My Approach to Acquiring EOS Tokens

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

By now you should've read a good amount of stuff about EOS and thinking if you should get some. I'm getting some for sure since one of the engineers behind EOS is none other than Dan Larimer. This is his third major project since BitShares and Steem, so it's a no-brainer for me especially after finding out that EOS is a blockchain operating system. It's something that could be massively scalable and easy for developers to build stuff on it.

So I've spent the past couple of weeks figuring out my approach to get the most cheap EOS tokens as possible, quickly realising there's no way to determine if the price is okay from one day to the next with its pro-rated distribution mechanism. That means the number of EOS tokens that you will get is determined by:-

(Your ether contribution) x (Total tokens available) / (Total ether contributed)
*in a specific time window

In this case, there's just no way for anyone to set a price to purchase EOS tokens during the year-long crowdsale. For example, if I think that a fair price for EOS token is at $1.00 per token, how do I even begin to do this since the distribution mechanism is based on the total contribution made by other people that I have no control of? There is just no way to specify an acceptable price, even with something like buyWithLimit() or some other max price mechanism - please correct me if I'm wrong about this. The only real way to do this is to contribute in the last minute in any of the time windows after knowing how much others have contributed throughout the time window. We all know that may not work very well, especially if the network is congested, or if some other whales contribute around the same time, blowing my fair price out of the water.

In addition, the only currency to get EOS tokens is by contributing ether, and I do not have much of it left. This would mean that in order to maximise my chances of acquiring "cheap" EOS tokens, I would need to consider spending as little as possible to acquire more ether from my diversified stash of cryptocurrencies. So in this case, which currencies do I expect to perform way better than ether in the near future, or more pedantically, before the yearlong crowdsale ends? This is a matter of speculation and patience then.

For one, I think Steem's price will outperform most tokens in the market towards the end of the year, which is why my broad-stroked strategy is simply to keep building on Steem to improve its value just so I can purchase as many ethers as possible with as little Steem as possible. Another maturing technology that might outperform ether this year is Lisk (basically a Javascript couterpart). Maybe BitShares too, since centralised exchanges are getting pretty frustrating to use these days. There are plenty of other tokens that may provide anyone of us with the leverage throughout the yearlong crowdsale, so instead of jumping into the hype now, it's probably best to just chill out at the moment. But of course, FOMO can still be a good thing, so my approach is to buy with whatever ethers I have left in the first 5 days, and then just be patient throughout the rest of the year, buying more only when I can leverage off my other cryptocurrency holdings if they end up outperforming ether by a long mile.

See for yourself - Steem / Eth and Lisk / Eth long-term charts:-

I really can't believe it for myself whenever I see this chart. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Ethereum fanboy, but this kind of graph just does not justify my frequent activity on the Steem network. I don't even find myself using any Ethereum apps except for the ICOs. I think many of us can relate to this observation. Plus if you consider the more elusive stuff like chart logic and market correction, it would seem like Steem is due for a massive uptake, finding a market retracement from the huge downtrend.

Lisk is like a Javascript-based Ethereum, so it may attract plenty of mainstream developers. Plenty of stuff can happen just from this little fact alone, barring core developer competency and all of that. Some have said this could be the dark horse of the year, so it would be great to be able to leverage off its massive uptake for EOS when that happens.


Please don't take any of these as serious advice because I'm just explaining my approach here. We all have our own different preferences, and what works for someone may not work for anyone else at all. So far, the only thing that has worked extremely well for me is patience. All the best in getting your EOS tokens!

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Like any investment, don't put in more than you're willing to lose 100% of.

That said, there are three "good" approaches

  1. Buy what you can afford during the ICO "auction" and get what you get.
    Benefits include being an "early adopter", growing the platform, participating in initial value. Drawbacks include potentially getting a worthless product, potentially owning over inflated coin.

  2. Buy immediately after the ICO. Benefits include buying at a "known" price, getting a product that actually exists, still being an early adopter. Drawbacks include, value can always still decrease, the project could still "crash" losing all value.

