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RE: Shedding some light on the EOS Token Purchase Agreement

in #eos8 years ago

Why EOS?
You need to scale to millions of users, but you can’t
If you are going to build some DApp (decentralized application), then what options do you have today?
Corda and Hyperledger Fabric are for private networks only and have limited smart contract support.
RChain, Rootstock/RSK, have not yet been released or not production-ready.
BitShares and Graphene have very good throughput, but limited smart contracts capabilities.
Polkadot repo has not been updated in the last 6 month.
NXT, Waves, Lisk, Tezos, Tauchain (you name it…) are not competitors…
It seems that you are left only with Ethereum which has a very bad throughput and high transaction costs.
Why not try to combine the scalability of Graphene and the power of Ethereum’s smart contracts together? Etherum will migrate from Proof-of-work to Proof-of-stake (scheduled at the end of 2017/beginning of 2018) so we have some time to build a new competitor.