Table of Contents
- EOSfinex
- Why 3 Days
- light-client
- Bancor improve liquidity
- Use case of Bancor
- Better than decentrailized land
- Demand of freedom of expression Net Neutrality
- Hardforking on Dawn 3.0
- Value of Token
- Securities & ICO
1. EOSfinex
40k tps
2. Why 3 days
3. light-client
4. Bancor improve liquidity
5. Use Case of Bancor
Sheldon also went through the Bancor whitepaper and highlighted important parts, see his PDF in Google Drive -
6. Better than decentralized Land
7. Demand for freedom of expression Net Neutrality
8. Hardforking in Dawn 3.0
9. Value of Token
10. Securities & ICO
As usually, great piece of info from @dan. I would just like to understand what does it mean that BTC will be able to move to EOS. Could someone explain in a few words? Thanks
We are already in Alpha 0.3 and things are looking great In this bearish market a game can be great to lighten the mood :) Come check out Chibi Fighters. No levelling required.