  3. Set a tolerance limit buy order after the issue to buy during the first "panic sale". There will be a panic sale, it's a crypto and market makers will make sure there's at least one panic sale. Risks and rewards are the same as 2, but you may buy in at an extreme low.

I'll skip this, although it's a good project. I simply don't like to enter the same door as thousands of others. Plus I've tried to buy BAT token and spent almost $100 on commission with no luck. It was my the first and the last attempt with ICOs. :)

So you have been bitten by the quircks of the Ethereum network. All these ICOs have proven the need for a more capable system with better cost prediction and transaction output. Ironically EOS, the system thats supposed to have solutions for this, may break Ethereum.

I hope, but I'd like to wait for some time. If EOS will go well, I will buy in a depression period.

Smart thing to do, since there's that hype / shitcoin graph that happens so very often (although ethereum seems to be the one that broke that shitcoin depression thing in the beginning)

EOS tokensale has made everyone take a stance like in the prisoner's dilemma problem. Best approach is to choose a frequency for the next 341 days and buy - the key is no one can predict when the whales would go for it or not.

Yeah I might also consider sending in fractions of eth everyday just to average it out, if that even means anything in this case lol

I think that after the appearance on the stock exchanges, the price will drop slightly.

I also think in the same way when it comes to holding steem tokens for future benefits. According to me If you know that you are going to have a profit in a certain thing then sell off your low potential coins.

Sadly, everytime i sell off what i consider to be low potential coins, they'll shoot for the moon a few days after :P lol

LoLx, Likewise but most of the time they follow my commands.

I am getting very sketchy with the way these ETH ICOS are bought with no dash board and hope you send ether with enough gas or your transaction fails.

What a SurpRISE !! - ))
.. YOU are 'oNe' of a KinD !! - ))
i hope YOU don't mind ?? - ))
.. but, this feels so MUCH like .. - )))

ha ha ... in such a FUN BeautifuL WaY !! - ))
.. thanks DaN - ))

greb'Z )

ps .. i love the EtheR PunK .. just a synchronicity - ))
... or, is tHERE .. such thinG as .. coincidence ?? - ))
ha ha )))

So it means that new comers like me who want to invest little money into crypto space should wait and see, well my approach to things is like this, if you can grab it at an early stage then you might get benefit at a later stage, its like take a risk and get a chance, so i will advise other if you can take a risk then you might get a chance in the near future and this is what i think i am gonna do with EOS @kevinwong

There is a few ICO's i have not lost yet, but these ETHER icos i would rather wait till a dump on the market after first few days

Yeah, no brainer if I had some Ether left. Dumped mine last week and not willing to cash out any steem power. I'll have to live vicariously through you! Good luck and keep posted!

So far, Steem has been proving itself to be an excellent product, so probably no lost there. Hard to say much though - the crypto space is just too unpredictable for anyone..

Sorry I can't give back as much as you can day I will be able day. :) you're my inspiration buddy

Buying everyday for the same amount means buying average. So i will divide my investment by 365 and buy at the end of the day for that amount. I just want EOS for a reasonable price and this is unpredictable crowdsale. When buying this way, i could skip some crazy hyped prices at the end of the year. If the prices will not be hyped though i am gonna buy more. I think the price won't change very much from day to day, but the price difference between first day and 9 month could be huge.

Seems like a decent strategy if we can schedule it easily without hiccups. I wish there's a day when everybody forgot about EOS, and I'm the only one sending in 0.1 eth for that ~2,000,000 EOS lol

Haha :D you made me laugh. But that is actually a serious issue that EOS crowdsale will need to face, i didn't think about it before, but there might be a lot of the DDOS attacks on the crowdsale and also Ethereum network might be seriously congested. It's gonna be fun :D.

Thanks for putting your thoughts out there. It's really helpful for someone like me who cant grasp the concepts yet.

