EOS - Launch Thoughts

in #eos7 years ago


Today I am going to compile some of my thoughts during what seems like the middle of the EOS launch. I would like to discuss some of the FUD, the excellent resources I have discovered and things I have recently learned about the project in general.


First, let me address some of the FUD. More specifically the articles suggesting that the Etherium based ERC20 snapshot reflects the real world token distribution. As "reported" on Cryptocurrency News and Reddit, there are suggestions that EOS is suffering from distribution ailments, such as the top 1% of token holders control 50% of the tokens or the top 100 accounts control 90% of all the tokens.


This MAY be the case, however, the final EOS accounts have not been made available for inspection. Users have looked at these accounts and it appears that exchanges are housing many of the accounts. I would say it is safe to suggest that, the ERC20 Token has little correlation with how EOS interprets the smart contracts that allocate EOS addresses.

2018-06-04 10.47.08.jpg

Next, I would like to point readers over to EOSgo's video coverage of the EOS launch on YouTube. This is an excellent place to hear from block producer candidates, the launch team and the community involved first hand. The segments are a few hours to an entire day in length if you want to get all the details.


The last thing I would like to mention is how I believe AirDrops will change the way businesses function, forever. In the world of business, one of the largest hurdles is fundraising. And more specifically, distribution of ownership. With airdrops, entrepreneurs will have the ability to participate in a global market of ideas by giving a community of individuals a part of that Idea and letting the market determine it's value. Essentially the printing press for access to funding and creating wealth is becoming as accessible as e-mail.