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RE: EOS Dawn 3.0 Alpha Release Is Out

in #eos7 years ago

Thanks for responding!
I'm not a programmer myself and am not fully aware of everything going on with EOS, but I do know that NEO supports a wide range of common programming languages such as C#, .NET and Python.

As far as I know EOS supports C++, which is supposedly a lot harder and rigid to program on. Is my understanding correct, or am I missing something still?


The difference between EOS and NEO is the use of parallel processing which allows for exponential scaling. Actually that is the difference between EOS and any other blockchain. The only other blockchain that is moving to parallel processing that I know of is STEEM with AppBase and ChainBase see page 3 of the Blue Paper.

Parallel processing, I haven't heard of this term yet but it sounds a little bit like side-chains at first glance. I'll take a look at the link later.. have to get going..! thanks!

Yes, but the c++ code will be compiled in webassembly before be pushed online, so many languages could be compiled to wasm because it's standard for the web