I believe in EOS and plan to put some money in it. My strategy is based on volatility of new cryptocurrencies. It turned out that in first weeks (maybe a month) price of every currency has a great oscilations. Almost always it goes up and than crushes (see for example MIOTA). So I plan to catch the moment and buy it.

That should work 99% of the time.. and only if you're there at the moment..

Agree. I am aware of risks but that is a beauty of crypto trading. When we see that something is happenig, one member of our team stays awake. Also, we transfer resources to exchange and than wait.

I agree, if the distribution mechanism is based on a contribution made by other people i'm not sure either what is going to happen. But still worth a shot.. with some left floating crypto.

It's hard not to take you seriously when you think exactly the way i'm thinking about it lol
Thanks for your hard work man :-)

I'd love to get some EOS tokens too, but as you've pointed out it's gonna be hard to figure out what a fair price is.


EOS has huge potential at the moment and the main thing I agree with you is being patient since in the short term people want to buy and sell and make quick money but the greatest thing you can do it just to sit back.

Can't even get to the instrutions page due to the high traffic.

You are absolutely right @kevinwong, everyone will have different approach and tactics that they believe will work for them.

It not getting in at the right price that is a problem, the problem is the running out of ETH/(fiat) to participate in these ICO.

Of course we need to do our research to find ICOs that we can gamble on but there are just so many out there and the FOMO is just so great at this point in time.

This period to me is a once in my lifetime. I missed the boom because I was young and just starting out with no money. Now the blockchain boom which I am determined not to let it pass me by.

Running out of eth? good price now.. or maybe wait for it to get lower..

Just about scraping the bottom of the barrel now without taking drastic action like selling the family jewels!

at least u've a barrel, i'm just searching in the corners of my sofa.. lol

With the crypto market going into red almost every other day, it's really hard to add more money into the market. Not sure what's going on in the market lately.

Just wait it out.. if it's disposable cash there's really nothing to lose.. better not to sell when its low. But if it's necessary cash then by all means take them out, although the popular saying "buy when there's blood on the streets" seems to be some good advice.

Kevin, your logic is sound and having bought EOS I wish few other people to, but after this initial 5 days are over, one cannot go back and get those prices, if large upward trends come into play. So to anyone, I suggest putting at least 50% into the first 5 days, and then spreading the rest into 'cheap' days.

So this advice is problably messing myself over, but oh well.

But maybe I'm wrong, with cryptos sky rocketing the last 5 months.

Exactly, I was going to do that, but I'd have to calculate the prices during the 3/4th day of the 5 day window to see if it's worth it

Yeah I'm a big believer of the Hodl policy but the recent volatility is very draining. There's no consistency at all, one day up and the next day it's down. Fingers crossed, hopefully it'll pass soon.

HODL and Holiday = the best :D

Haha, that'd be ideal. When it's red, take a break and go on holidays.

Thank you for the interesting opinion, what do you think, what are the advantages of this and a little sketched out, interested in your opinion -

Will we know what the price per token is after the initial round is over?

Maybe in a secondary market, although i wonder how it'll reflect the crowdsale price.

Yeah, this ICO is driving me a little nuts, I mean 1 year commitment!

Wonderful! How much did you pump in?

Im waiting for 4th day and see how many ethers has been sent in for that 200m eos tokens..

Thanks for this- I am new to all of this and its a sharp learning curve :) following u

Change your social media feed to Steemit and you'll be fine :) thanks for dropping by!

Thanks for the writeup @kevinwong I'm for sure going to get into the EOS game. But being in the United States it makes it a little tougher.

If u want it, i'm sure there are trustable community members that can help you out with that. Or vpn! :)

Yeah for way or another I will get some but I'm not going to be in a big rush on it. I'm going to see the price testing and see what happens overtime and then also it is going to be a year before we see the product. I'm going to concentrate on branching out into some other stuff that is already a little further along but eventually I'm going to get in on EOS.

Very interesting i did not no Dan was involved with EOS good to know

Oh i thought it was obvious!

