Block Producers Group 3 - Weekly Overview 4/30/2018
EOS Block Producers has been organized into 3 random groups and they are working with other BPs to prepare for the launch. Here is an update:
Group 3 (Trinity)
EOS Singapore
Crypto Lions
EOS Cannon
EOS Gravity
EOS Tribe
EOS Asia
EOS Amsterdam
Eos Raychain
4/30/2018 - BP Random pool update:
Boy Maas / EOS Amsterdam: 29-April-2018
The team is converging and testing different technical options to do a launch sequence exercise. EOS Amsterdam took an initiative to jointly develop build/launch and boot scripts, this was rejected as it would automate too much taking away the learning experience.
Bohdan / CryptoLions took the initiative to run a Trinity testnet based on the shared sheet, making sure a network of 21 can be formed and all producers complete their information.
As the goal from our perception is to actually define the steps and exercise the orchestration of a launch sequence, EOS Amsterdam wrote a proposal to agree on the steps and requirements to do an actual launch exercise. You can find the document here, we still have to agree on some elements in the process, we need some more input. The next step, from our point of view, will be to coordinate participants and actually perform the launch and let everybody run the boot process, and do post-boot verification (which still has to be defined).
Interesting communication situation occurred, from 29-april 01:00
As you can see below, I tried to answer @eosrio to coordinate a setting called “peer-key” and suddenly my telegram was in connection state. Essentially cutting of communication for the red areas in the communication map from the rest. For this we have added the requirement to exchange secondary communication channels, for example a closed discord group.
Who are we?
EOS Go is the first source for EOS.
Software company is creating EOS.IO and releasing it as open source code; thousands of individuals will need to come together to bring this new "internet of value" to life. EOS Go is uniting the community for a stronger EOS.
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Small correction:
The Trinity testnet ( was launched by Igor of @eosrio, and re-launched by Eugene of @eostribe. The Trinity community is trying different methods of launching.
We (@cryptolions) continue to assist and participate in Trinity, while supporting over 80 nodes on the Jungle Testnet ( Jungle seems to be a resource for the entire EOS community, from core developers (with whom we are sharing logs), to newly arriving teams in Asia. For this reason, we've decided to split our focus between Trinity and Jungle.
eos makes me want to hang myself. I was so close to financial freedom, but now its all gone
Well, at least you picked the right user name.
BitSpace is also part of this group now :)