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RE: Bottom in on EOS? Slowly building into a margin long

in #eos7 years ago

Yeah I think I'm right to be cautious tech wise ... having said that, fundamentally I reckon the price is a joke right now ... victim of a ton of baseless FUD and bad timing with recent China biz. Dawn is out, no one can say EOS "doesn't even exist" now ... markets can't stay irrational for ever ... rally only a matter of time.


oh yeah, EOS is just experiencing what most all coins experince, EOS needs to launch before [peoppe can criticize it, theyll all see that it will work just as well as Ethereum, but even better and with more features and possibilitries will be seen and many will invcest and price will soar JUST like ethereums did! ethereum was seen as useless by many then teh ICO craze starded and ethereum skyrocketed almost overnight i remember when it was going from $30 to $40 and wasnt even at $100 yet then started just blasting off, went from like $30 to $400, and EOS will do this, EOS will start on its way up from $1 to $10 to $100 and it will happen FASt like Ethereum! the EOS network has to laucnh first so lts just accumulate a smuch cheap EOS and as much cheap Steem as possible!

Steemit official app launching soon it will change everything SO many new users! lets prepare for it! buy steempower now! steem about to DOUBLE in price with new steemit app launch!

Exactly mate! Sorry I haven't had time to read or respond to your larger post below yet, but it's right up there on my to do list!

Hi bulleth and buggedout, intresting read, thanks for sharing. I'm accumulating so I'll have free access to an abundance of resources. The price is great right now, I hope it stays this low or lower until the end of the distribution. I've no doubt about the tech, it makes complete sense to build a paralyzable commercial scale dapps platform from the ground up. Ethereum has paralyzable processing on it's radar and i think it would be cool if that happen too. Did you see this analysis by @jacobt

Hi John, I agree the tech is amazing. That piece from @jacobt is a little off though as he makes no distinction between's money and "EOS" (which isn't even an entity and definitely doesn't have a claim on's revenue)

Fair point, although he almost does in his conclusion with "capital on hand with" @Jacobt then writes "EOS has 2x as much capital on hand"

Are you referring to the section "Learning from the past" and the Kmart scenario? I kind of skip read that section. Could you elaborate, why you make the point at little ?

I think it's a really important point. @jacobt makes out that the money raised in the token sale belongs to "EOS", but it is's money. Of course they will spend some of it on developing EOS, but the money definitely doesn't belong to "EOS" (which is an opensource blockchain, not a company)