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RE: Coindesk Libels Dan Larimer

in #eos8 years ago

great analysis of the coinbase article! People craptalk in articles like this all the time. Like you said, someone's probably just pissed off it's potentially invaliding their own CrapCoin, or they're simply peeved they can't get a boatload of cheap EOS tokens for themselves at a reasonable price.

Crap like this happens in the stock market every day. Those who buy into the "hype" (positive or negative), will lose out by buying in the sky, or dumping into a ditch.

Be it as it may, it's what makes markets. It's what also gives me hope that at some point, there will be an opportunity to pick up all the EOS tokens you want for a fraction of what some originally paid for them. "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose..."

Shedding some light on the EOS Token Purchase Agreement.Finally, if you haven't seen this post by @cob yet, it's worth a read too:

btw, not sure if I had a chance to meet you guys, but I was also at the EOS VIP Party! :)


Tony oh boy ... this guy is just and idiot to make it short on that topic

> But Tierion's Vaughan makes a case for allowing entrepreneurs to innovate without all the gloom and doom.

> “At the end of the day, this is a team of people who have come forward, and they’re trying to build something that they think is innovative and that they want people to build new applications on top of,” Vaughan said, adding:

 > “I think everybody should support people who are doing innovative things. That’s what we need in the world.”

Disclosure: CoinDesk is a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which has an ownership stake in Tierion.

if u just read the last sentence then u know why articles on coindesk will be never objective ... they just supporting fake journalism without even using proper sources ... at least i can say, the financial freedom i got, i owe Dan and can't say how much i'm thankful for getting this chance to work and think & discuss / create with a small group of great people who are not here to get rich but delivering "solutions" for real life problems ..

Steem and BitShares are processing already more tx a day then BTC and ETH together and in 3 sec not minutes .. etc .. but i learned my lessons within crypto communities in the tough way so let people get convinced by themselves , but this will need time ..**as dan seems to be always +1o years ahead of time.

Dan, i mentioned it several times before! Thank you so much for all u are doing .. without you and your ideas i could not work like i'm doing it today ... without have to work on projects just because the money ok, right.

And at least for me, all things he promised he overdelivered at the end .
Glad i got the chance to

Yeah Vays was talking crap about Steemit back in July of last year. Those of us that ignored him have been laughing at him all the way to the bank.

ponzi, huh...? Funny indeed - I didn't invest anything but my time from the start, and more-money-than-I-ever-woulda-expected-in-a-year later...

Yep. If it's a ponzi scheme sign me up for more of them. :)

well there you go, that pretty much says it all right there! Let's see what their reviews of ... (drumroll) ... TIERION look like! lol

As always, those savvy enough to see through the "hype and misdirection", while still considering the "bigger picture", will likely fair just fine.

Awesome post bro i just follow you well post

This is a good point. Anyone who misses the boat is going to bad talk the company. What they need to do is just show some self-restraint and keep their eyes out for the next one!

I've seen nothing but negative comments about EOS, but have not verified anything myself.

This is actually a promising article with a lot of good information. And good reminder to always do your own research. I still likely wont be investing but best of luck. Last thing we need is another useless coin to clog things up. Doesn't sound like EOS is but time shall tell!

follow me on twitter for more #crypto news, comments, memes, questions, and shittalking...

The EOS token is not intended to serve as a currency like Bitcoin. It is simply a way to monetize a distributed computing network. Special purpose token that does something real.

EOS working well