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RE: Does Freedom Require Radical Transparency or Radical Privacy?

in #eos7 years ago

"Our best defense is to go on the offense and introduce voluntary mutual transparency so radical that even organized crime cannot hide."

"The future of governance is on a transparent blockchain."

Dan, I reject your thesis as expressed in this summary.

Humanity is designed to be self-governing. All attempts by men to rule over their fellow man have been and continue to be abject failures, because human government based on force is the epitome of organized crime.

The only legitimate governance is self-governance, or governance by God himself, who alone has the right as Creator.

If there is any hope for a future society that does not exist as tyrannized masses, it is not one of being governed. Such a future may be found in the blockchain and other related decentralization mechanisms, but it need not sacrifice individual privacy on the alter of transparency, and it most certainly does not involve man governing or ruling his fellow.




You misunderstand me. I am only in favor of non violent governance which is only possible by making the world a small village via transparency.

Perhaps I have misunderstood you. Maybe it's a conditioned response to the mantra "If you're not doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide."

The problem I perceive is that "governments" as we have known them throughout history have arbitrarily defined right and wrong, often in an ex-post-facto manner. Those who hide nothing have inevitably suddenly found themselves at the wrong end of a "gun of governance."

I do appreciate that you took the time to respond, Thank you, Dan. I fear, however, that opening our kimono will only increase the use of violent force by existing "governance" organizations to extort even more from us under the "color of law."

Exactly, the definition of right and wrong is defined by the government. Transparency only helps the enforcement of arbitrary right and wrong.

Hello, @dana-edwards, and thank you for joining the discussion here.

I shall now visit your blog and read your complete response that discovering you here has alerted me to, Thanks! ;)