
At this point most of the money is speculation and crap projects are being valued as gold. There isn’t logic with most of these evaluations. That will change in time but not right now. EOS is better then Ether but the markets have been the opposite of logical thus far so I doubt they will start now. It will change in time though! We just can’t tell when.

EOS doesn't care what the markets think. It is flying to the moon.

👍👍👍. 🌝 🌙 🌚

My opinion is that Eos is a powerful currency and has a wonderful future. It is better than etherium,

All the best for you 👍😃😉 Good luck my dear friend @riskdebonair 👍😃

A lot of people are talking about this project.... Personally, I didn't know him! I'm going to look into it. Apparently it has giant potential.

Greetings colleague @riskdebonair

I think ETH got to over 1k because it was first to market and became the second store of value after BTC in the FOMO months.

That being my opinion, I am HUGELY bullish on EOS and Dan projects and I see it potentially up to 50 in the summer trimeframe.

Trying to accumulate some now and in the next dip and lock it away in my core portfolio.

When you think $1000?

A very great amount of money, if you have a day like this, you will do well

Eos can be at 50$ not more than that,need to pump volume there.

Well who knows it might be bigger than that even ;)

Lets hope for the best ;)

I think I'm going to buy some more EOS!

Okey , let me collect EOS .

I think it is totally possible if the launch of the platform goes well!

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

Future looks bright of cryptocurrency so i think

Currently, it is trading around $ . The forecast by end of the calendar year 2018 is around $ 37. Similarly, the five-year forecast is around $ 143. Thus, the total quantum of appreciation which can be attained is actually pretty huge. This is the reason why it is worth investing as well.

It is a good idea for the long-term earning platform.

just a zero less and $100 sounds good