Thank you so much for the namedrop! And what a great guide! And what a cool game so far! I am really enjoying it. Sure..I hope they add more content and depth, but hands down - this is the first EVER functional ACTUAL GAME on a blockchain. And it is just as addictive and fun as I'd imagine EARNING ACTUAL MONEY playing a game would be. To those who don't understand that gaming will be the game changer for are totally wrong. Once games will start running on chains or even just implementing crypto in the marketplace in-game, people will have almost zero incentive to play old games anymore. Sure, that is a bit in the future as we need more streamlined functionality in regards to the crypto part (accounts, passwords, scatter etc) But it is happening. And it will 100% guaranteed change the world completely.
People are in general just not educated enough about this space. I recently spoke to TWO developers in person..and none of them even seemed to have heard about blockchain. Sure, they worked for boring companies doing normal developing stuff..but cmon. That's how early this is.
Eosknights is the FIRST actual GAME. But not the last. Congratulations to the team for job well done. They deserve some cred.
Thank YOU for the inspiration for this post!
I totally agree with your sentiment regarding blockchain-based games. We're very much in the early stages of Developers creating and deploying these apps and, once the blockchain becomes more accessible to non-tech people, I think these games are going to blow up.
I imagine a scenario like this: do I want keep playing an MMO like Elder Scrolls Online or CCG like Hearthstone when (eventually) there are blockchain equivalents that match/exceed quality where I can actually earn crypto for my time?
Yeah, I think gaming on the blockchain will be big and it's nice to be in it early :)