Why I am loving EOS

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


EOS, a platform for decentralised apps, or DApps, is launching on June 2. And I am loving the build up.

EOS promises to remake the internet.

And yes - I know that it's not the only altcoin or blockchain to do that. I just personally think this one will achieve a massive boost through the audacity of its ambition, its first mover status, and the sheer awesomeness of its community.

I'll deal with each of thee aspects of my thinking in classic essay format - each will get a paragraph or two before my conclusion.

EOS is an audacious move. And it is difficult to explain because it takes a step or two beyond the benefits of ordinary blockchain - and we all know how difficult it is to explain what blockchain is to the uninitiated. Sure, some few people get it straight away. Some see something but take a bit of convincing - if they can be bothered. And some just don't get it at all.

So on top of the wonder of the distributed ledger - the internet of truth - to coin a phrase, EOS is a platform to enable anyone to build and develop Apps in standard computer language (C++) which can be plugged in to the EOSIO platform and, wallah - instant blockchain. Any Apps. About anything, for any purpose. And EOS tokens enable developer access to the platform in the form of bandwidth and storage capacity (not to mention governance benefits like voting rights), and therefore have intrinsic value.

So why will EOS attain first mover status? Because it's year-long ICO is closing in just under two weeks. The EOS platform is ready to go. But in true decentralised tradition, BlockOne, the company behind EOS, isn't launching the network. The EOS operating system EOSIO is open source, freely available to all comers, and BlockOne is letting the community handle the launch.

And what a community it is. Check out the EOS GO channel on You Tube and you will see the energy, creativity and innovation which is about to blossom on the EOS platform. But more, check out the goodwill and the collaboration of teams all vying to become Block Producers (one of 21 'points of truth' - to coin another phrase - on the distributed ledger that is the EOS platform). But they need to collaborate, because no one team can launch the network by themselves.

This is truly remarkable, and goes against all the received wisdom of doing business in the capitalist age. I love it.

If I have piqued your interest I thoroughly recommend checking out the EOS GO team on you tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0fwWI2RBBtEIYIP6fH68XQ

I also recommend The Awakenment for shorter updates:

May all beings be happy.

EOS gif courtesy of EOS.io



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eos is going to the moooon

Agreed after the mainnet launch things will never be the same.

EOS will also support Ricardian contracts making it posible to attach legally binding real world contracts directly into its smart contract format. Not to mention the massive boost in transactions per second, the renting-of tokens ability, the introduction of a RAM market and the influx of new age dApps ready for launch.

Hold on to your hats.

Yep - it's gonna be awesome.

I feel like he future is arriving before my very eyes...

I feel the same sir, we really are living through the next generation of the internet, an opportunity that must not be missed.

EOS will be in top3 next year!

I think so too!

I’m really interested in seeing how the token swap over is going to go and what the fallout will be when inevitably people lose them after not registering the address. Yikes.

I’ve been thinking about this too - with all the FUD around EOS there is bound to be some negative press when the ill-informed lose all their EOS. I think it will be a little while yet before the bulk of the smart money catches on and the price increase becomes more steady. Just a guess obviously - but I also think when the price rises after launch it will rise fast!

Hopefully not many will - but yeah, inevitably some will I guess.

I hope you don't mind me asking here, but I have seen some articles saying I need to move my EOS tokens out of ERC 20 wallets before June 2nd. Do you believe that to be true as well? These articles were in reference to Exodus, but wasn't sure if this was to get people to sign up for this wallet, or is actually required.

My understanding is that as long as the tokens are registered you’ll be ok. I’m not sure if all wallets allow you to register the tokens or not, but I think Exodus is has one of the easiest methods. A lot of people also use myetherwallet as their registered EOS address I think.

I agree with Bec - the most important thing to do is to ensure your address is properly registered on the network. Otherwise, yes. All your EOS will be gone on June 1.

If you haven't done it yet, I can recommend EXODUS as a really easy way to register your address. And if you haven't done it, do it now!


Okay, thank you for the help!

I’m very optimistic about EOS!
Majority of my crypto portfolio is EOS!
Loving the EOS community and for me it’s about the people power.

I hope many good EOS billionaires sometime soon :)

Wouldn't that be nice!

Let's help more good people to get on the EOS train!

That's great information...

We all follow EOS for the same thinks, and that's gonna be awesome!!!

yeahh, I'm too <3

I've converted most of my ETH to EOS, in Dan I trust.

Cool. If I had ETH I would too 👍