I feel I should wait. I don't know this is all new to me. I need to look into this.

Yeap you just need some time with steemit's feed. That'll help over time

So spreading your investment over time seems to be the best option. The EOS ICO plan provides for plenty of time.

Indeed it does. Not ideal due to its factoring of network contributions, but i guess it compensated itself with the yearlong window

Thanks for clearing the the EOS, as i was not sure what really EOS is. Upvoted!

I thought it's everywhere on steemit! EOS info. Check out

Why are the exchanges becoming so flaky, unreliable? Is the future in cryptowallets that can token shapeshift?

Yeah that would be ideal..

I've been looking at JAXX, but it does not support Steem or SBD yet.

"So far, the only thing that has worked extremely well for me is patience. "

Story of my crypto life! Almost always I do good analysis and so many times I enter too early because of FOMO or exit too early because of FOLSFP (Fear of loosing so far profit :-D)
But doing nothing is so hard! :-)

I am still doubting.. I read some things in the purchase agreement that scared me off a little.. And I think i do not know enought about IT to get a good sollid view here.

What scared you?

i wanna eos. i'll change my eth. thank you.

Go for some.. maybe not all eth.. good luck!

Decentralize everything.

YES! Love it... :D Question? How did you do the very small font format? Is there something in markdown for it? Or did you do it through html? :]

you can try <sub> text </sub>

COOL! Works like a charm. Thanks man :]

Thanks for sharing this @kevinwong, it was a great help.

Have a good day my friend

Np. Happy shoppin my friend!

Thanks for your post which is in line with my thoughts about how to best participate in the EOS Sale. People who buy now might be very disappointed if they find out a few weeks / month from now that they could have much more bang for their buck if simply waited. No one knows what will happen but I can not imagine that the hype will go on 344 days without a pause.

STEEM this is my main investment and I share your view that the price will take off considerably before the end of the year. This graph shows the upside potential very clear I think.

Thanks for sharing. EOS indeed has a unique way of distrubuting its remaining 80% of coins. But overall, I think there will be a fairer distibution as it is spread over more than 300 days. And as market move up and down, it will average itself out and reward those who intend to hold it for the long term as the short term speculators simply wont be interested in such a long wait for price to settle. Thanks for sharinfg EOS, been thinking of how to diversify my ethers and EOS looks like one for the long term. I love this community here, with steemians like you to share knowledge, makes it such a great place!! Followed and upvoted you.

Voted Up and Resteemed. Thanks for the info. Cheers.

How to participate in the EOS Token distribution:

Interesting view, I agree that Bitshares might be one to look out for as well. Following and upvoted!

Thanks for the great info I am very happy to be following! Cheerz

Excellent information.

thanks for sharing my friend @kevinwong iam always following ur post ^_^

Very good writing, thank you for the information, and very dear not to be read carefully

If an early investor pays market price for a token, I am not sure how it will benefit him

I also think about buying a token EOS, but I want to wait until it appears on the stock exchanges. I think the price will drop a bit.

EOS is promising.

Now ...whether or not a technology or a platform will take off or not would be a function of two things..... One the initial will be extremely imp to note that whatever goes viral had to attribute it's initial success to public hysteria....this is how Bitcoin picked up....this is how Facebook came into being.....second....would be sound fundamentals and a promising business model to back up the hype.....for instance without a solid ground the dot com industry collapsed after a bang..... So for EOS to make a statement would be very imp for it's creator to make an initial hype within the blockchain the success of that , bank on whatever you have mentioned above in your blog.....cheers

great post

Well put.

:) Yeaa I think Steem is the best bet!

Prices may fall - at the exchange.

stock exchange?

Sorry for the carelessness, I thought about many other things

I'm wondering if the fear of missing out is driving the ICO frenzy. Just curious.

Honestly, with so many ICOs happening, civic, etc how many of the projects will eventually achieve their milestones and gain mainstream adoption. First mover advantage can only get you that far.

Hope is not a strategy!

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