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RE: EOS Rio Endorses the Alliance

in #eos7 years ago

The simpleos wallet doesn't work for me. When I try to create new account for a friend and click 'Confirm', it stops working so I can't Finish. The little wheel keeps on spinning but doesn't finish confirming even though I put in the correct password. And I got 10 Eos so that should cover the 0.5Eos memory fee.


Hey @jaro please check if you are with our latest version 0.6.4 :) If you are on it, go to settings and try connecting with the closest endpoint (the one with less latency). You can also click on "auto" so your wallet will always look for the closest endpoint automatically.

Captura de Tela 2018-09-02 às 10.34.40.png

Let us know if you have any other questions :)