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RE: Dear Vitalik ... you owe me $13.54 USD (Part 1)

in #eos8 years ago (edited)

And you made $45 in an hour with this post. @dan has you covered, where as @vitalik took you for a ride ;)

Overall you are net positive. You should still take this up to its logical closure.


What happens when you convert the EOS tokens, and where do you put them once you do? Is this a requirement, or are my EOS tokens still good to go even without converting them? How do you know when they are converted, do they look different, smell different, act different?

Please explain, thanks!

'Overall you are net positive. That is what matters in cryptos :P', well, no. As Bulleth stated, it's the principle here that matters. Smart contracts are there to ensure everything works properly, which it clearly doesn't. The contract stated a certain fee, which afterwards doesn't appear to be the right amount, that's weird.

I didn't mean that he should give up the fight he is taking up. I think I should update the comment so that it is not construed wrongly.

Nah I liked the comment that's why I put it up top lol

I think you are both right, what you suggested in your original comment is a great way of looking at life. My whole rant was pretty tongue-in-cheek, I didn't feel like posting charts today and this gave me inspiration to post something different.

Having said that, I think the whole thing is ridiculous, isn't the whole idea of smart contracts that no one gets screwed because computers execute them to a strict set of conditions?

I can not wait for EOS, this experience is a perfect example of Ethereum's many short comings :)