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RE: My Approach to Acquiring EOS Tokens

in #eos7 years ago

It not getting in at the right price that is a problem, the problem is the running out of ETH/(fiat) to participate in these ICO.

Of course we need to do our research to find ICOs that we can gamble on but there are just so many out there and the FOMO is just so great at this point in time.

This period to me is a once in my lifetime. I missed the boom because I was young and just starting out with no money. Now the blockchain boom which I am determined not to let it pass me by.


Running out of eth? good price now.. or maybe wait for it to get lower..

Just about scraping the bottom of the barrel now without taking drastic action like selling the family jewels!

at least u've a barrel, i'm just searching in the corners of my sofa.. lol