Before we start our topic let's make it clear that nobody really knows how high or low the price can go and this is only my personal Opinion
But let's see the factors that contribute to the price of EOS and blockchain generally
Since EOS is a blockchain
Its value is defined by
1 Blockchain Market Cap (is the total market value of all the blockchain based coins )
2 Market Share/Dominance (Which is EOS market Cap divided by Total market cap )
3-Number of EOS Coins ( Which is Now 607,141,107 EOS) Total Supply Should be 900,000,000 after all the Tokens are released
For Example
Right now
Crypto Market Cap is $593,282,540,234
EOS Market Cap is $6,795,183,979 USD
EOS Market Share /Dominance is about 1.17%
And Since er have now about 607,141,107 So
EOS Price is $6,795,183,979/607,141,107 EOS = $11.19 as we speak
So assuming EOS will be in the Top Coins like Etheruem and have a Market share about 18% ( as ETH has now )
With no Change of Market Cap or number of EOS token out there
Price Would be $172.36
So Let's Assume by the End of the year Crypto Total market Cap has Increased 100% to reach 1.1 Trillion
and EOS has Proven itself and took 15% share With all the 900,000,000 EOS Out there Price will be $193.79
There are many factors can affect both Total market Cap and EOS market Cap, In my Opinion, the most important factors are the following
1-Governments war against BlockChain
2-Media and influencers
3- Mainstream adoption to BlockChain And having Real Life Variety of applications
I Know That Some of you already know that and might have an Idea about how big the market cap will go So I shared this file on Google Drive you can go there make your own prediction and show it to us on comments
Just Change The Values in the columns with blue
EOS will go upto $ 19.50

I think you are Right maybe by the end of this month, we have 2 events 23rd of Jan announcement about VC
also Dawn 3.0 And For sure your Chart Prediction I think can easily Reach $19-$20 pretty Soon
Yes Sir Mikemansour!