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RE: Start an EOS Meetup in your community

in #eos8 years ago

Is there any way you can explain the controversy behind the haters though? A lot of people claim that the token could be useless in the future since it's Ethereum-based? And also there was some initial confusion that it would be a Blockchain but it's instead a system which Blockchains can be built on?

I'm a big fan of everything @dan has done; I believe he has the "Midas Touch" 💥👀

And you can tell his heart is in the right place, since all of his past projects are 100% FREE to use!


The token is a place holder. You map that with EOS and you're good to go on launch. Don't fall for the FUD ;-). Lots of shakey hands and scared people out there in the world who don't want their baby Ethereum to be dwarfed. I mean, I respect Ethereum, but EOS is the intelligent evolution of what it tried to be.

Check this out:

Yeah lol I feel like EOS is the most-FUD'ed Coin right now, and the irony that they would try to FUD @dan 's work, EOS, on @Steemit, .... I just think that's superrrrrr fuckin ironic and lame. People should take the hating to the lame-stream social medias like FB and Reddit 😄

Fud'ers are probably so stupid that they aren't able to read couple of sentence on about how the distribution works or someone paid them to maintain fud and price low. At the moment EOS has 104 times smaller marketcap then ETH, and probably EOS have ~46,666 times more bandwidth then ETH (700,000 tps vs. 15 tps )

You will find all at

telegram channel:

in brief.
You have to generete EOS key pair and stick your ETH address to this new EOS key

is worth to read and find out more about it

Wowwww that is really awesome 😄 46,000X as much bandwidth... Just wow. Lol yeah I'm not a Fud'er, I'm just curious why people have been hating so much. And like you said, they probably are either getting paid to or just ignorant...

I'm curious though, everybody always compares EOS to only ETH but EOS is also going to be competing with all of them, like Waves, Stratis, NEO, CounterParty, etc?

EOS is platform – decentralized operating system for decentralized applications. It is far more then just a coin.
1 000 000 000 EOS = 100% computation power in EOS ( OS / Cloud )
The more EOS you have, the more your app computation power can use. I think you can not call this coin, is more like resources. So if you sell EOS, you sell resources, and if you buy EOS, you buy resources in decentralized operating system.

Do your own research.

Yeah I didn't say EOS was just a coin. I didn't say that. I said that the EOS token was the most FUD-ed coin. No need to get all defensive or anything. Like I said, I'm a big fan... Didn't mean to offend you or anything 😂😏