push, I'm all over this brother, thank you! Surf on!
At this point, I'd guess it'd be unregulated and there isn't any way it'd be found out...
Plus, you could probably just by them on poloniex anyways, even if you are in the US...
But if any US exchange releases information about your holdings, then you could possibly get into trouble for violating the legal rule 501 of the SEC.
not that it applies to me as a Canadian citizen, though to clarify for any US citizens reading...
what is Rule 59?
would a trader still be held liable if the exchange sold to them, with their account registered in the US?
are the terms and agreements for the ICO that US citizens are not allowed to hold any of the EOS tokens, period - or rather that the company distributing the tokens are not allowed to sell to US citizens?
The SEC rule 501 (not 59) prohibits a company from selling an unregulated/unregistered security to public investors. But it doesn't prevent US public investors themselves to go and buy these securities through foreign exchanges (not sure about exchanges registered in the United States). So the terms and conditions are usually to protect the company (in this case EOS) from any litigation. But under certain exemptions these securities can be sold to 'Accredited' US investors.
Basically, what needs to be understood is that US investors are protected from any security fraud by having rules that prevent company's from selling unregulated securities.
Unless I'm mistaken, the citizen wouldn't have violated anything as the onus and restriction is on the exchanges.
Crypto-startups not including US citizens in their ICOs is a precaution for any possible regulation that may eventuate - and don't forget many of these are truly global startups where, for example, something legal in Sweden may not be legal in the US - but I have never read anything that has made me feel that US citizens (and no, I'm not one) have anything to fear from the SEC. Yet.
As far as I understand it, as long as you're including any gains on your tax return you are obeying the law as it stands in 2017.
Thanks for this article about all these projects.
Tauchain seems fascinating, so I'll look into that. And the Chinese projects also seem worth looking into.
Just a heads up, Japan is the land of the rising sun ;)
I have heard of Xem/Nem having prospect in Japan...
I have read the post
very interesting
thanks for sharing
Tezos ico already launched. Your article states that it is launching tomorrow? maybe i'm misunderstanding something.
thanks for the catch... I began writing this a couple days ago. edited to "launched yesterday." cheers.
No problem :)
I'm still confused....
Never heard of Tauchain. Another token on my list to investigate. There is so much happening that it is hard to keep track. Thanks for updating us.
Tauchain is a tough one to get into. Dana's coverage of it really started helping narrow down in focus to get into it, so I'd definitely recommend the links above as a resource to get your foot in the door. even then, it doesn't seem all straightforward, but at least for me, that was an approachable starting point...
Thank for your advise and a great post
Wow good job on such an informative article man!
Very great read... Thanks for giving me an idea of what EOS is
glad it was helpful :-)
very interesting. i loved your post. many thanks...
This is a nice guide to the Big 3 ICOs everyone is currently talking about. I'm sure it will be helpful to many. I like to diversify, so I am in all 3. Thanks for this!
My biggest problem with these new ico's is it resembles very much the dot com bubble. Lots of hype and money thrown at an 'idea'. Nothing really to sustain growth if there is nothing to prove the pudding. Just money being thrown at techies. Oh how I wish I had taken up programing instead of gaming in my teenage years lol KingabelICO... oh well
Definitely sounds very dot com'y! For sure people will make a lot out of this revolutionary technology and we are all throwing money at things hoping it's it.
true. hence the need for discernment and due diligence to pick apart which projects actually have the substance and teams behind them that could take the idea to fruition...
Thank you for sharing - how you explained EOS actually helped me write my latest post about the few altcoin project I'm stalking this month.
Consider their own FAQ doesnt quite explains what is EOS stands for and the white paper is beyond my understanding. This really helps! Btw, what do you think EOS stands for?
awesome, glad to hear.
in all honesty, I have no idea. although I'd side on the bet that the "OS" does stand for "operating system." :-)
very interesting, I wanted to take part in the EOS ICO but I missed it - damn!
How could you miss it? It's going on for the next 336 days...
well I wanted to buy this morning when it was at 1,10. I didnt make it home before it went up to 4,00. Now I am not so sure if it isnt too expensive...
In my opinion, there's no rush to buy at this point...
Consider - if the price stays around $1 for the whole ICO, that means about $2mil per day, which is arouns $800 million for the whole iCO...
That could happen. Though that might also be over-optimisitic.
and, factor in potential price increase of ETH. I think it might not be unreasonable to predict anywhere from a 2-4x prive increase by the end of the ICO. So if you buy into EOS now, factor in the potential opportunity cost... I wouldn't expect EOS price to rise THAT much proportionately that they're raking in 2-8 million per day.
Thus, in my opinion, I think the best buys may be available when ETH price rallies again to new highs. But, I could be wrong, and ETH might not keep climbing...
Any idea about NEM, Waves, Omni, Bitshares and Nxt
Not enough to confidently comment...
I'm bullish on Bitshares due to what seem like solid fundamentals.
I've got a little bit of Nem cuz heard from a trusted friend there's been some excitement building in its community of developers and has some interesting prospects in Japan.
Waves was the first or second ICO I bought into, though didn't know much about what it was at the time. Ended up selling cuz progress was super slow and didn't see results validating keeping my funds locked in it.
Don't know much about the other two.
That was a fantastic summary. definitely the best I've read so far.
Much appreciated.
Great post this is.. EOS is going to MOON in next 15 days.. Must check this
Impressive article, very instructive and well put together, thanks.
Thanks for the summaries, very helpful!
Great post,as I'm fairly new with cryptocurrencies it was really helpful to me. Thanks and keep up the good work
your welcome.
Small quibble - the phrase, "land of the rising sun" refers to Japan, not China. ;)
Fun fact: the characters used to write 'Japan' in Japanese are 日本 (nihon) which literally mean Sun Origin. From the perspective of China, Japan is located to the East, from where the sun rises.
Really good synopsis. Quick question: what if the Chinese govt. likes crypto so much that instead of co-opting Antshares/NEO, they copy t like they do with so many other items - from Michael Koors purses to GE engines! I would hate to be holding a bag of ants...
t'is possible. though suppose it'd be up to the people to choose which they'd prefer to use - ringing in the free market...
What about iota and the tangle?
don't know much anything about 'em.
You missed other interesting platform https://dfinity.network/ coming up in this space which seems highly scalable and uses "Randomness" based design in blockchain. Another new world computer.
Great post ! Tezos s almost done, was waiting for the 2000 block. about to invest. Anyone knows how % of tokens will be on the market ?
This has been a wonderful blockchain primer of projects to come and has been very helpful. My team has been working on a Pharmaceutical blockchain based Supply Chain solution for close to 3 years.
In this time the landscape has changed dramatically and again these projects you reviewed are changing it again.
We are convinced that a a Graphene solution provides the enterprise robustness we are looking for. We are planning on an official announcement about our Pharmaceutical Blockchain of Value in about a week.
In the mean time any Bitshares developers interested in knowing more should hit me up here.
whoa, awesome. that'd be quite an amazing project to help grow the Bitshares ecosystem for sure!
Yes we are expecting some great synergy to be created from this initiative. We're looking forward to working with and growing the Bitshares ecosystem.
visit my profile
its very wonderful
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