its good to see you guys expanding into new territories, this means different coins as income streams and that should mitigate a bit of the volatility of depending only on steem
So will the BT token still be the one used to pay out any profits made and will the payout be only in steem but potentially in EOS as well ?
thanks and keep it up. I am happy I have kept the few Buildteam tokens I had. Might even be getting a bit more now
Diversifying our exposure away from Steem to reduce risk is one of the big arguments in favor of expanding business onto other platforms like EOS. We don't have any plans to introduce another token similar to BT. When we get revenues in multiple currencies, having staking payouts be in multiple currencies as well is one option we are considering. Or we may just convert everything to Steem and keep that as the single payout currency for simplicity. There are arguments for & against each approach, and it's something we're still debating internally. No final decision on that has been made yet. As a BT tokenholder yourself, which way would you prefer?
its a little bit more of a hassle for you guys but I personally would join you in a diversification. On a personal investment level it makes more sense for me. I do not have to much in crypto but to big a part is becoming steem so I would take the extra effort to create more wallets and such to receive other coins for my buildteam stake
maybe you can set up a vote for the community alongside what you are thinking of internally.
on a side note, what would someone need to do to be eligable for your witness votes? I see you are only voting for 15 witnesses and as someone trying to breakeven and even get a second server for backup and seed node your vote would really help out.
if you can freely spare a vote then please use this steemconnect link:
@swisswitness is our server if you have any questions please feel free to check our initial post or get in touch with me on discord: @felander#5662
Thanks for your thoughts on that. I don't proactively look for witnesses to personally vote as BuildTeam keeps me quite busy, but I'm always willing to listen if people want to approach me about getting my vote. Send me a DM via Discord and convince me you would be a good witness to vote for.