EOS Go presents EOSRad.io Episode 15 tonight (Monday) at 6pm EST / 2200 UTC - Subscribe on YouTube or check out the live stream link to receive notifications when the show goes live! Recording available afterwards for those who can't make it.

EOSRad.io is hosting a special election coverage night! Hosts Kev & Bluejays will discuss the live results, their thoughts on the launch, recap the Tulip experience with EOS community members, and more.
Our guests for this election coverage night will be prominent EOS community members who aren't running for block producer. We'll discuss how voters can select the best BP candidates to keep EOS as powerful as possible, an approach that helps us achieve our vision - empowering EOS, first and always.
First, we'll cover the live election results and recap our trip to the TULIP CONFERENCE!
The Tulip Conference boasted a significant EOS turnout with numerous community members in attendance, including Nathan James of Scatter, Phil Mesnier of OCI, Thomas Cox, numerous BP candidates, and more! Hosts Kev & Bluejays will talk about their favorite parts, what they learned and more.
Next, we'll speak with TOM NORWOOD about the election proceedings and how to select the best block producers:

Tom received notice for his 8 factors in selecting the best BP candidates. His article can be found here.
Finally, we'll hear from THOMAS COX about his thoughts on the elections, BPs, governance, and more.
Thomas Cox is a blockchain governance and EOSIO software expert - he normally does a weekly Q&A series to take community questions about DApps, block producers, EOSIO governance, and more. EOSRad.io is changing the format this week to address community demand for more information about the EOS mainnet launch.
Meet your EOS Go hosts, Kev & Bluejays:
Kev & Bluejays founded EOS Go to help empower the EOS community by providing neutral media, education, and outreach.
Hit subscribe for notifications when we go LIVE - every Monday at 6pm EST / 2200 UTC:
Podcast available! Uploaded within 12 hours after the live show; search "EOS Go" to find us on your favorite platform or click the iTunes link below:
EOS Go - Empowering EOS, First and Always
Software company block.one is creating EOS.IO and releasing it as open source code; thousands of individuals will need to come together to bring this new "internet of value" to life.
How to Get Involved:
Looks like fun! I'll drop in and check it out.
Always great info from the shows! Dedicated
Great show guys!!!
Hey guys, the biggest concern by the community is they feel entering their private keys into third party software to vote is too risky.
If @dan could endorse some of the most popular tools that would really help speed up the voting for sure.
Probably won't see an endorsement from Dan, as he and block.one are taking a hands off approach to the launch. However, many of the block producer candidates are endorsing the Greymass wallet and voting tool, see this pinned post on Reddit for the links and info -
Does any-one want to make a :I-Voted-For-EOS-Block-Producers-Meme?