Patreos – A Decentralized Alternative to Patreon

in #eos6 years ago

Screenshot 2019-02-05 at 08.53.35.png

Originally posted on Trybe

I have been thinking a lot about where we go after gambling and gaming. Will supply chains change over night and we start to use EOS to verify goods transferred from China to Europe? Probably not the first place we are going to see blockchain adoption.. Will it be science and the way we finance and fund research? Eventually maybe, but I don’t think that is next up either.

Something that IS very precarious however is monetization of content and free speech. Anyone who has the time to actively follow the crazy climate that has been allowed to evolve with tech companies and social platforms has seen how a relatively small but very useful group of radical people have been allowed to be used as useful fools for the politicians in the battle against free speech and information. This small group of hateful “liberals” who likes to call themselves progressives really do this without even realising they literally work for politicians by actively trying to stop anti government ideas and discussions of happening.

I am not going to take sides or out my own political beliefs mixing “business with politics”, but I see a lot of friends going from being classical liberalists who believes in humanity, progress and rationalism to slowly being turned into angry nationalists. And that is understandable in a sense. As governments play Gods with humans in specific geographical areas letting in millions of people from vastly different cultures and at the same time portrays the original inhabitants of that area as racists and supremacists for what their forefathers did in a violent past where everyone in every culture did horrible things (like westerners learn from elementary school that only white people had slaves, when all people of all cultures had that in that time), putting an absurd burden of guilt on young people , more people are realising that the welfare states are very fragile. After all, they are just the state monopoly of a huge generational pyramide scheme.

During these 10 years or so there has been a relatively small opposition. Most of the opposition has been people like Stefan Molyneyx (Freedomain radio), Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris , who are ALMOST eatable by the political correct – mainly because they are so hard to dismiss. Other more unlikable figures like Richard Spencer, Alex Jones , Milos and yes, Trump are easier to lash out on as they are more volatile (Yes, Alex Jones is outright crazy, but I wouldn’t censor him)

As Youtube, Facebook and now patreon has decided to act as lords of what is ok or not to say or mean we have seen that their views seems to be a little bit to the left. With algorithms and demonetization of videos they made life hard for right wing or even libertarian content creators. But when Patreon decided to deplatform Sargon of Akkad, a pretty centrist guy it was enough for the likes of Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris as well as others like Dave Rubin – as the left in protest (Sam Harris who was Patreons 7th biggest content creator/customer actually left earlier)

From the constant crying about Russian interference in the US election, to forced mass immigration, to not allowing a balanced discussion in tech companies, to obvious gender and race baiting in almost all movies and tv shows to pronouns and cultural appropriation. Terms and made up problems that no one even knew existed 10 years ago have all of a sudden infected all mainstream media. It seems to have no end, and with the recent Gilette commercial it really shows to what extent this is being taken – portraying not only men as inherently bad, but also managing to portray especially white men as the worst. (Funny sidenote – as I visited the gilette commercial I saw that my dislike was removed – same as many others report. So I made sure I disliked it again)

It’s hard to believe that a company willingly want to degrade and piss on their customers. The video of course went on to be one of the most disliked videos in the history of Youtube (even though Youtube remove dislikes)

Also, with the Maga-cap kid who did the awful face-crime (as described in Orwells 1984) of smirking while supposedly standing in the way of a drum beating native american. It turned out the mainstream media were all mistaken, pulling the trigger way too fast as it turns out it was some weird black israelit group provoking some teens waiting for a bus and the native American came up in the kids face. All the kid did was to stand there. After receiving death threats from rabid leftists he was brought on national television where they tried to make the kid apologise. “For what?” he said.

There is a sort of ideological battle being fought, mainly on the Internet – through memes, shitposts, youtube fails videos as well as people like Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux changing the lifes of millions of young people by simply helping them help themselves. Not stroking them with the hairs and telling them that it is fine to be weak, but that you should aim to be a man amongst men, to be vulnerable but strong. To go clean your room instead of laying passively on the couch. To take destiny into your own hands.

You might say that private companies like Google and Patreon and Youtube are entitled to do what they want. However, consider this – if you can pick and chose what content people should see, you are a publisher and not a platform, and you are therefore liable for the content you publish. Also these companies have de facto monopoly and are in no moral position to censor.

And that’s the kicker. These platforms abuse their power and monopoly. And I guess people are tired of it. Regardless of political views we must defend the right to free speech. It is the backbone civilisation. Without people making fun of the church we would never have a separation of the church and state. That is why it is not allowed to make fun of Islam – because they know that once you allow that, the process of the destruction of clergy power has begun.

So that is where decentralisation comes in to the picture. We can discuss the negatives of decentralisation as well. Isn’t it a bad thing when we don’t have any censorship? Aren’t there certain things no one really wants to see? Sure there is. But you cannot have it both ways. Either you allow free speech and then you deal with that through free market mechanisms or you start to censor – and that is a slippery slope. It’s a little bit like when people who argue against capitalism with ” But it’s not perfect!” Well, no, it is not. Nothing is perfect. We will never have a world where no one is never offended or poor, or stops to make stupid decisions. It’s just how life works. But we should chose the way forward that benefits the most. And then we deal with the issues as they come.

And that is why I think Patreos – the decentralised version of Patreon could be the next big thing in Crypto. Jordan Peterson recently added his Bitcoin address on his website and as the mainstream media goes more and more lunatic I think Patreos or projects like it has huge utility in the years to come.

I am not going to write anything about Patreos in this post, because I have ranted long enough about why I think the idea of Patreos is important. I personally is going to collect my airdrop and possibly even buy some more if that is possible eventually.

Check out the Whitepaper for your self here

Offended or not, I hope you put a comment in the comment section and give me a 1 star if you hated it 🙂


Good post about the topic that will drive the masses to decentralisation, 5 stars, not 1 :-)

I miss EOS news on Steem, I guess they all moved to trybe, thanks for crossposting at least!

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Thanks for commenting man!
Yeah...well, no comment :)

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