We're still doing Telegram Summaries! EOS Go will now report on all news, updates, and other information going forward; EOS Telegram Summaries will always be a big part of that and the usual is found below.
Today is our first issue of The EOS Daily. As EOS news gets bigger and more frequent we're going to produce the best possible resources for this community, to help unite everyone towards launching this historical blockchain in June. Go EOS!
Quick Note - the title of these posts going forward will reference today's date, just like a newspaper; they had been listing the previous day's Telegram chat. For example, today would've been "EOS Telegram Summary 2/20/18 - Decentralization on the Brain". We promise we didn't skip a day on the Telegram Summary!
- EOS Telegram Summary - Decentralization on the Brain
- Mainstream Media
- The Reddit Recap
- Throwback of the Day
EOS Telegram Summary - Decentralization on the Brain
In EOS general chat, community developer nsjames announced the first game coming to EOS, through his Scatter extension:
David P advertised EOS London, one of the larger meetup communities:
Daniel Larimer paid an early visit to discuss voting power:
Tracer shared a read on the early days of smart contracts:
New video:
The day wasn't even over before nsjames delivered:
EOSTalk interviewed the EOS New York team:
An argument broke out in EOS general chat about another cryptocurrency. One user tried to lighten the mood:
User mihoz505 helped spread the word about the new EOSRAD.IO coming Monday 2/26/18:
Over in EOS Developers, Ernest mentioned an upcoming meetup in London:
Finally, in EOS Opportunities, Dan Calinescu shared the whitepaper for a new dapp being developed for EOS:
Go EOS! Now onto other news:
Mainstream Media
Sentiment and news from outside the EOS community (pic links are clickable):
Reddit Recap
From the EOS subreddit (pic links are clickable):
Throwback of the Day
Timeless EOS information shouldn't be forgotten; occasionally we'll offer a throwback to help everyone learn more about the project. For the first, here is Daniel Larimer introducing EOS to the world in May 2017, at the Consensus conference in New York City, USA:
What is EOS Go?
We are dedicated to uniting the community towards launching EOS in June 2018, a potentially historic and world-changing event. Software company block.one is creating EOS.IO and releasing it as open source code; thousands of individuals will have to come together to bring this new "internet of value" to life.
How to Get Involved:
Telegram - Forums - Community Announcements - Twitter - YouTube

this summary is absolutely fantastic! I hope to see more of this.
Thank you, we'll keep refining segments, content and style to meet community preference. Let us know if there's anything you'd like to see. Go EOS!
Absolutely love these posts, thank you so much!
I think EOS is gaining more grounds than steemit...well done to the developers who made it a success...i have steemit developers should learn something from you guys....