[Crypto Talk]~ EOSfinex/ LitePay/ USDT SCAM?... (What I'm Looking At)

in #eos7 years ago (edited)


It looks like Bitfinex is partnering with #EOSIO to make a decentralized exchange ( #EOSfinex ) after there were many disputes that the exchanges were unfair centralized. They want to compete with the Top Dogs such as #Coinbase.


With this news its only a matter of time before #EOS picks up speed with further development of the exchange. Now the exciting thing with this is that it will really putt the #Graphene network to work. It’ll finally be its time to shine and bask in its glorious quickness. Ive always been a huge advocate of the network by using the Bitshares platform. Transactions and approval are within seconds of each other and it makes the overall crypto experience less stressful than it already is.

"We’ve all been there, waiting for the approvals to hit while repeatedly smashing the refresh button. With this platform I haven’t had that issue with the coins I was trading."


#LTC is flexing "BIG" this month by launching its new Litepay payment.

For years, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been held back by their limited acceptance and shortage of use cases – keeping them outside the realm of viable “currency.” However, with LitePay only days away, is all that about to change?

LTC is running in and bucking BTC back on their slow butts. It’ll be interesting to see how altcoins combat this efficiency.This is big news because it puts #Bitcoin to shame in speed. Its not that I'm not grateful for the progress that BTC has done, but its time for the young bucks.

The astonishing figures – 566 mainnet and 1720 testnet nodes at press time – come as an increasing number of users and commentators alike pledge support of #Lightning, despite reservations about the robustness of its mainnet security. Bitcoinist previously reported on fledging LN mainnet presence last month, with its node count hitting 40 on January 18 and passing 100 by January 22.

Staying Competitive:

As Coinbase plans for the #Segwit pay attention to LTC. In the face of volatile Bitcoin network fees and competitors already implementing SegWit, which reduces both fees and transaction times, Coinbase has faced increasing pressure from users to follow suit. https://blockgeeks.com/guides/what-is-segwit/

Litecoin (LTC), after #LitePay and #LitePal, will be one of the first to rebound in my opinion and it will for sure be one of the first to return to its all-time high ($370).

When I say lowest fees possible I mean that in terms of adoption Litecoin is in fact #3 because almost every exchange trades Litecoin which makes it perfect with its low fees. A lot of people will throw the argument that Ripple (XRP) has the lowest fees, or Stellar (XLM) but still you can’t ignore that these tokens aren’t at the same stage of adoption as LTC.

"honestly think that Litecoin should contact Usaine Bolt and try to get him for marketing."


Litecoin (LTC) is scheduled for a hard fork on the 18th of February. The new coin that will come about from this fork, will be Litecoin Cash (LCC). The awarding system will be, for every 1 Litecoin owned, you will get 10 Litecoin Cash (LCC). To add to the above, LCC promises a transaction speed of just 2.5 minutes instead of the usual 10 – 12 minutes. LCC can also be mined with technology that no longer works for Bitcoins, cheaper and with less energy consumption. This means old machines can be reused. https://www.theindependentrepublic.com/2018/02/12/4-reasons-to-be-bullish-about-litecoin-ltc/

Bitfinex and Tether have stepped in some shit.

This is my biggest post yet, so any errors y'all find, feel free to correct me :)


https://bitcoinist.com/let-lite-litecoin-game-changer-litepay-released-february-26/ http://bitcoinist.com/greased-lightning-network-mainnet-passes-500-nodes/

Good stuff, haven’t been following everything as closely lately so it’s good to get some info.

I feel it, I haven't looked at LTC in a while and it popped back in the scene lol.

Great content

thx, Im trying to put more useful info!

Interesting Post! I recently made a post were i talked about FOMO! Chck it out!

Great post! Thanks for sharing